New University Laboratory


Part of The Marsman Magazine

New University Laboratory
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 5) November 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Students of mining engineering at the University of ihe Philippines now have access to the most modern milling machinery and equipment, with the completion a short time ago of the installation of the new metallurgical laboratory by Marsman Trading Corporation. A flotation plant continuou:.:; laboratory (top) is the chief piece of equipment with which the U.P. students will pursue their studies. This plant has a capacity of 50 to 200 pounds of ore per hour. It can be used for research in ore dressing, particularly flotation, and as a miniature mill for experimental work where different combinations of reagents, rates of grinding, and changes in flowsheet can be studied accurately. Professor V. V. Clark, head of the mining department of the University of the Philippines, explains the flotation cells to two of his students. NEW UNIVERS1 Front view of the new installal fier, and motors. Laboratory flotation cells, Sub-A Fahrenwald type. These will be used to supplement the work of the main unit. Left to right, Seton Foley,· sales engineer f o r Marsman Trading Corporation; David Minton, instructor in metallurgy at the University; Professor Angeles, head of the mechcmical engineering department of the U. P.; and Professor 'V. 'V. Clark. 'Y LABORATORY on, showing the switch board) classiLaboratory ball mill and DFC pulverizer, to be used by the U.P. students in their metallurgical studies. This unit, supplied by the Denver Fire Clay Company of Denver, Colorado, through Marsman Trading Corporation, consists of a steel ore bin, adjustable gate; belt ore feeder, reducer drive; 12-inch by 12-inch ball mill; 6-inch classifier, rotary type; vertical centrifugal pump; conditioner (agitator) ; 6-cell Sub-A Fahrenwald flotation machine; wet reagent feeder; 6-inch dry reagent feeder. The framework is of steel, bolted constr.uction, and with wood flooring. The machines are of all-metal design with individual motor v-rope drives .. The University of the Philippines now has the best-equipped ore dressing laboratory in the Philippin~s. The mining students do their assaying in the:'Marsman Laboratory, presented to the University in 1936 by Mr. Marsman.