Reconsideration of Senate Bill No. 263


Part of Diario de Sesiones de la Legislatura Filipina

Reconsideration of Senate Bill No. 263
Bills, Legislative -- Philippines
Legislative bodies -- Philippines
Philippines -- Congress -- Senate
Legislative bodies -- Congresses
Philippines -- Politics and government
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1422 DIARIO DE SESIONES Escrito de los cha.uffeurs de profesión, recabando la posposición de la consideración del Proyecto de Ley No. 316 del Senado, o la eliminación en el mismo de ciertos requsitos y condiciones perjudiciales a los que ejercen dicho oficio. El l:'RESIDEN'rE. Al Comité de Comercio y CQmU· nicaciones. Resolución de los Maestros del Distrito de Calape, Bohol, protestando contra el proyecto de consolidar el fondo de pensiones de Maestros con los de Constabularia y Sanidad. El PRESIDENTE. Al Comité de Hacienda. Resolución de protesta contra .el Bill Aquino, sobre el Divorcio, de las siguientes entidades: Concejo Municipal de Panglao, Bohol. Concejo Municipal de Anda, Bohol. "Cebu Dames Social Circle," Cebú. Vecinos de Bacolod, Negros Occidental. Centro Católico y otras sociedades católicas de Panglao, Bohol. Centro Cató1ico e hijas de María, Madridejos, Cebú. Vecinos de Duero, Bohol. Vecinos de Dimiao, Bohol. Vecinos de Panitan, Cápiz. "Catholic Truth Society," Bago, Negros Occidental. Vecinos de Tibiao, Antique. El PRESIDENTE. Al Comité de Justicia. Resolución de protesta contra el Bill Bacon, de la Junta Provincial de Masbate y del Concejo Municip•l de Wright, Sámar. El PRESIDENTE. Al Comité de Relaciones Exteriores. INFORME DE COMITÉ NO. 191 MR. P'RESIDENT: The Committee on Justice to which was referred on October 6, 1926, Sena te Bill No. 314, entitled: "An Act to reorganize the society for the prevention of cruelty to animals in the Philippine lslands established in accordance with Act Numbered Twelve hundred and eightyfive of the Philippine Commission," t8th~uie:!:li:t~h:h:ª~~o::I~g h;:c:!~~~3~fio~: return it That it be approved without amendment. This measure would be a great aid to the promotion of human education in the Philippines. It would also generalize the benefits derived from the activities of the society ~~a~: r:::e~ti:~d ºfd~d~~:: f~r ~~~~~mhn1ri~~~~ foster Respectfully submitted, (Sgd.) JOSE C. VERA Chairman, Committee on Jmtice The Honorable, the PRESIDENT OF TBE SENATE. El PRESIDENTE. Al Calendario de la Cámara. INFORME DE COMITÉ NO. 192 SEÑOR PRESIDENTE: El Comité de Hacienda del Senado al cual se trasladó el 2 de septiembre de 1926, el Proyecto de Ley No. 904 de la Cámara de Representantes, titulado: "Ley que crea una Junta para estudiar e investigar procedimientos para convertir abacá y otras fibras semejantes en hilo para tejer género para sacos, que destina la cantidad de treinta y cinco mil pesos para dicho efecto, para comprar la maquinaria necesaria para la demostración práctica de dicho procedimiento a base de fábrica, y para otros fines," lo ha examinado y tiene el honor de devolverlo informado al Senado con la recomendación siguiente: Que sea aprobado sin enmienda. Respetuosamente sometido, (Fdo.) H. VJLLANUEVA PreBidente Interino, Comité de Hacienda Al Honorable PRESIDENTE DEL SENADO. El PRESIDENTE. Al Calendario de la Cámara. ----------------·-·---PROYECTO DE LEY EN PRIMERA LECTURA De los Senadores Tirona y De los Reyes (S. No. 346, 7.• L. F.), titulado: Ley que reglamenta las horas de trabajo de los obreros y empleados. . El PRESIDENTE. Al Comité de Industria, Trabajo e Inmigración. . SUSPENSIÓN DE LA SESIÓN El Sr. ÜSMEllA. Señor Presidente. El PRESIDENTE. Señor Senador por el Décimo Distrito. · El Sr. ÜSME!lA. Pido que se suspenda la sesión por algunos minutos. El P~SIDENTE .. ¿ Ti~ne el Senado algu11a objeción a la moción? (Silencio.) La Mesa no oye ninguna. Queda aprobada. Se suspende la sesión hasta nuevo llamamiento de la Mesa. REANUDACIÓN DE LA SESIÓN Se reanuda la sesión, ocupando el estrado el Senador RodPlguez, por designación del Presidente. El PRESIDENTE. Se reanuda la sesión. El Sr. QUIRINO. Señor Presidente. El PRESIDENTE. Señor Senador por el Primer Distrito. El Sr. QUIRINO. Propongo que se constituya el Senado en Comité de Toda la Cámara para la consideración de las enmiendas propuestas por los senadores Vera, Alegre, Villanueva y Osías al Proyecto de Ley No. 263 de este Cuerpo sobre elecciones. SUSPENSIÓN DE LA SESIÓN El PRESIDENTE. Se suspende la sesión del Senado para que el mismo se constituya en Comité de Tod~ la Cámara y proceda a la reconsideración del Proyecto de Ley No. 263 de este Cuerpo, que está señalada para hoy. • SESIÓN DEL COMITÉ DE TODA LA CÁMARA El PRESIDENTE. Se abre la sesión del Comité de Toda la Cámara. Está en orden la reconsideración del referido proyecto. RECONSIDERACIÓN DEL PROYECTO DE LEY NO: 263 DEL SENADO El PRESIDENTE. Léanse las enmiendas. El CLERK DE ACTAS: . SE~. 