Marsman Executives on the move


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Marsman Executives on the move
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 7) January 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
MARSMAN EXECUTIVES ON THE MOVE The rapidly expanding activities of the Marsman organization are keeping th~ key men "on the go",. as they supervise the various projects and make plans for new activities. Mr. l\'Iarsman himself returned from London a short time ago. After le av in g Manila he visited the Mangani Mine, and then flew from Medan, Northern Sumatra, to Amsterdam. He established Enberg arrived from a combined business and pleasure trip to the Western United States, during which he examined some promising mining properties. · R. W. Crosby of the mine consultation staff, also was in Western America on business and pleasure; during his trip he looked over mining operations in which the organization is inter~ ested. Robert De contacts and Vos, managconcluded valu- ing director of able business M a r s m a n in Amsterdam Hongkong Chia n d London na, i s n o w before return- back in Honging . to Manila When Mr. Marsman returned from London recently, kong after in time t 0 he was met at Pier 7 by.·Mrs. Marsman, his daughter spending some spend the holi- Anne Petronella, and his niece, Eileen Wedderburn. time . in Londe.y season with his family. G. B. Gif- don with Mr. Marsman, following which ford Hull, consulting engineer of Mars- he went to the United States to follow man Hongkong China Limited, con- up negotiations initiated by Mr. Marssulted with Mr. Marsman in London on man. engineering projects for the Hongkong Company. Major A. Beckerleg is now on a business trip to Singapore and surrounding territory where he will investigate several placer properties under consideration by the organization. He will be joined by George W. Kerr, of the board of consulting engineers, and by T. S. Scrutton, consulting engineer for the Hollybush Trust Limited to London, who flew there directly from London. Three of the Marsman executives have reeently returned from abroad. Benj. S. Ohnick, vice-president of Marsman & Ccmpany, returned from a well-earned vacation to Seattle. J. 0. 2 W. L. Carman, of the metals department of Marsman Hongkong China, has returned to Hongkong after a quick trip to the United States in connection with the metals business. He flew from Manila to San Francisco. A. Prisniall, travelling auditor, has returned to Manila after seven months with Marsman Hongkong China in Hongkong. J. E. Atkinson, consulting engineer for the Mangani project, was recalled to Manila for consultation concerning that operation just before the New Year. He has returned to his post tQ supervise the further development of the Mangani mine. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for Ja,num·y, 193.fJ