Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 8) February, 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGON MINING COMP ANY During January the Itogon plant treated 29,266 tons of ore from which P346,242.52 was recovered. Average recovery amounted to Pl 1.83 per ton and extraction was 84.44 per cent. Development advance during the month under review amounted to 5,535 feet. Capital development totalled 3,042 feet of which 515 feet were in ore. Operating development accounted for 2,493 feet with 1,226 feet in ore. Satisfactory progress was made in reopening old workings on both the three and zero levels. Several new stope preparations are underway on the three level. The 875 level Sesame counterdrive was advanced 520 feet in January, and is now about 320 feet from the projection of the Balatoc 251 vein. Drifts on the Taka vein from the main 875 level crosscut were started during the month. The east drift was advanced 25 feet while the west advanced 23 feet. Both drifts uncovered better than average ore. The 700 level station in the Sesame 523 shaft was 90 per cent completed at the end of the month. The shaft timbering to the 800 level will be continued as soon as the work on the station is completed. Development work from this shaft on the 550 and 600 levels was up to expectations. The installation of the Allis-Chalmers hoist at the Sesame 523 shaft should be completed during the current month. Operations in the mine in general were normal. Mill All mill units worked satisfactorily during the month although a combination of hard and oxidized ore, together THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for February, 1939 COCO GROVE, INC. The two dredges at Coco Grove handled 351,545 cubic yards of gravel during January, from which P142,587.58 was recovered. Total production was approximately Pl6,000 higher than that of the previous month. The dredge Mary Angus handled 170,840 cubic yards for an output of P66,221. 7 4. Total area dredged was 90,995 square feet to an average depth of 50.6 feet. The dredge Anne Petronella handled 180,705 cubic yards of gravel and recovered P76,365.84 worth of bullion. This dredge covered 84,060 square feet to an average depth of 58 feet. In general, the dredges operated steadily and without any serious repairs or over haul necessary during J an uary. Sorne trouble developed with the upper tumbler on the Mary Angu3, the repairs of which resulted in some 52 hours of lost time. The Mary Angus is now making the turn to the east and heading again for the shoreline, which should be reached by the middle of May. The Anne Petronella will be operated in the Paracale River area during February and is expected to cross the provincial bridge about the middle of March. Paracale Bay was rough during January as the northeast monsoon was still in full force, but weather conditions in general were better than the previous month. with muddy water from the mine, caused higher tails. Routine replacements in the fine crushing unit consisted of a new bowl -liner, new head and foot sprockets and chain, and 60 buckets for the elevator. General Production was improved during the month_ eon_sidering the low tonnage milled. - 13