Panorama Quiz


Part of Panorama

Panorama Quiz
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PANORAMA QUIZ THIS feature is intended to test your fund of information on matters that an educated person should know. Read each question carefully. Check the answer you think is correct. After you have gone over all of them, look up the correct answers on page 67. 1. The only reigning queen in Eu·rope is Queen: (1) Beatriz; (2) Juliana; (3) Isabella; (4) Emma; (5) Wilhelmina; (1>) Christina. 2. Calories in food are measured for diets, and calories themselves measure: (1) tM fat content; (2) the weight; (3) the heat-producing value; (4) the iron; (5) the sugar content; (6) the acid content. 3. "Fletcherize" was a popular term thirty years ago and referred to a vogue for: (1) wearing loosefitting clothing; (2) marriage only by elopement; (3) thoroughly chewing one's food; (4) muscular ezercise upon arising. 4. It was in an adult-education class that the teacher gave the pupils these six words, with one correctly spelled: (1) mayonaise; (2) langourous; (3) promiscouity; ( 4) tercentenary; ( 5) braggadosio; ( 6) hallibut. 5. Just before the ski jumper jumped, a spectator bellowed: "Which one of these statements is true?: (1) Mutt is shorter than Jeff; (2) a peccadillo is a pig-like mammal; (3) the word dissident means dissipated; (4) an airplane cannot run backwards. 6. The new dirigible recently 16 completed and christened in Germany is named: (1) Graf Zeppelin; (2) Hermann Goering; (3) Horst Wessel; (4) Nazi Eagle; (5) Siegfried. 7. All right, if you're so smart, which of these is the Spanish Main? (1) the western end of tM Mediterranean; ( 2) the northeast t:"ast of the mainland of South America; (3) the Caribbean; ( 4) the South Atlantic. 8. During the World War ..... was the first country to make peace with enemies: (1) Turkey; (2) Austria-Hungary; (3) Italy; (4) Russia; (5) Bulgaria; (6) Finland. 9. William Harvey disc<>overed one of these important facts about the body: (1) there are stomach digestive acids; (2) the blood circulates; (3) organisms cause infection; ( 4) a hangover follows a drunk. 10. The Philippine hymn Tierra Adorada (Land of the Morning) was written by: (1) Rafael Palma; (2) Jose Rizal; (3) Fernando Ma. Guerrero; (4) Jose Palma; (5) Juan Luna. 11. The Filipino politician who was said to have tumbled down from a high public post and "fell PANORAMA into the arms of the people" is: (1) Manuel L. Quezon; (2) Mar nuel Briones; (3) Quintin Pareclea; (4-) Manuel Rnas; (5) Rar fael Alunan; (5) Benigno Aquino. 12. The new Pope bearing the name of Pius XI!l was known before his selection as: (1) Cardinal Mundelein; (2) Cardinal Dommumi; (3) Cardinal Pacelli; ( 4) Cardinal H01yes. 13. One of the most successful Filipino businessmen who died this month of March, 1939, was: (1) Franci.Bco Ortigas; (2) Vicente Madrigal; (3) William Shaw; (4) Jose Fernandez; (5) Gregorio Araneta. 14. And speaking of camels, did you know this creature's hump is used primarily for: (1) carrying 1oater; (2) storing fat; (3) making strangers ask silly questions; ( 4) the e:ttra-large kidneya of the beast. 15. As a well-read person you should associate the name Sir Henri Deterding with: (1) British munitions; (2) Cunard-White Star; (3) French shipping; (4) English education; (4) Shell Oil Company. 16. Angina pectoris is a very painful disease usually affecting the: (1) lungs; (2) liver; (3) heart; (4) backbone; (5) teeth; (6) bladder. 17. Next time you swallow a pin you'll probably have it extracted by a doctor using a: ( 1) horoscope; (2) bronchosc<;pe; (3) laryngoscope; (4) breaderscope. 18. To reach the city of Pernambuco, you would go to: (1) Brazil; (2) India; (3) Peru; (4) Argentina; (5) Siam; (6) Colombia. 19. Two of these European countries no longer exist as independent nations: (1) Hungary; (2) Latvia; (3) Bulgaria; (4) Austria; (5) Lithuania; (6) Bosnia. 20. In the present Sino-Japanese war, the Japanese army has alarmed the French by its occupation of one of these islands : (1) Hain an; (2) Formosa; (3) Guam; (4) Sakhalin; (5) Howland. THE diner gave his order to the waitress-and waited and waited. At last, when his patience was almost exhausted, the waitress came with his dinner. He looked at her in amazement and asked: "Are you the one I gave my order to?" "Yes, sir." "Well, well! Do you know, you don't look a day older!" -Parade. MARCH, 1939 17