Two New Gold Output Records


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Two New Gold Output Records
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 8) February, 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
February 1939 MAGAZINE Vol. III No. 8 Two New Gold Output Records Two Marsman operated mines established new alltime high monthly records during January. San Mauricio passed all existing marks with a production of P504,168.56 from 9,453 tons of ore milled. . Average recovery of P53.33 per ton also established a new mark and leads all other operating companies in the Philippines in the grade of ore treated. United Paracale continued to establish new production records in January with a gross recovery of P238,355.ll. The mill treated 9,426 tons of ore for P25.29 per ton average recovery. Total production from the one placer and four lode operations amounted to Pl,372,691.09, from 54,508 tons of ore milled and 351,545 cubic yards of gravel dredged. Output was approximately P47,000 higher than that of the previous month. -----...... .-..-........ .-....----MARSMAN TAKES OVER ROYAL PARACALE Marsman & Co., Inc. has taken over the management of Royal Paracale Mines, Inc. The main offices of Royal Paracale are now located in the Marsman Building in the Port Area, and the February 21. The company has an authorized capital stock of P2,000,000; of which P665,800 is subscribed and P642,300 paid up. The company was incorporated April 8, 1937, to take over a group of 67 lode claims in Mambutransfer office is that of Marsman and Company. .._ lao. In June, 1937, the company acThe stock of Royal Paracale Mines, quired the I. X. L.-Argos mine, includInc., was listed on the big board of the ing a 100-ton milling plant, in Masha· Manil~ Stock Exchange on Tuesday, te. Th~s _property consists of 55 claims