404. Certificate of candidac1i ctnd certifica,te of nomination.-No person shall be eligible for the office of Senator, . Representative, or for any elective provincial or ru:~c~:ly o~;~~n~~~i~:~noib~a~idida~;e~a~ l:w~e~i;::~ of nomination." . pe:a~t :h~~:c~~:~~~e cunt:::l a~~~~~c:s~c~:e pe~f ts t~ ~hatnh:u~ce~, !~~d~:~d~~ª~te fo!1e~rJºsJf!~ric~n o~u:~ti~h~ province or municipality, as the case may be, in which bis candidacy is oft'ered; that he is a duly qu&lified elector therein, and that he is eligible to tbe offiee. The certificate shall also state the name of the poiitical party to which the candidate belongs "and by which he was nominated " or that he belongs to none, if such be the case, and the Post-office address of such candidate for ali electoral purposes. Each candidate for an Insular or provincial office or for municipal presi~ent shall sign a ~worn statement in which he LEGISLATURA FILIPINA 1423 shall .state that bis expense budget for the electoral canpaign will not exceed one third of the (salary) "total emoluments" attached to the office for the term of the same. This statement shall be filed together with the certificate of candidacy: Providedi, (That a group of not less than ten electors may likewise file the certificate of candidacy for any municipal office, of any person consenting to or permitting bis candidacy to be announced: Provided further,) That in case there are two or more candidates for the same elective office who have the same name and surname, any one of them who has at any time been elected to any elective Insular, provincial or municipal office may continue using the name and surname set forth in bis previous certificate of candidacy, while tbe others sball be obliged to state in their eertificates of candidacy, in addition to their name and surname, their second na me or maternal family name; and in case tbese candidates present themselves for the first time for the same elective office, they shall all be obliged to State in the certifi.cate of candidacy, in addition to their name 8nd surname, the second name or maternal family name. "No candidate shall be entitled to election unless he has been nominated. by tbe political \larty or political group ~~e~~~t~~eJ1i:le~~~;~fi.C:::ei~~f~:~d~::~ftied. by the number "All nominations made by political parties or political groups sball be known and designated as 'party nominations' and the certificates by which such nominations are certi- · fied sball be known and designated as 'party certificates of nominations.' Such nominations can be made only by a delegate or mass convention of qualified electors belonging to the party or group in tbe district, or ptovince, or municipality, as tbe case may be: Provided, That a . candidate for the oflice of Senator for a di.strict comprising three or more provinces may be nominated by bis party in only two of said provinces. No party certifica te of nominations shall be valid unless signed and sworn to by the presiding oflicer ana secretary of the convention makin~ such nomination. The certi.ficate of nomination shall contain the name of the nominating party, the name of each person nominated, bis residence, bis business or occupation and the oflice for which he is nominated. "Two or more district political groups in a municipality, province or Senatorial District may nominate, i.f they so choose, one and the same person for a given oflice. "Controversies in regard to party nominations for tbe office of Senator shall be decided by tbe National Committee of tbe party concerned, should there be such a committee, otherwise by the dift'erent· provincial committees that the party or group may bave within the Senatorial District. Controversies in regard to nominations for the office of Representative and for provincial and municipal oflices shall be decided by the corresponding provincial committee. "All nominations other than partY nominations