Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 7) January 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MAURICIO MINING COMPANY San Mauricio was just under the record established in November, and produced in December P497,035.94 from the treatment of 9,734 tons of ore. Average recovery was P51.061 per ton; the highest of any Philippine mining operation. Extraction was up, being 95.05% for gold values. The total production of San Mauricio for 1938 was thus raised to P4,037,292.08 from the treatment of 109,107 tons of ore. The development advance was 1,322 feet, of which 656 feet were capital, 310 assessment work, and 356 operating advance. Of the capital development 266 feet were in ore, as were 17 feet of the assessment work and 303 feet of the operating advance. The December work continued to add to the ore reserves. Tacoma No. 1 drift on the 200 level was advanced 57 feet in high grade ore over a width of 18 inches. Tacoma No. 3 north drift on the 200 level was advanced 63 feet through old workings, and grab samples gave high assays. Tacoma No. 5 north drift on the 200 level was advanced 48 feet, with· good values over a width of 13 inches. Tacoma No. 3 north drift on the 400 level was advanced 117 feet with good ore over a width of 48 inches. Tacoma No. 3 north drift on the 500 level was advanced 31 feet, and has not yet reached the projected position of the high grade ore body already developed on the 200, 300, and 400 levels. Recently, however, a 21;2 foot section of the vein gave unusually high assays. The north drift on the 425 level in the Santa Ana mine was advanced 67 feet, and the south drift on the same SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY The December production of Suyoc was ?136,420.20, from the treatment of 6,556 tons of ore. Average recovery was P20.81 per ton, and extraction was 84.79%. The total production for the company for 1938 was Pl,677,168.09 and the tonnage treated was 76,939. During the month the total development advance was 1,369 feet, of which 694 feet were capital and 675 operating. Of the capital advance 182 feet were in ore, as were 93 feet of the opera ting development. Sinking was resumed in No. 1 shaft during December, and 50 feet of advance was made. Crosscut 2242-E was advanced 18 feet, through a series of well mineralized stringers. On the 1900 level the 19242 was advanced on ore to connect with the bottom of 1846 winze, thus establishing natural ventilation. Mine operations were quite satisfactory, although there was a seasonal shortage of labor. On the 1800 level, the 1801 was temporarily stopped, and the 1862 crosscut started to the east to cut the projection of the ore encountered in this block on the 1600 level. Crosscut 18252 north was extended 33 feet, 23 feet of which were commercial over a narrow width. level 69 feet, both drifts showing ore of low value. Stoping conditions were normal for the month, with all stopes in good condition. Milling operations, and general conditions at the plant were normal for the month. Construction was started at the old San Mauricio shaft on a new headframe which is being constructed inside the old frame in order not to interrupt hoisting . • Clyde R. Smith, mill superintendent at United Paracale, watches closely one of the U. P. m:~l employes scrub bullion bricks befor~_.,weighi,.,,,fl, wrapping, and mailing t... Jhe United States mint.