J.H. Marsman leaves for extended business trip to the States


Part of The Marsman Magazine

J.H. Marsman leaves for extended business trip to the States
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
J. H. MARSMAN LEAVES FOR EXTENDED BUSINESS TRIP TO THE STATES J. H. Marsman, head of the Marsman interests, is show;i with President Manuel L. Quezon, at a luncheo11, gi'V~n by the President in his honor in Baguio, April 7. Sailing from Manila on the President Coolidge, April 8, 1939, along with other leading business executives, was J. H. Marsman, head of the various Marsman agencies. He was accompanied by Mrs. Marsman and the Misses Anne Petronella Marsman and Eileen Wedderburn. Mr. Marsman plans to spend consi .. derable time on the west coast attend .. ing to business matters. \Vhile on the west coast he will attend the Golden Gate International Exposition in San Francisco, paying particular attention to the Philippine representation. Ac .. cording to present plans, Mr. Marsman will later go on to New York City. After several months in the states, Mr. Marsman m~y go to Europe to con .. fer with the Marsman agencies in London, returning to the Philippines the latter part cf thi~ year. Among other officials of Marsman & Co. who sailed with Mr. Marsman were 2 Mr. and Mrs. Geo. C. Dankwerth, and Mr. and Mrs. J. 0. Enberg. Mr. Dank .. werth, and Mr. Enberg will be with Mr. Marsman in advisory capacitie-s. Mr. Dankwerth is a vice-president of Marsman & Company and financial advisor. Mr. Enberg is a chairman of the board of consulting engineers of Marsman & Company. Accompa:rrying Mr. Marsman when he left for the States, was Maurice Francisco fr~m the Manila office. Mr. Francisco wil"-be the personal secretary for Mr. Marsman. Major A. Beckerleg, director of Marsman Investments Limited, left for a trip around the world. Major Beckerleg is on vacation leave. G. W. Kerr, left April 9 on the Conte Verde for a business and pleasure trip. He may visit properties in Burma, thence to London. He will be back in. Rangbon within a few months. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939