Editorial : labor


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Editorial : labor
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 8) February, 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIAL f dble Of Contents LABOR Attempts are being made by professional agitators to stir up labor in the Philippines. It was but natural that this class of trouble-makers would turn Page their attention to the mining industry. So far the activities of this small Two New Gold Output Records . . . . . . . 1 group have resulted only in a few strikes, all of which have be~n aban- Marsman Takes Over Royal Paracale . 1--2 doned within a comparatively short time. Marsman Trading Corporation . . . . . . 3-6 It is a peculiar characteristic of such a situation that it often leads the laborers to be swept a way by the loud arguments of the professional strikemakers, and to be coerced into actions that in their sober moments they would not consider. For example: a professional agitator went to one district in the Philippines, looked over the field, and announced publicly that he was going to start a strike in each of the mines in the area. He gave the order in which these strikes would occur ; so far his predictions have been accurate. The laborers in Philippine mining camps received higher pay, more benefits, and have better working conditions than do the workers in any other industry. When modern mining was started here, a few years ago, there was but little trained labor. The operators engaged unskilled workmen, (Please turn to next page) HISTORY AND GROWTH Mining For The Investor . . . . . . . . . . . 9-11 MINE MANAGEMENT IN THE PHILIPPINES ltogon Mining Company . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Coco Grove, Inc. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 United Paraclle Mining Company . . . . 15 San Mauricio Mining Company . . . . . . 15 Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company. . 16 Philippine Smelting Company . . . . . . 16 Mountain Mines 16 Several Marsm::in Staff Changes . . . . . 17 Marsman Managed Mines . . . . . . . . . . 18 Editorial-Labor .................... 19-20 THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE Puhlil'hed each month for Mflrsma:n & Company, Inc., Marsman Building, PM't Area, Manila, Philippines. P. 0. Ben !97 The magq,zine is sent to all stockholders of Marsman managed -propertie• and to all staff members of tke companies associated with the Marsman interests. NOTE: All ore values, bullion figures, etc., given in this magazine fl,rp expressed in peSOll based O'Tl. gold at 195.()0 an OU1&Ce and silver at the market price. Figures given in monthly reports are ba.r1ed ,,,, mine ass°"ys, and may di!fwr to some e:i:tent from fiftfll mint M' smeltwr re~f".M. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE, PS A YEAR. RALPH KEELER; ]J;~itor and Business Manager THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for February, lM/9 · 19 taught them their jobs, built comfortable and sanitary homes for them, provided them with every reasonable facility for happy living. Hospitals, schools, playgrounds, cines, roads, improvements of all kinds, have dotted the path of mining in these Islands. Through all this the mining laborers have been contented. They have been brought to a higher scale of living than ever before, their families are better provided for than are their relatives in other industries, and, all in all, their lot has been good. It is unfortunate indeed that a few radicals can, for the sake of the cash which they collect from each laborer whom they persuade to join their soE. E. Elser, Inc. called labor unions, disturb even slightly the smooth progress of the mining industry. In most cases the strikers, after they have had time to think things over, admit that they joined a walkout because of the excitement, because of the action of some one else, or for any reason in the world except one of personal dissatisfaction. President Quezon has said that labor should take the proper legal steps in case of discontent. It is hoped that the government will see to it that the activities of the handful of organizers are kept strictly within legal bounds, and that they are not permitted to continue their flagrant abuse of the confidence of the laborers. All Forms of Insurance Telephone 2-24-28 P. 0. Box 598 MANILA !O THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for February, 1939