On sanctity


Part of The Cross

On sanctity
extracted text
20 THE CROSS ON SANCTITY by Alice V. Guerrero Hove you ever contemplated on the meaning of the word sanctity? It has a deep significance. A host of people, heroes ond heroines of God, have lived and left the earth leaving the fragrance and benediction of their sanctity. And it is from their lives that we may derive and sum up the meaning of the word. The word sanctity implies holiness and perfection, the end and aim of our existence. Sanctity sinks its roots in the very foundations and depths of the soul. Sanctity is deep, not shallow; it is' clear ond pure, not vague. And be­ cause it is deep, it is also lasting for it pervades the whole lifetime of the individual. Sanctity i§. not a spark or the glow of an ember that dies in a moment, but it is a flame so powerful that it sets the soul and heart on fire. Sanctity governs the whole individ­ ual, every faculty of his—the mind, the will, and the heort, the seat of emotions. Sanctity is the clasped, folded hands of one deep in prayer and not the fists that clench with hatred. Love is its base and foundation for i t is the love of God which makes it bloom and blossom into it. Thus, we conclude that sanctity is spiritual perfection founded in the love of Christ. But if we wish to grasp the entire meaning of the word, wfe must first catch a glimpse of Heaven. "Joe, did you hear Eleo snoring in church this morning during the sermon? It was simply shameful, oin't it?" "Yes, yes, I did—it woke me up." ♦ ♦ ♦ A vain young clergyman asked on old man how he enjoyed his sermon. "I like one passage at the end very much," said the old man. "Which was that?" he asked. "The one from the pulpit to the vestry," said the old mon.
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