Itogon Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Itogon Mining Company
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 9) March 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ITOGGN MINING COMP ANY Itogon production for the month of February was P312,437.69, from 26,328 tons of ore treated. The recovery per ton was Pll.87, while extraction was 85.22%. The development advance for the month was 4,568 feet. Of the 2,669 feet of capital advance, 1,030 feet were in ore, as were 951 of the 1,899 feet of operating advance. The 875 Sesame 23 counter-drive, west, was advanced 407 feet during the month. This heading cut the Balatoc 252 vein. No definite statement can be made yet about this vein, but samples from the area showed good values. Better than average results have been obtained on the 350-foot level, where the 23 vein has been driven to the east 99 feet. On the 540 level an advance of 114 feet was made with average results. Two levels have been connected on the Taka shaft, which will give a good working position, and allow workings in this section of the mine. The power plant operated normally during the month. Considerable work was done in the electrical department with installation on the 523 winze hoists. Although the weather was very dry, general conditions at the mine were good. With the tXception of some routine replacements, the mill operated satisfactorily for the entire month. PHILIPPINE SMELTING COMPANY Operations during February at the Philippine Smelter were very satisfactory. During the 21 days of operation 1.183.~7 tons of concentrates were smelted~ after which the smelter was shut down for repairs and to accumu.late a stock of concentrates. The output of the plant was 95. 75 tons of smelter products which contained 9,058.85 ounces of gold, 1,608.4 ounc~~-~ of silver, and 64.495 tons of ounce§ .... of silver, and 54.495 lbs. of copper. In addition, the plant produced 76.4 tons of high g-rade lead Cottrell dust. valued at P12,512, which was shipped to the Selby· smelter. 2 SUYOC CONSOLIDATED MINING COMPANY Suyoc Consolidated treated 5,980 tons of ore in February, from which P144,163.41 was recovered, a recovery per ton of P24.ll. Extraction was 86.97%. The total development advance during the month was 1,746 feet of which 1,119 feet were in capital and 627 in operating development. Of the capital advance, a total of 319 feet were in ore. Operating advance resulted in 43 feet of ore. The shaft was completed to the 2200 level where additional station work was started. Crosscut 2201 south and 2215 east were advanced 44 and 43 feet respectively. An advance of 18 feet was made in crosscut 2201 north~ In order to get out of the altered zone and into harder rock, 2201 north was turned east. The heading was advanced 43 feet. To the south, crosscut 2001 was advanced 38 feet. 20142 north was continued during the month on a 2-foot quartz, gypsum stringer and some ore values were found. The 19242 north and the intermediate 19242 north and south continued in average value ore. On the 242 and 130 veins, four stopes have been started. 18162 north and 18162 south on the 18162 vein were advanced 85 and 55 feet respectively. On the vein 1862 a raise was started to connect through to the bottom of 1662 winze. From the 1662 winze, 17154 drift north was advanced 10 feet in average ore. The 1452 crosscut west was &tarted off the 14254 south to prospect and determine the southern extension of the 14364 vein. It is worthy of note that this month of February was the best February since production started. Mine and mill operations were normal and satisfactory during the perio~ under review. Test work is now under way to segregate zinc and nickel into marketable products. It is expected that the smelter will be able in the future to recover U£ese elements at a profit. The ratio of concentration for the . month was 13.32 to I. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, .19.W