Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 7) January 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
settler into portable slag pots and sent to the slag dump. The matte contains about 50 ounces of gold and 150 ounces of silver per ton; it is around 55 % copper. Thus the main object of smelting locally, which is to convert a large tonnage of concentrates into a small bulk of matte, thereby .saving the mining companies sacking, transportation, and treatment charges on a large tonnage of valueless material, is achieved. The ratio of concentration, which depends on the grade of material received is about 15 to 1. In other words, from 15 tons of concentrate received about one ton of matte is produced and is shipped to the copper smelter at Tacoma, Washington, for further treatment and refining. At the present time the Philippine Smelting Co. acts as agent in the further processing of concentrates of ores for the following companies: United Paracale Mining Company, San Mauricio Mining Company, Santa Rosa Mining Company, Paracale Gumaus Mining Co., Gumaus Goldfield, Inc., Santa Ana-San Joaquin Mines, Inc., and several leasers. COCO GROVE, INC. During December the two dredges handled 348,450 cubic yards of gravel, from which P126,964. 78 was recovered. The total output was around P20,000 higher than that of November, and it brought the 1938 production figure to 2,215,337.99 from the 3,908,792 cubic yards of material handled. The dredge Mary Angus handled 171, 760 cubic yards, and recovered P69,157 .33. The area dredged was 112,115 square feet, and the average depth was 40.3 feet. The dredge Anne Petronella recovered P57,807.45 from the 176,690 cubic yards handled. The area dredged was 80,095 square feet, to an average depth of 59.5 feet. Results of December operations checked well with the drill hole logs. In general the dredge operated smoothly, without any serious repairs or overhaul being necessary. Both dredges are working in general accordance with the dredging program, and at the end of the year both had reached the positions expected. I. BECK, INC. 16 Provided Miners Since 1898 Retail & Wholesale Wearing Apparel. Haberdashery for Men, Women & Children. Big Line of Household goods. Radios. Phonographs. Beds. Toys. Send for Catalogue For Reference ask any old Mining Man THE MARSMAX MAGAZINE for January, 1939