shall be known and designated as 'independent nominations,' and the nomination papers whereby such nomination~ are made shall be lmown and designated as 'independent •certifica tes of nominations.' Every independent certificate of nomination shall state the name of the person nominated, bis residenee, bis business or ocupation, and the oflice for which he is nominated, and must be signed by twenty per centum of the total number of electora registered in a municipality in the preceding general or special election if the candidacy is for a municipal office in that municipality; twenty per centum of the total number of electors registered in any three municipalities of a subprovince in the preceding general or special election if tbe candidacy is for the office of lieutenant governor for that subprovince; twenty per centum of the total number of electors registered in any six municipalities of a province if the candidacy is for a provincial oflice in tbat province; ten per centum of the total number of electors registered in a wbole district in the pi;eceding general or special election if the candidacy is for tbe office of representative for that district; and twenty per centum of the total number of electors registered in tbe preceding general or special election in any province comprised in a Senatorial District if the candidacy is for the offi.ce of Senator for the district. Each voter signing an independent certificate of nomination shall add to bis Signature bis place of residence, his address and the precinct and municipalities where he registered at the preceding election, and one of the signers to eacb certificate shall make and subscribe an oath that ali the signatures thereto are genuine, and also that, to the best of bis knowledge and belief, the statement therein contained are true, and a certift.cate of such oath shall be annexed to each of the sbeets or .pieces of paper composing the certificate of nomination. No such certifi.cate of nomination shall contain the names of mo:re than one candidate for any oflice, and if it does, -it shall be void. No one person shall join nomination more than one person for the same oflice, and if he does, bis name sball not be counted on any certificate.'' SEC. 405. When and with whom certificates o/ candidacy and certificates o/ nomina.tion to be filed.-Tbe certificates of candidacy "and the certificates of nomination" for the office of Senator. and Representative shall be filed not less than twenty days before the day set for the election with the Chief of tbe Executive Bureau, wbo sball immediately send certifi.ed copies tbereof to thc Secretaries of the Houses of the Legislature and to the provincial boarda where the elections are to be held, whicb latter sball forward certified copies to ali :volling plac~s: Provided, Tbat without prejudice to the foregomg provisions, the Executive Bureau shall communicate the names of the candidates who have sent their certificates of candidacy "and certificates of nominations" to it, to the provincial boards by telegraph, if there be any. Certificates of candidacy "and certificates of nominations'' ~~;st\~lo~~v~h~id~;~fe:h!h~~lc~~n fi!rlibn~e l~~~r!:~ t:fe~~ provincial board of the province concerned, who shall immediately send certified copies to all the polling places of tbe province and to the _Executive Bureau. Certificates of candidacy "and certificates of nominations" for municipal offices shall be filed not less than ten days before the day of the election with the municipal secretary, wbo sball send certified copies thereof to tbe polling places of tbe municipality concerned and to the Executive Bureau. It shall be.the duty of the Cbief of the Executive Bureau, the secretary · of · tbe provincial board, and tbe municipal secretary, upon receiving any certificate of candidacy "and certificate of nomination" to acknowledge receipt thereof: Provided, That in case of the death or disqualification of a candidate for any Insular, provincial, or municipal office whose certificate of candidacy "and certifi.cate of nomination" have been duly filed, after expiration of the time limita above established, any legally qualified elector may file either with the secretary of the provincial board or with the municipal secretary, without distinction, not later than the noon hour on the dar, of the election, bis own certificate of candidacy "and cert1ficate of nomination" for the office for which the dead or disqualified person was a candidate: Prooidad, however, That in the event of the death or disqualifi.cation occurring on the day before the election or before the noon hour on the day of the election, said certificates sball be filed with any board of inspectora of the municipality where he resides. SEO. 417. Appointment o/ inspectors ami poll clerk.