Royal Paracale Production increases during the month


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Royal Paracale Production increases during the month
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ROY AL PARACALE PRODUCTION INCREASES DURING THE MONTH Marsman & Company, Inc. have become the managers of this corpora ti on which owns mining claims in the Paracale District and also in the Balete District on the Island of Masbate. An iron deposit on the Paracale District claims has recently been optioned to the Philippine Iron Mines on a royalty basis. All of the Paracale District claims are now being examined by Marsman engineers~ The Masbate property consists of a group of claims known as the Argos mine where a 70-ton concentrating mill is in operation. The production for March was P29,598.66 from 2,17 4 tons of ore. Since Marsman & Company took over the management, development results have been very encouraging and the most promising f ea tu re in this connection is the opening up of a strong vein in the 370 crosscut. This vein which assays P50.00 across 6 feet is in the andesite agglomerate which throughout the district carries the highest value ores. In view of the favorable development results, from which increased production may be anticipated, Marsman & Company are proceeding with construction work to enlarge the power plant, install a cyaniding annex to the mill, and to raise the capacity of the mill to 100 tons per day. This expansion program should, be completed by June. ou'd be sure the helmsman was well equipped!! The Assayer ls one of the "helmsmen" in mining. His analysis determine the basis of sett1ement. Only thoroughly dependable equipment can be tolerated in the Assay Office. DFC ASSAY FURN ACES provide positive control, efficient and economical firing. Set the standard the world over. THE JbJERRR f1RT£ CLAYC.MPAllY DENVER • COLO.U.$.A. Exclusive Pliilippines Distributors, Marsman Trading Corp. ·.THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939 9