The chaperone


Part of The Cross

The chaperone
extracted text
46 THE CROSS Hi Kids! Z)he Chaperone Pen Pal Column conducted By AUNT LUISA Gosh, how time flies. . . why, it's Christmos again!!! Isn't it simply great to be alive? Isn't it simply wonderful to spend these beautiful days before Christmas with Mary and Joseph. . . eagerly, anxiously, waiting for the Christ Child to come into our hearts again? Wow. . . just look ot that pile of Christmas cards on my desk! ot that! But. . . but it's simply very heartwarming to see how all of you think of one another. You con just imagine the fun I'm having forward­ ing your letters. Tut. . . tut. . . it's no trouble at all, no trouble at aU. Why, I can spend hours re-addressing your cards. Let me see. . . hmmm, this card goes to somebody down in Davao. . . and this one, sniff, sniff,. . reminds me of a big red rose. . . oh, it is for Chorito U-101. Gee, I'm very sure she will be extremely happy to receive this cord. Y' see, kids, she is going to undergo a very delicate send her some magazines, please soy an extra-special prayer for her, huh? Oh, by the woy, those of you who are going home to the provinces this Christmos season, do send me your vacation addresses before you leave. You want to receive your cards on time, don't you? Whot do you know, Genie L-110 is finally back in town after a sixmonth stay in the Stotes. . . Welcome home, deor,... bet you ore simply a-bubbling with news about your re­ cent trip. Has anybody heard from our assets abroad, Anthony U-100, Josie J-107, and Cerila F-103? Do share the news with us. Everybody Speaking of friends abroad, I guess we'll have to wait for sometime be­ operation sometime this month. - You will be doing her a perfect act of charity, indeed, if you drop her a line or two of cheer. If you can fore we can finally publish lists of names of foreign' pen-pals. Y' see, we are trying to establish some connectiohs with the Chaperon Club of the Extension Magazine in the United States. It is olso a Catholic pen-pal club which functions very much like ours and whose members come from the different parts of the world. If any of you knows some boys ond DECEMBER, 1952 47 girls who ore interested in exchanging letters with us, or if any of- you comes across lists of names of for­ eign pen-pals in the mogazines you read, do send those lists to me. I understand thot a number of young people are very eager to join our family but are quite in doubt as to the best means of how to go about it. Well, here's how. . . Write the Chaperone a howdy note and tell her such things os your age, your school, your occupation, your hobbies, your pet peeves, your favorite bosket­ ball teem and oh, anything that you feel like telling old Aunt Luisa. En­ close a fifty-centavo worth of stamps and presto! she'll see to it thot you meet the right kind of pen-chum. I would appreciate it very highly, indeed, if those of you who send your letters to the Australian giris through me would enclose sixty cents worth of stamps thot is if you want me to send your letters via airmail. Say "howdy" to the following peo­ ple. . . Lucito S-1 19 decided to throw in with us to breok the monotonous hospitol life. He is now confined in the V. Luna Hospital. Well. . . what are you waiting for, kids? We con not offord to fail him now. Potenciano F-106, enrolled four of his friends. First among them, is Gloria W-ICO who spends most ot her time writ­ ing letters now that she is out of school for a much needed rest. Cresencia R-11 7 just finished her AA and intends to toke up journoiism next year. Heading the list of our new mem­ bers for this month is onother sail-ho lad, Tarlac-born, Lucito S-119 who is ot present ot the V. Luna Gen. Hospital. Welcome to the fomily, Lucito. How would you like ex­ changing sea-tolk with Emetrio M106 ond Jesus M-109 who are both sail-ho lads, too? Down from Legaspi city came a very breezy letter (ala typhoon "Trix") from Chita U-104. Chita, is a sophomore—commerce student at the Legaspi College. Loves writing letters, reading novels and listening to radio request programs. Nenito C-129, who has been on avid reader of our column for the pact months, finally decided to hop right into the Chaperone bandwagon before she misses anymore fun. A senior in one cf the Cathoiic schools in Torloc she likes to sing, to dance ond to engage in Catholic action work. Teresita U-102, recruited two more young ladies who are both her classmotes at the Ateneo de Cagayan. Tsk. . . tsk. . . did I hear somebody howl in protest? Sure they attend closses ot the Ateneo Cagoyanbranch, in the afternoons, thot is. Vicky N-105 is a senior-B. S. E. ond what do you know, she not only sings but ploys the guitar too! Eleanor P-112 is’ a perfect example of teenager moderne. . . simply loves to dance, the boogie specially, plays the piano, sings. . . favorite sport? Why, bowling of course! A VERY BLESSED CHRISTMAS TO YOU ALL!!!
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