Women Analysed


Part of Panorama

Women Analysed
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
grams, Cables. Personal calls. You are on the way up. You are a genius ... in Hollywood, anyway ... and you will get your money back and maybe another million besides. -J. Hubbard Chamberlin, condensed from Nation's Business, New York. 54 "WOMEN are more cruel than men in civil wars and outbreaks of mob violence,'' says Professor J. C. Flugel of London University. "Many instances of fiendish cruelty by women have been reported during the Spanish war," he adds. "But women behave like this only at times of great popular excitement. The reason-their make-up is more emotional than that of the male. "On the other hand, women are more often capable of extreme devotion, tenderness, and self-sacrifice." Feminists who insist that men are the inferior sex, and elderly clubmen who belittle the capacities of women, are equally absurd, according to Dr. Flugel. "Women feel pain with slightly more acuteness than men, but as a rule make less fuss about it. "The greater tactfulness of women in social life is due to their sensitivity. But sensitivity also has its disadvantages. For one thing, it gives them a more marked tendency to become hysterical. "In general intelligence tests the differences between men and woman are infinitesimal. But the woman has a greater mental slickness. This is easy to notice in the lesseducated sections. "Go into the house of a lonely bush family. The husband has only a few monosyllables to utter, but his wife will usually have a fluent line of conversation. "In an emergency the male worker comes off best. Women lack the stamina to stand the strain of high-pressure work. "Geniuses-people who make history-are predominantly male. But idiots, who stand at the other extreme of humanity, are usually male also."-S1nith's Weekly. PANORAMA