-It shall be· the duty of the municipal council in each municipality wherein a general election is to be held to appoint, ninety days immediately prior to the date of such general election, three inspectors of election and one poll clerk, with their respective substitutes for eacb election precinct therein, who shaII hold office for three years or until tbeir successors shall have taken charge of the same. The date of the meeting of the municipal council for the appointment of inspectora shall be published at least fi.fteen days in advance of such meeting, by the town crier and other meaos of publication. Sbould tbere be in such municipality one or more political parties or brancbes or fractions thereof, or Í;lolitical groups, then two of said inspectora and two substitutes for tbe same shall belong to the party which polled the largest number of votes in said municipality at the next preceding election and the other inspectora and bis substitute shall belong to the other political party which pooled the next largest ·number of votes as said election sbould there be any such party, and if there is no such party to the party which may be organized in the province after said election, and should there be two or more such new parties, to the one first organized: Provided, That if no su ch other poli ti cal parties have been organized in the province, the third inspector and bis substitute shall belong to tbe political group · wbich polled the next largest number of votes at said election; and the inspectora so appointed sball be persons proposed by the legitimates representatives of such political plll'ties, branches, 1424 DIARIO DE SESIONES or fraetions thereof, or political group: Provided, howe1Jer, se ven y se notan en nuestras leyes sobre este parThat if on or before the date of the designation of the ticular, y habremos escrito también un capítulo más f!:~~ irh::ec;:r:r ª;0f¡ü:~r~~u~e':~Ü'ti~dy ~ª:!~~~~1ti~~ en la historia. de nuestras instituciones políticas. has not j,roposed eligibles for the offi.ce of inspector, the No quiero discurrir largo Y tendido sobre esta designation made by the council shall be :final for such party cuestión, por lo mismo que mi debilidad no me lo or political group: "Provided. further, That if any designa- permite, así que entrando en materia, solamente ~~~r~f i!1e:i~~~ ~sp!~~d:;:s t;~0~~~df!~~ ~:~edi:~sf:n ª:~ diré que si bien es verdad que las enmiendas afectan the case by the court first taking cognizance thereof shall a algunos artíCulos de la parte del Código Adminisbe :final and conclusive. trati'vo que se refiere a las elecciones, esas enmienpaJ; ~~te:A~1~:1 ~:U~1:1b:e ofv;:e1:s fe~~Í:e3Y b~ P~Htii:a! das pueden sintetizarse en una sola o sea en el candidates for insular, provincial and municipal oflices shall enunciamiento de un solo principio alrededor del be taken into consideration, excluding, however, the votes cual giran las otras enmiendas, que son de carácter cast for an oflice for which there was no party competition." -secundario. El pr.incipio que · se enuncia y que se A "political party" is an organized group of persons who establece con las enmiendas propuestas es el siguipurAº~.P~~rti:i~~~~~!ci! i:e~~~be; ~;v~~~~~t. who unite ente: que no se contará ningún voto· a favor de :Eor election purposes. ningún candidato a menos que dicho candidato para No political party or political gi-oup can nominate candi- cualquier cargo, bien municipal, provincial o InsuJiate for a public office unless: lar haya sido previamente nominado por un partido ge!~:} ::i::eci!i ~f:~on~ª:r taken part in the preceding o por un grupo político. LaB otras enmiendas, como That it had filed with the Executive Bureau of least one ya he dicho, son de· carácter secundario Y tienden hundred and sixty days prior to the ensuing election, papers solamente a dar uniformidad, digámoslo así, a aquel showing its organization as a party or political group. principio a que acabo de referirme para que tamTbe certificate showing the organization of 8 party or · bién revistan carácter uniforme las disposiciones :::~C:~ ::0~r:~:~~ ~~ºJ8~n:st!