Letter from Rosario Ocampo


Part of Woman's Home Journal

Letter from Rosario Ocampo
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Manila, January, 1938 OFFICERS Mrs. PILAR H. LUI Pretident Mrs. SOFIA R. DE VEYRA lit Vice-Pniidint Mrs. F. 0. OADWALLADER 2nd Vice-Pruidint Mri. JOSEFA LL. ESCODA Surtttry Mn. GERONIMA T. PECSON Treantrir Mn. JULIA V. 0RTIGA8 Asst. Treasurer National SfriiFratioo of Bomen’s (Slobs of tljr fdiilippineo HEADQUARTERS: 1182 CALIFORNIA, CORNER SAN MARCELINO P. O. Box 80 MANILA TEL. 5-77-31 MEMBERS Board of Dinctori Miss BESSIE A. DWYER Mrs. N. ALMEDA-LOPEZ Mies ROSARIO OCAMPO Mrs. LAURA SHUMAN Mrs. ALICIA QUIRINO Mrs. ROSA SEVILLA ALVERO Mrs. PURA V. KALAW Mrs. JOSEFA JARA MARTINEZ Mrs. CONCEPCION F. RODRIQUEZ Dear Friends, The New Year brings on as always a fresh outlook of things. The blunders of the old year are erased by the resolutions for the new. We witness around us a renascence of ideals, a rebirth, so to speak, of plans and projects for social, physcal, moral, intellectual betterment. Do not let the disappointments of the past be a millstone around our necks, reminding us of defeat and counselling us to cautious inaction. Rather, let us have them be the goading cudgels, pushing us to do and dare brave deeds because we shall not err again in their direction. Let us continue, therefore, with whatever worthwhile work we have begun, all the while keeping on the alert to push on into new fields of endeavour. Last year has been benevolent to us, and the gifts which we received from it are precious. This year opens up for us then with a beautiful vista which we should fill up as the months unfold with useful undertakings. Very sincerely yours, Member, NW FC Board of Directors