Mill Construction at Tuba well advanced


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Mill Construction at Tuba well advanced
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 5) November 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Mill Construction At Tuba Well Advanced Construction work on the Tuba project in the Paracale district is well under way, and the plant will go into operation sometime in January, 1939. The mill will be an all-slime cyanide plant with the exception that some free gold will be removed in the grinding circuit by the use of simple hydraulic gold traps. The capacity of the pilot plant will be 50 tons daily. Through this plant will be run the large accumulation of ore derived from development work. At present the mine is in a position to furnish the mill with 50 tons of ore daily; as development work progresses and more ere is exposed, additional units will be added as required. The ore will be trammed from the main shaft to an inclined hoist which will deliver the ore to the mill bin. At the bin the ore will be dumped over a grizzly spaced at 2-1/2 inches. The oversize will go to a wheeling jaw crusher and be reduced to one inch size. The undersize from the grizzly will be conveyed to a trommel washer. The washer oversize will go to the crusher and the under.size to the Akins high weir type classifier which will a1so handle the circulating ball mill load. From the fine ere bin the crushed ore will be fed to an Eimco 5' x 4' grate discharge ball mill. Hydraulic gold traps The Tuba mill building takes shape. C. · A. Weekley, left, head of ··he metallurgica.Z department of M arsman & Company, ,and L. H. Hinckley, general superintendent of the Tuba project. will be placed between the ball mill discharge and the classifier to remove a concentrate rich in coarse free gold. This material will be fabled, amalgamated, retorted, and smelted along with the precipitate from the cyanide plant'. mental to cyanidation have been encountered in the ore and no trouble from this source is anticipated. Dorr type agitators and thickeners of sufficient capacity are provided to give the required contact time for the economical dissolution of the values. From the final thickener the pulp will be filtered and washed with barren solution and water before discarding to waste. The Crowe-Merrill precipitation system will be used and the clean-up melted in a D FC tilting furnace. L. H. Hinckley is in charge of the property and is supervising the. construction work at the mill site as well as the mine development. Test work en the mine run ore indicates that a recovery of 90% or better. can be expected. No elements detriTesting of the ore and the designing of the mill were done by the metallurgical department of Marsman & Company, with C. A. Weekley in charge and H. G. Iverson as assistant. Close Ba•an Belalionsbips -exist between this bank and the people of this Community. THERE are no dinding lines between the interests and welfare of this bank and the interests and welfare of Its neighbors, whether or not they are customers. Our depositors who entrust their funds to our keeping represent a broad average of the men and women of the Community. Our bor ... rowers· are-men and women engaged In active business enterprises which, we feel, entitle them to the use of the bank's credit resources created With the aid of our depositors' money. This bank, as a center of the financial interests of these men and women, makes possible interchange of practical helpfulness. PEOPLE'S BANK A1'-il TRUST COl\IPANY Manila, Philippines Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, ·· Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna San Fernando, Pampanga THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for November,· 1938 15