With the Marsman men


Part of The Marsman Magazine

With the Marsman men
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
WITH THE MARSMAN MEN Clarence Woods arrived in Manila April 6, to join the staff of the Itogon Mining Company as a mine shift boss. Mr. Woods is from Rolla, Missouri, and is a graduate of the Rolla School of Mines. Before coming to Manila, Mr. Woods was connected with the INC.A Mining and Development Company, Tirapata, Peru. Another engineer who arrived on April 6 to join the staff of the Itogon Mining Company, is Walter L. Northby. Coming from Minneapolis, Minnesota, Mr. Northby is a graduate of the University of Minnesota and of the University of Idaho. Mr. Northby comes to the Philippines from Ecuador, where he was with the South American Development Company. (Continued on page 17) Close Buman Relationships -exist bet1Deen this bank and the people ol this Communitg. THERE are no dhiding lines between the interests and welfare of this bank and the interests and welfare of Its neighbors, whether or not they are customers. Our depositors who entrust their funds to our keeping represent a broad average of the men 3d women of the Community. Our borrowers ve men and women engaged in active busin } enterprises which, we feel, entitle them k the use of the bank's credit resources created with the aid of our depositors' money. This bank, as a eenter of the financial interests of these men and women, maku possible interchan1e of practical helpfulness. PEOPLES BANK AND TRUST COl\IPANY Manila, Philippines Four Provincial Branches at your Service Baguio, Mountain Province Tarlac, Tarlac-San Pablo, Laguna SanFernando,Pampanga THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939 15 WITH THE lVIARSMAN MEN E. A. Nicolai, who has recently ar~ rived in ManiJa from California, came to join the staff of the San Mauricio Mining Compuny. Mr. Nicolai has had considerable experience in mining before coming to the Philippines. Coming from Australia was Mr. C. R. Gamble, to join the staff of Coco Grove. Before arriving in Manila, M1·. Gamble was with the Bollolo dredging enterprise in New Guinea. L. W. Bu~hanan, who has been with the Marsman engineering staff for four years, also left on the Conte Verde for a vacation trip around the world. After visiting his home in Colorado and the two world fairs, Mr. Buchanan will return to Manila in about 6 months. In the Manila office of Marsman & Company, Mr. L. Kiernan has joined the accounting department. Also in Manila, with Marsman Trading Corporation, is Mr. Sergio Osmefia, Jr., handling marketing survey work, and advertising. lVlr. William K. Grove, has come with the Marsman Trading Corporation, as a factory representative of the Everseal Mfg. Co., New York City, manufacturers of technical paints and waterproofings. Mr. Grove is in charge of the building materials and supplies sales staff for the company. Other companies which Mr. Grove is actively associated with are: The Master Builders Co., of Cleveland, Ohio, manufacturers of Cement Specialties, and the Hawaii Cane Products Ltd., Territory of Hawaii, manufacturers of CANEC. This material is used for insulation, wall board, and accoustical construction. Mr. R. R. Hermann, has joined the staff of Marsman Trading in charge of European imports. Mr. Philip Kernan, Jr., joined the staff at the Philippine Smelting Company during March as a shift foreman. Mr. W. T. Roseler, geologist from Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company, P. A. Lewis, geologist at Itogon Min- joined the Mountain Mines, Ine. staff ing Company 7 left on Apr~ 11, 1939, to during March. return to Golden, Coloradr>, where he will re-enter school for a post graduate course. Ralph Keeler, editor of the Marsman Magazine, left on the PresiJent Coolidge April 8, to represent the Chamber of Mines in the Philippine Participation at the Goldl"'n Gate Exposition in San Francisco. Mr. Keeler will also attend the New York World's Fair and will return to the Philippines in about six months. C. R. Smith, mill superintendent at United Paracale, is on a vacation trip in the states. He is expected back in about four -months;- ·~ THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939 Mr. L. er. Valero, of the Manila office of Marsman & Co. accounting deparlr ment, has been transferred to the accounting sfaff at Suyoe Consolidated Mining Company. BURGESS BABY Mr. and l\Irs. Frank H. Burgess announced the birth of a son last Saturday, April 8, 1939, at St. Lukes Hospital, Manila. The baby has been named Frank, Jr. Mr. Burgess is connected with Marsman Trading Corporation. 17