Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume VIII (No. 6) December 1938
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMP ANY The Itogon plant treated 30,656 tons of ore during November, from which P332,27 4.33 was produced. Recovery per ton was Pl0.84; extraction was 85.83%. Development advance totalled 3,677 feet, of which 1,808 feet were capital and 1,869 feet operating advance. Of the capital development, 439 feet were in ore, as were 1,123 feet of the operating advance. Work on the 4, 5, and 6 levels has been suspended until the surface service and underground ore passes are completed. Reopening of the 3 level is being rushed from the portal, 13 raise, 21 raise, and 38 raise. The footage driven during November in connection with the reopening of the 3 level aggregated 165 feet. The main Sesame counterdrive, 875 level, was advanced 20 feet during November, the balance of the month being spent in making raise connection with the 523 winze. This counterdrive is being pushed to intersect the Bala toc 251 vein as soon as possible, and it is expected that this objective will be reached in February. The 550.36 Taka stope preparation has proved the vein to be 30 feet wide in this area, with higher than average assays. Because of the width of the vein: a panel square-set stope, 3. sets wide, is being carried. On the night of November 30 the shaft of the No. 1 primary thickener was twisted when the thickener motor was being restarted after a power shutdown. The resultant repairs took about 4 days; hence, the consequent reduction in the tonnage milled. The thickener was repaired and the mill has been running at full capacity since 10 p. m. December 4. SUYOC CONSOLIDArrED MINING COMP ANY Suyoc Consolidated produced P148,526.10 in November, from the treatment of 6,09_6 tons of ore. Average recovery was P24.36 per ton, and extraction was 85.42%. , Development advance totalled 1,3$5 feet. Of the 7 45 feet of capital· advance, 153 feet were in ore, as were 46 feet of the operating advance. Sinking will be resumed in December in the No. 1 shaft. No advance was made in November due to the necessity for repairs and replacement of timber. 2201 crosscut south is nearing its first objective, and a crosscut to the east will be started in December. On the 19 level the 19242 drift north has been opened up off 2044' raise, has encountered ore and is being advanced to connect with the bottom of the 18-46 2 winze. Although. the vein being followed in 16154 north has pinched down and widened several times during the month, this face is still in ore of above average grade. The 14252 south will be started to investigate the projection of a _very strong quartz outcrop showing on the surface. Mine Ol)erations were ·quite profitable during November, being the best since April of this year. Capital development footage was less due to shortage of labor and soft heavy ground encountered, making progress very slow. The 4 by 4 ball mill installation went . into operation on November 9. The cyanide plant itself operated very efficiently, producing bullion of record fineness. - THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for December, 1938