At your ease with the hierarchy


Part of The Cross

At your ease with the hierarchy
extracted text
8. Domestic Prelates At Your Ease With the Hierarchy By SIR JUSTO bi. LOPEZ, K.S.O.M., K.S.S. Honorary Papal Chamberlain ivith Cape and Sword NEXT in rank to the Protonotaries Apos­ tolic are the Prelates di mantelletta, who are known as Domestic Prelates. This dig­ nity is a title of honor, conferred on de­ serving clerics. Some are given this title in virtue of the office they hold, viz: the Archbishops and Bishops Assistants at the Throne, the Protonotaries Apostolic Partic­ ipating and the Protonotaries Apostolic Su­ pernumerary. Some Archbishops, Bishops, and Protonotaries ad instar before their pro­ motion were Domestic Prelates, like: Their Excellencies Archbishops Jose Ma. Cuenco and Pedro Santos and Bishops Cesar Ma. Guerrero and the Rt. Rev. Mons. Jose N. Jo­ vellanos. There are also some clerics who are Do­ mestic Prelates ad instar durante munere, like: the Canons of the Primatial Church of Pisa, the dignitaries of the Metropolitan Chapter of Catania, and the senior of the Canons of the Basilica of San Lorenzo in Damaso in Rome. By sovereign concession of.the late Pope Pius XII, the Arch-priest of the Chapter of Sts. Celsus and Julian in Rome and the Auditors of the Tribunal of. the Rota at the Apostolic Nunciature in Ma­ drid, Spain have the same title of honor. Finally there are other clerics who have the title by direct grant thru a Brief of appoint­ ment. Their title is personal, and their ap­ pointment is for life. All Domestic Prelates wear for public ceremonies of the Church a purple cassock, sash and matelletta over the rochet, but their biretta unlike that of the Bishop’s is black with a reddish purple f>ompon. How­ ever, during the vacancy of the Holy See, they wear a penitential dress, which con­ sists of a black choir cassock made from woolen material, a rabbi, a sash with black tassels, a simple rochet without lace, a man­ telletta of black. For other ceremonies they use the simar, which is exactly similar to the simar used by Archbishops, Bishops and Protonotaries Apostolic. According to “Costume of Prelates of the Catholic Church” by John A. Nainfa, S.S., Domestic Prelates or Chamberlains should not act as assistants to a Bishop, as they have been appointed for the exclusive serv­ ice of the Sovereign Pontiff, and therefore no Cardinal or Bishop has the right to their personal service. Domestic Prelates are addressed as: Mon­ signor. On the envelopes the address is as follows: The Right Reverend Monsignor (Rt. Rev. Msgr.) N.N. The salutation is: Right Reverend Monsignor, or Dear Mon­ signor, and the concluding phrase is: Sin­ cerely and respectfully yours. For PARTIES, CONVOCATIONS, BANQUETS, ETC. Call up: VALIMEX Chairs & Tables for Hire 940-942 Rizal Ave., Manila * TeL 3-78-19 BRO. ERNESTO G PANLILIO 129 Apo, SMH, Quezon City * Tel. 6-78-13 ENGINEERING 4 ARCHITECTURAL OFFICE of MARIANO SIDECO CIVIL ENGINEER & BUILDER 139 Arlegui, Manila Tel. 3-30-18 April, 1959
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