United Paracale Mining Company


Part of The Marsman Magazine

United Paracale Mining Company
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
SAN MAURICIO MINING COMP ANY The production at San Mauricio for the month of February was but slightly under the all time high of the previous month. The mill treated 8, 736 tons of ore for a total value of P501,826.48. The recovery averaged P57.44 per ton, with an extraction of 94.8%. The total development advance in footage for the month amounted to 1,588 feet; 1,184 feet were-:' in capital development with 104 feet in ore while of the 404 feet in operating development, 70 feet were in ore. These developments for February resulted in additional increases in the ore reserves of the Company. With occasional flashes of ore, the Spokane drift on the 200 foot level was advanced 99 feet. The Tacoma No. 3 north drift, San Mauricio Mine, was advanced 16 feet to the peridotite contact on the 200 foot level. This drift will be continued to furnish fill for stopes. With a showing of good values, three crosscuts from the 500 Tacoma north drift were opened. The average width on this vein was from 5 to 6 feet. Above this on the 400 level vein 1960 north was cut. The vein has been completely crosscut, but as yet no assays have been made. The 425 level north drift in the Santa Ana shaft was advanced 53 feet during the month in ore averaging P69.30 per ton. The drift has a width of 55 inches. In the south drift of 425 level, an advance of 51 feet in ore was made. During the month stoping operations condition. The mine is in good condition with plenty of ore available. The mill operated normally during the month in review. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for March, .1939 UNITED PARA CALE MINING COMPANY United Paracale treated 8,901 tons of ore for a total recovery value of P234, 790. 71 or an average recovery per ton of P26.37. The extraction was 91.0o/a. Development advance for the month amounted to 1,111 feet in capital development and 83 feet in operating. The 207 south drift, San Antonio 200 level, was advanced 34 feet along the vein 5 feet wide. On the San Antonio 400 level, the 4S crosscut east was advanced 217 feet through granite cutting one vein 3.2 feet wide. The 404 drift north 400 foot level, was advanced 37 feet along the vein 3.2 feet wide starting from 4 south crosscut east, in average grade ore. The 404 drift south on the same level starting from 4 south crosscut east was advanced 13 feet along the vein 2.2 feet wide. Drift 201 north on the Baluarte 200 level was advanced 43 feet in peridotite during the month. Drift 402 south in the Baluarte 400 level was advanced 53 feet along the vein 4.2 feet wide. The Haliguing Bato shaft was sunk 38 feet, bringing the shaft to a total depth of 272 feet from the zero level. The Big Bear crosscut west was advanced 80 feet through granite cutting two veins. These two veins are to be called number 5 and 6 respectively. The No. 5 drift south was advanced 28 feet along the vein 2.5 feet wide, with good assays. The No. 6 drift south was advanced 37 feet along the vein 1.6 feet wide in average commercial grade ore. The Malaguit west crosscut was advanced 56 feet through soft, decomposed granite. In the mill, the jaw liners of the Blake crusher were changed and the crusher given a complete and thorough overhauling. During the month the operations in the mill were most satisfactory.~ Weather conditions during the month at the property were good. 17