Panoramic Viewpoints


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Panoramic Viewpoints
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Criminals who die in San Quentin's new gas chamber will probably meet death in that painless way. There will be no physical torture, only a mental horror of being transformed in a few minutes from a healthy, living body into a corpse.Andy H amilto-n, condensed from Los Angeles Time• Sunday Magazine. 44 THE order of the day is more guns, more ships, more aeroplanes, at whatever cost and by whatever means, even if we have to wipe out completely what is called civilian life.-Benito Mussolini. * WE cannot for long be free unless we build a strong economic foundation for that freedom.-Secretary Manuel Roxas. * BLESSED is the man who expects nothing, for he will never be disappointed.-U. S. Senator Ashurst. * MEN give their souls as women gi:ve their bodies by successive well-defined stages.-Andre Maurois. * THE British people are a nation of lions led by asses.H. G. Wells. * STRONG and bitter words indicate a weak cause.-Victor Hugo. * LOVE is an ocean of emotions, entirely surrounded by expenses.-Lord Dewar. * WE live on momentum. If you stop going, you are finished.-Smedley D. Butle1·. PANORAMA