Coco Grove, Inc.


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Coco Grove, Inc.
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
COCO GROVE, INC. During March the two dredges handled 321,220 cubic yards of gravel, from which P72,233. 73 was recovered. The mechanical performance of the two dredges, Mary Angus and Anne Petronella, was satisfactory. The dredge Mary Angus handled 175,025 cubic yards of gravel from which P59,087.25 was produced. This represents a total dredge area of 101.400 square feet to an average depth of 46.6 feet. The dredge Anne Petronella recovered P13,146.48 from 146,195 cubic yards of gravel handled. It dredged an area of 319,470 square feet, to an average depth of 12.4 feet. E. E. Elser, Inc. The dredge Mary Angus operated smoothly during the month and continues dredging toward the foreshore, which should be reached on or about May 1st. The Dredge Anne Petronella operated in the Paracale river through March, making her way towards the provincial bridge, which had to be passed by March 31. During the Anne Petronella's passage down the river numerous difficulties were encountered. Work was hindered. by submerged obstacles originating from the old Australian dredges, such as iron plates, steel wire rope and many boulders. All Forms of Insurance Telephone 2-24-28 . ,,, I P. 0. Box 598 MANILA THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939 7