Marsman Organization ends another Year of Achievement


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Organization ends another Year of Achievement
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 7) January 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
THE January 1939 SMAN Vol. III No. 7 MAGAZINE Marsman Organization Ends Another Year Of Achievement The production of Pl,325,255.50 from 54,999 tons of ore milled and 348;450 cubic yards of gravel dredged in December brought the 1938 gold output_ of the Marsman-managed mining companies to P14,680,873-.94 front the treatment of 663,657 tons of ore and 3,908,792 cubic yards of gravel. The .total is more than P6,000,000 over that of 1937, an in'" crease of around 75 % . . In addition to the greatly increased gold production, the other activities of the organization wound up the year in excellent condition. Marsman Building Corporation has the construction of the new home and office building of the United States High Commissioner, started a few months ago, well under way. The 50-ton milling plant under construction for the Tuba projeet in Ca.marines . Norte is nearing compl'etion,, and will be in operation by March. Arrangements have been made for the re-. turn of the bucket-type dredger "Rotterdam" to Paracale, to 2ugment the two new dredgers, ~l\lary Angus" and "Anne Petrdnella" in dredging opera-ti ons. One of the fiitst a·2ciisions made by the board of directors 0f the Marsman Building Corporation in 1939 was at a reeent meeting, when it was decided to proceed immediately with the construetion of a new Marsman Office. Building, to be located in front of the present temporary headquarters of the orgaBization, in the Port Area in Manifa. M. P. TRANCO TO CONCENTRATE ON FREIGHT SERVICE The freight service of M. P. Tranco, Inc. has increased so rapidly during the past few years that it has been found advisable to concentrate the activities of the company on that branch of the transportation service. As a result, annot1ncement has been made of the sale of the pass~i;iger service of M. P. Tranco . to Dangwa Transportation Company; the buses which serve the mining camps in the Baguio district were turned over to Dangwa on January 1, 1939, subject to approval of the Pub-lie Service Commission. In this way tne .. co~pany will be able to i:tnpi'ove its freight service to the · various mining properties ill tfa; Bagnio district. M. ·P. Tran~o was founded in 19~8 by Mr. Ma·rsman to supply much needed iran~portation service to the then-small mining industry of the Baguio dist:rlct. Regular schedules were mairit~ined t() the -mining camps, and freight was hauled to and from the railroad centers in the lowlands to the various mining properties. By 1938-some 35 buses were in operation, and employees of the vari"'. ous mining companies, as well as th~ general public, had. come . to depend upon M. P. Tranco for rapid. a'.nd ef;. ficient transportation. As the mining industry continued to grow, M. P. Tranco grew along with it, and, as mining in the Mountain Province becomes of more and more import"'.' anee in the years to come, M. P. Tranco will as- in the past be ·a vita] factor in this development.