Editorial : Philippine Mining Information in the United States


Part of The Marsman Magazine

Editorial : Philippine Mining Information in the United States
The Marsman Magazine Volume III (No. 10) April 1939
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
EDITORIAL PHILIPPINE MINING INFORMATION IN THE UNITED STATES There is a deplorable lack of information in the United States about the true picture of conditions in the Philippines. It is not only the case in the lumber industry, the mining industry, the textile industry-but the Philippines as a country. Such publicity as has appeared in papers and magazines is far short of what might be even termed, true and informative. Many of the articles which appear in the states, are permeated with misinformation. Some transient j ournalists, visiting the Philippines, have left the Islands with but scant knowledge of existing conditions-neverthe .. less their articles leave readers with the impression that a complete survey was made. Others have come to the Islands for a short stop; visiting a few of the main points of interest, seeing some of Manila, and sailing with the tide, without having made a mark on the surface of information which is here. These types of stories are the ones seen and read in th~ States. The Chamber of Mines of the Phil(Please turn to next page) Table Of Contents Marsman Mines Establish Three Highs San Mauricio Sets New Record ....... . J. H. Marsman Leaves for Extended Trip Antonio de las Alas Joins Staff ...... . United Paracale Mining Company ..... . Tuba Project ........................ . Coco Grove, Inc. . .................... . Itogon Mining Company .............. . Suyoc Consolidated Mining Company ... Royal Paracale Mining Company ...... . Marsman Building Corporation Sears Roebuck Mail Order Desk Baguio Mines Are Stressing Safety .... Philippine Smelting Company ......... . Mountain Mines, Inc .................. . With the Marsman Men .............. . Editorial-Philippine Mining Information in the United States .............. ; . THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE 1 1 2 4 6 0 8 8 9 10 J3 13 14 14 15 lJ) Published each month ftJr Marnn.an & CO'Rl.pany, Inc., Marsman Building, Port Ar6G, M• nila, Philippines. P. 0. Boz !91 The magazine is sent to all stockholders of Marsman managed properties and to fill •taff members of the companies aasociated with tke Marttman interests. NOTE: All ore oalues, bullion figures, etc., given in th.is magazine are ezpreased in pesos based on gold at 185.00 an ounce and silver at the m.arket price. Figures given in monthly refJO'l"ts are based on mine assays, and ma11 differ to aome ez~'l'Lt from fin.al mint er smelter return.a. SUBSCRIPTION PRICE. P'S A YEAR. RALPH KEELER. Ediwr a,n,d Busine•• M anage.r DEAN L. SCHEDLER, Acting Editor THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939 i ' 19 ippines, a body composed of representatives from some of the leading mines in the Islands, have taken a forward move in disseminating authentic information. The Chamber has prepared very comprehensive and understandable reports o~ the mining industry. . The organization releases data to all companies or individuals who are interested in the industry. They recently sponsored a publication, the first of its kind ever published in the Philippines, which graphicly presents to the world the mining industry from the time gold was first discovered by the Spaniards up to the present time. To actively convey these points, :i representative has left for the states to personally supervise a publicity campaign at the San Francisco International Exposition. Such a campaign is bound to be effective. It will be the duty of this representative to bring to the American people, a realization of their great stakes, material and potential, in the Philippines. By the written word and the use of pictures, to bring to these people, who should have a deep interest in this Pacific outpost, the hidden treasures here in not only industry, but in good living such as Americans are accustomed to having. To bring to the investor, the desirable field here for investment. The Chamber of Mines are not following the usual procedure of printed documents, which are heavy with balance sheets, trade arrangements and tariffs, but are using an effective presentation in just plain facts and figures. Few realize the industry that has sprung.up in the Islands from the moun20 tains and the dense tropical forests. Some of the mines are small cities, with American engineers and their families living in company built homes. In place of the few primitive tools that once were used, the finest and most modern equipment that will give the maximum of efficiency is empfoyed. From all over the world and with years of experience in the mining industry, men have gathered here to direct this work. From these we learn that the surface of mining is barely scratched. At this critical time in relations between the States and the Philippines it is very fitting that the Chamber of Mines has seen to it that serviceable information will be made available in the States. The people of the western states have keenly followed the progress of mining in the Philippines. Most of the engineers engaged in the operation of the mines, either came from or have had much experience' 1n these states. On the coast some of the companies have listed their issues for share dealing. Today, with the achievement that has been made, every feature of the industry should be shown to the millions who will come to the Fair. A remarkable f ea tu re indeed, is the fact that Americ~1 capital has taken practically no part in the industry. If the mineral section of the Philippine exhibit Is properly prepared, it will furnish a splendid opportunity to demonstrate the fact that mining is on a sound basis here ; that the operations are carefully and efficiently supervised; and that the ore reserves of the leading companies insure continued and profitable operation at full capacity for many years to come. THE MARSMAN MAGAZINE for April, 1939