Panorama Quiz


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Panorama Quiz
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THIS feature is intended to test your fund of information on matters that an educated person should know. Read each question carefully. Check the answer you think is correct. After you have gone over all of them, look up the correct answers on page 67. 1. Oxford University in England is known for its method of education, now being copied in American schools and known as the : (1) objective examination system, (2) practical system, (3) tutorial system, (4) lecture system, (5) con/ erence system. 2. That, famous painting, The Boy Blue, was done by: (1) Juan Luna, (2) Murillo, (3) Millet, (4) Sir Joshua Reynolds, (5) Whistler. 3. There is only one correct statement among the following: (1) Antarctic refers to the North Pole area. (2) Aguinaldo was the leader of the Katipunan society. (3) An archipelago is a large island. (4) A molecule is larger than an atom. 4. One of these is a Roman goddess: (1) Democritus, (2) Diana, (3) Mercury, (4) Calpurnia, (5) Aspasia. 5. Closest in length to a six-foot man is: (1) a fathom, (2) one meter, (S) a league, (4) one h!Undred inches, (5) a yard, (6) a cubit. 6. Next to the United States, the largest producer of mineral oil in the world is: (1) Venezuela, (2) China, (3) Russia, (4) NetherAPRIL, 1939 lands East Indies, (5) Iran, (6) Roumania. 7. Insulin can now be taken in tablets. This should be great news for all suffering from: (1) diphtheria, (2) malaria, (3) tuberculosis, (4) diabetes, (5) bronchitis. 8. One of the two old countries forming a modern democracy most recently annexed by Hitler to Germany in violation of his word to England and France in Munich is: (1) Carpathia, (2) Ruthenia, (3) Bulgaria, (4) Bohemia, (5) Austria, (6) Sardinia. 9. The Bridge of Sighs is in: (1) London, (2) Rome, (3) Naples, (4) Venice, (5) Chicago, (6) Vienna, (7) Florence. 10. One of these sentences uses the word expatiate correctly: ( 1) The guide expa,tiatcs on our danger. (2) He never expatiates for good work. ( 3) He expatiates me beyond endurance. ( 4) The doctor expatiated my wound this morning. 11. Mein Kampf is important to the Germans and their country because it is: (1) the motto of the Nazi Party, (2) the system of concentration camps, (3) a battalion of German soldiers, (4) the auto59 biography of Hitler, (5) a new German gun. 12. If you know anything about mc<lern China, you should be able to tell that Lin Yu tang is: ( 1) The Chinese ambassador to the United States, (2) A famous Chinese author who writes of modern China, (3) A notorious Chinese bandit, ( 4) A Chinese general who sided with the Japanese. 13. If poligamy is the state of having more than one wife, then the state of having more than one husband is: (1) polytheism, (2) polygyny, (3) polyandry, (4) polymorphy, (5) polymanis. 14. The proximate cause of the war between the U. S. and Spain in 1898 was: (1) The cruelties of King Philip JI. (2) The sinking of the American battleship Maine. (3) The suppression of democracy in Cuba by Spain. (4) The desire of the U. S. to help the revolting Filipinos. (5) The execution of Dr. Jose Rizal. 15. The Manila councilor, Carmen Planas, who criticized President Quezon for taking part in the last election was: (1) sent to jail by the court, (2) discharged from her position as councilor, (3) reprimanded by order of the President, ( 4) exonerated completely by her investigator Jose Gil. 16. President Elliot of Purdue University and Dean Packer of Iowa University who recently made a survey of the University of the Philippines are said to have found 60 that: (1) The· U. P. is inefficient., (2) The President of the University should be removed. (3) The University should be transferred to Mariquina. (4) The English courses in the University are not adequate. 17. Many Filipinos want another plebiscite on Philippine independence in 1945 when such was the very scheme which was originally provided for, but rejected by President Quezon, in one of these congressional measures: (1) the Ba~ con Bill, (2) the Jones Law, (3) the Hare-Hawes-CuUing Law, (4) the Tydings-McDuffie Act, (5) the Jones-Costigan Act. 18. Besides being a physician and novelist, Dr. Jose Rizal was also known as: (1) an astronomer, (2) a general, (3) a sculptor, (4) a mathematician, (5) a jurist. 19. Having a one-man chief executive is often dangerous; so in one of these countries the executive is a board or commission of seven members, one of them acting as president, who is a mere chairman of the board for one year: (1) Russia, (2) Italy, (3) Argentina, (4) Switzerland, (5) Ireland, (6) Turkey. 20. It is said by many writers that one of these races has not made any important contribution to the culture and civilization of mankind: (1) the Chinese, (2) the Hindus, (3) the Spaniards, ( 4) the Malays, ( 5) the Slavs, (6) the Arabs. PANORAMA