St. Zita mission founder beatified


Part of The Cross

St. Zita mission founder beatified
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"Yes...I Condemned THE CATHOLIC CHURCH" “And you would, too,” wrote a non­ Catholic recently, "if all the things I heard about it were true. "For years, I kept hearing that the Catholic Church was opposed to the Bible and tried to suppress it. I was told that the Church had changed Christ's teaching and prac­ ticed pompous pagan forms of worship. It was told to me that Catholics worship statues and im­ ages, and that the Catholic Church defied God’s law and changed the Sabbath. "But now I have learned that these stories and many others about the Catholic Church arc not true — and never were.” Every day, thousands of our non­ Catholic friends and neighbors are discovering, as this man did... that Catholic belief, worship and history are widely misrepresented and mis­ understood. That is why we publish these ad­ vertisements ... and invite you to write for free explanatory pamph­ lets. We want you to know us as we are—not as false rumors and slan­ ders represent us to be. We want you to know... if only for your own information.. .what the Cath­ olic Church actually teaches, and what we Catholics actually believe This enables you to get authen­ tic information about the Catholic Church — to investigate in the pri­ vacy of your own home. Then... even though you may not agree with Catholic beliefs and practices will at least understand them. Only then will you be able fairly and in good conscience to judgt our Faith and what it is founded upon. But more than truth and fairness are involved. For if it is true... as we claim it is... that the Catholic Church is the Church established by Christ, it is vital to your salva­ tion that you investigate the gen­ uineness of this claim. That is why we publish these messages. That is why we are happy to send you... without cost or obligation ... au­ thentic information about the Catholic religion on which to form your judgment. home. It explains Catholic teaching on such matters as divorce — mixed mar­ riages — gambling and drinking — why Catholics do not attend non-Catholic worship-and answers many of the false rumors you have heard about the Catholic Church. No cost—no obliga­ tion. Write today —ask for Pamphlet No. KC-15. ST. ZITA MISSION FOUNDER BEATIFIED On April 26. 1959. one more name will be added to the list of holy mortals, with the beatification of Sister Elena Guer­ ra. Sister Elena is the foundress of the Missionary Institute of Saint Zita 'Sisters Oblates of the Holy Ghost> and was known as the apostle of the devotion to the Holy Ghost She was born in Lucca. Italy, on June 23. 1835. from very pious parents. She received a solid Christian education and was instructed in her paternal home by private tutors of great merit From her youth. Sister Elena understood the marvelous treas­ ures of Liturgy and was particu­ larly attracted by the Liturgy of Pentecost. In order to enjoy the language of the Church better, sh'1 dedicated herself with great inten­ sity and love to the study of the Latin Language. She dedicated a great part of her zeal aiding the work of the Propagation of the Faith. On November 4. 1882. Sister Elena founded the Congregation of the Sisters Oblates of the Holy Ghost and gave it as Patroness the great saint of Lucca. Saint Zita. Besides the education of youth, the principal purpose of the con­ gregation is the spread of the de­ votion to the Holy Ghost. It has schools, orphanages.- hospitals, clinics, etc. in Italy. Iran. Brazil. Canada and the Philippines-----Sister Elena died on a Holy Sa­ turday, April 11. 1914 at the very moment when the bells were an­ nouncing the glorious Resurrec­ tion of our Lord. Saint Gemma Galganl. her pupil, also died in Lucca on April 11. Holy Saturday, eleven years before her Holy Teacher. COUPON Religious Information Bureau Knights of Columbus P.O. Box 510, Manila Please send me the free pamphlet “YES ... I CONDEMNED THE CATHOLIC CHURCH.” KC-15. Name ............................................... Address ........................................... Date ................................................. Pag* 16 The CROSS
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