Massage for manliness


Part of Panorama

Massage for manliness
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Much clap-trap too is foisted on a credulous public by charlatans and fanatics in the sacred name of "Nature". "Back to Nature" seems so easy as a so'lution for all our ills. But the stern fact is that from the conditions of civilized life we cannot go back; we can only go forward. We cannot revive old conditions, we must adjust ourselves to new ones. "If," as Professor Sir J. Arthur Thomson says, "back to Nature means simpler living and less artificial excitement, more sunshine, open air and joy, it is of course sound advice.'' Beyond that point science, in the person of the doctor, must come to our aid. We can help the doctor by appreciating his difficulties and studying some of his problems, but we are quite entitled to say to him that his first duty is to keep us well. -C. M. Kohan, condemed from Nutrition, London. WHEN ointment containing male sex hormones is rubbed into the comb of a capon, the listless, bedraggled cock gradually turns into a lusty, strutting rooster. Reason: the hormones are absorbed into his bloodstream. When Dr. George L. Foss of the Royal Infirmary at Bristol, England, learned that this direct application of hormcmes to a capon's comb is 200 times more effective than injections, he decided last summer to try it on impotent men. He mixed testosterone propionate (synthetic male hormone) into a bland ointment, gave two patients tubes of the ointment, asked them to squeeze out an inch (containing about 20 milligrams of hormone) and massage it into their thighs and abdomens every night. Within a month the flabby men grew hairier, more muscular, even "pugnacious." When they used the cream faithfully they were able to practice normal sexual relations. A third patient, a boy of 18 whose voice had not yet changed, rubbed the ointment into the skin over his Adam's apple twice daily for a month until "his voice became very deep and remained so." "Hormone massage," concluded Dr. Foss in The Lancet, "is the simplest method of androgen (male hormone) therapy ... is most acceptable to the patient who desires a maintenance dosage."-Time. o\l'RIL, 1939 63