Tuba Mill in operation


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Tuba Mill in operation
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
UNITED PARACALE PRODUCES P241,754.37 IN MARCH United Paracale set a new monthly record in March with a production of P241,754.37, up P7,000.00 from February. The mill treated 9,372 tons of ore for an average recovery of P25. 79 per ton. Extraction was 91.19%. Total advance in development for the month amounted to 1,214 feet. Capital development accounted for 873 feet with 105 feet in ore. Operating development amounted to 341 feet with 105 feet in ore. Drift 207 south, San Antonio 200 level, was advanced 58 feet along the vein 4.4 feet wide. On the San Antonio 400 level, 4 south crosscut east was advanced 250 feet in granite. On the Baluarte 200 level, drift 201 north, was advanced 52 feet in peridotite. The 402 counter drift south, Baluarte 400 level, was advanced 56 feet in granite along the hangingwall. The 501 drift north Baluarte 525 level, was advanced 191 feet long the vein averaging 5.7 feet wide. The Big Bear crosscut, 5 drift south, was advanced 91 feet along the vein 1.~ feet wide, of which 47 feet was in ore. The Haliguing-Bato Shaft was sunk 32 feet, bringing the shaft to a total depth of 304 feet. Work on the new Longos power house building was started, and excavation for the foundation for the Allen Diesel engine and compressor are underway. Mine and mill operations during the month were satisfactory. TUBA MILL IN OPERATION This property, which is being managed by Marsman & Company, Inc. under a profit-sharing agreement with Northern Mining & Development Company, is situated near Tagkawayan, in the Province of Tayabas. The mine has been devEt\oped on two levels, the 150-foot and '.f:50-foot, and during March the shaft '\fas completed to the 350-foot level whe:ve the cutting ANTONIO Dfa LAS ALAS JOINS . Th~ Commonwealth Government in 1938 sent an economic mission to Washington to represent the Philippines in securing from C•mgress the necessary legislation intended to effectuate the recommendation of the Joint Preparatory Committee on Philippine Affairs. This mission, headed by Vice-President Sergio Osmefta, had as one of its memTHE MARSMAN MAGAZINE· for April, 1939 of the 350 station is now underway. A 50-ton all-sliming cyanide mill has been completed and was started on February 18. After the usual adjustments, the mill went into full operation during the early part of March. The production for l\larch was P33,416.99 in bullion from 1,140 tons of ore milled with an average recovery of 92.5%. bers, the then Secretary of Finance and later Financial Adviser to the Commonwealth Government, Mr. de las Alas. Returning to Manila from Washington in April to join the staff of Marsman & Company, wherein he will occupy an important position, the company is indeed fortunate in having such a man who is especially trained in the administering of economic matters.