~m~~1reasºftoth;.h~:b!~· t\: de la Ley Electoral afectadas por dicha enmienda organization is municipal or provincial. If it is a municipal principal. De ahí que en el articulo 404 donde organization, there shall be stated the provincial party to consta esta enmienda principal, haya algunas otras which it belongs, if it belongs to a provincial organization; disposiciones que se refieren a cómo deben presen;,h~;f ~ti~n:l PP1:~;c::1 i:r!a~~ti~f~· Jhtt'isª~ª1~a~ysi:r: tarse los certificados de candidatura y nominacionational party. nes Y ante quién deben presentarse, y establece asíThe incorporation papers of a municipal party or group mismQ algunas reglas respecto a .cómo deben lle!}ª~ir::::Sin a!~e 0t~ª~!!: :!, 0 ti~nd;!'db~gi:fe;:; .!'::.: varse a cabo las nominaciones. También, a modo in the municipality; and the incorporation papera of 8 pro- de disposiciones secundarias, están las que se revincial party or group she.11 contain the signatures of all the fteren a la organización de nuevos grupos políticos members of the board of directors and of at least fi.fty reg- o de partidos políticos para evitar la multiplicidad istered voters from each of the municipalities constitutiD.g de los mismos, y así otras disposiciones de menor ;:-vt_~e~ of the total num.ber of municipalities in the who~e importancia que, como ya he dicho, tienden todas In case of a vacancy in the office of election inspector or a reafirmar Y hacer más fuerte dicho principio de poli clerk, tbe same shall be covered for the remainder of the obligar a todo candidato a que sea nominado por un term by the municipal council, as above provided. partido o grupo político. hol:it~~hep:bfüt~ffi~e~f 0~hÍs n~ta!!:~i~~icfo~º a~~rs!:!Ji:: Señor Presidente : todas las medidas legislativas public oflice, shall be eligible to appointment as inspect.or or tienen su razón de ser. Las que carezcan de ella poli clerk. no pueden ser atendidas. Las enmiendas que los SEC. 471. Wllo ma:11 be ce1·tified.-The provincial board of autores se han atrevido a proponer ante esta Cá~::~·~~~Jy º~s t~ie!ºde:Onº{b;~ffi:1•ofªss::to~S:r i:e~::; mara tienen su rázón de ser en algunos defectos of the Bouse of Representatives and to any provincial oftice que hemos notado en la Ley Electoral ; defectos que only persons who have obtained a plurality of votes and who si no son muy importantes, lo son para coartar, have :filed their certifi.cate of candidacy "AND CERTIFI- digámoslo así, el desarrollo de nuestras institucio. CATE OF NOMINATION" in accordance with the provi- nes políticas en lo que respecta a la selección de sions of section four hundred and four hereof. nuestros candidatos y en la intervención a que tienen El Sr. VERA. Señor Presidente. derecho los electores. Esos defectos de la Ley El PRESIDENTE. Señor Senador por el Sexto Die- Electoral que los autores de las enmiendas han notrito. tado, son, poco más o meno¡i, éstas que seguidaDISCURSO DEL SR. VERA El Sr. VERA. Compenetrados de la labor encomeJIL dada a la Legislatura de reajustar las piezas dislocadas de nuestro Gobierno y proponer medidas concretas a cualquier mal social o algunos defectos en las leyes existentes o de proponer remedios que respondan a una necesidad actual dentro de las normas de la razón, y en general de proponer, aprobar y adoptar cualesquiera medidas que tiendan al progreso y bienestar del pueblo, los autores. de las citadas enmiendas, sin pretender sentar plaza de · innovadores ni de didácticos, las someten al Senado, convencidos de que. con la adopción de las mismas, habremos curado algunos alifafes electorales 'que mente pasaré a enumerar. Primer defecto. Que no hay nada en la Ley Electoral ni en ninguna otra ley que se refiera indirectamente a nuestras elecciones, que estimule la formación de partidos o grupos políticos, dando esto por resultado en muchas ocasiones la ausencia de la -responsabilidad colectiva, la responsabilidad, digámoslo así, de un grupo para ante el cuerpo electoral, deficiencia ésta que se nota con claridad meridiana e:p. muchas localidades y en muchas elecciones. Sabemos que aquí en Filipiµas, por ausencia de una legislación sobre este particular, cualquera persona bajo su individual responsabilidad se lanza a Ja palestra en nuestras elecciones y proclama prin_cipios puramente personales. Como