

Part of The Philippine Craftsman

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EDITORIAL. TWO KINDS OF AGKICL’I/Tl'RAL INSTRUCTION. There is a great popular demand for agricultural education in the Philippine Islands. The people are beginning to realize that on the farmer rests the advancement and prosperity of the whole country, and all are urging a higher regard for his welfare. The demand for more agricultural schools is based on the supposition that such instruction will positively equip the young man for success in the practice of farming. It is well to consider care­ fully the various kinds of agricultural instruction with a view to determining which will best meet present needs. A careful analysis of the methods in vogue in America, reveals the fact that there are two distinct types of instruction. One may be called "general” and the other “vocational.” General instruction in agriculture is of the sort usually given in high schools throughout the various States, and it is made to parallel the general course. Recitations and laboratory work are given for a limited number of classroom periods each week. Instruc­ tion is made concrete to some extent, by exercises in gardening and by various laboratory tests. The objects sought may be stated as follows: (1) To give a greater appreciation of agricul­ ture as one of the fields of human endeavor; (2) to give insight into the possible application of various sciences to this industry; (3) to develop ideals of country life; (4) to furnish concrete and attractive studies for pupils. It is mistakenly supposed by many, that a course of this kind actually results in vocational efficiency. Experience has shown that this is not the case, except in very rare instances. Such study is primarily cultural. It gives breadth of view. The ex­ periments and laboratory exercises make the course essentially illustrative and, therefore, attractive. It need not necessarily be taught by one having had practical experience in agriculture. • Vocational instruction in agriculture is essentially different, both as regards aim and method. It affords training which aims at mastery of the practice of farming. It deals with actual con­ ditions and situations. The pupil must have practical work oc­ cupying at least half of his time, and the work must be subject to commercial conditions; that is, he must produce a definite 291 292 THE PHILIPPINE CRAFTSMAN output and be able to appreciate the result of his own efforts in terms of profit or loss. He should focus his attention on the kind of agriculture which is profitable in his neighborhood. Such related subjects as science, mathematics, accounting, and econo­ mics, must be subordinated to and related with, the practical work which he is doing. Only a person who is to a reasonable degree master of agricultural practice can teach agriculture for a vocational purpose. The vocational agricultural school is in effect what the public demands. It takes the place of the hit-and-miss apprenticeship in farming. It develops in students the ability to forecast the results of their efforts, and to plan their work with many possible conditions in view. Only such training will insure satisfactory results. One great danger to agricultural instruction lies in the fact that efforts are being made to identify these two types of teach­ ing. Too many educators still think that vocational efficiency can result from a course of verbal instruction in a practical sub­ ject. Most of the agricultural instruction given in the high schools throughout the various States has little effect on the voca­ tional training of students, except that it contributes something toward the development of vocational ideals. Bookish courses in agriculture have proved a delusion from a vocational point of view. Practical instruction in agriculture is expensive; a vocational school of this sort to be effective must be equipped with proper facilities. But it is a safe investment from which the country will reap a reward in securing more young men equipped for successful farming. HOME PROJECTS IN AGRICULTURE. In the United States during the past ten or fifteen years there has been a great advance in the application of scientific methods to farming. It has not only influenced the farmer but it has secured the interest of American boys and girls. All through the southern, western, and northern States the large number of agricultural clubs bear witness to the fact that young people are vying with their elders to increase the quality and amount of farm products. State and local contests in dif­ ferent agricultural and home industries have demonstrated that the young American is a very important factor in the betterment of agriculture. Records made in the growing of farm products, in the raising of animals, and in the preserving of foods, have EDITORIAL 293 brought credit to many American boys and girls. As they reach adult life, increased national prosperity is certain to result, in consequence of a more thorough and widespread knowledge of agriculture. The movement in the United States suggests a similar endeavor for agricultural development in the Philippines. The idea of home projects is not entirely new to this country, for the corn contests of the past few years made a beginning in such work. What is needed is the application of the plan to practically all phases of agricultural activity in the Philippines. Such an un­ dertaking is contemplated in organizing agricultural clubs for Filipino boys and girls, as announced early during this school year. It will mean much to the individual boy or girl to become a vital element in advancing the agricultural interest of these Islands. Not only will the feeling of self-respect and independ­ ence be greatly strengthened, but ideas of thrift and business will be developed. If even one fourth of all Filipino boys and girls were seriously to undertake home projects involving the improve­ ment of plant or animal industries, a great betterment could be made in Philippine agriculture within the next five or ten years. RECIPES. The following recipes for guavas and lanzones were tried out at the Philippine Normal School and they turned out ex­ cellently. They are for sauce rather than for preserves, as they do not contain sufficient sugar; and it is doubtful whether they would keep long, even if put up in sealed jars. Select 40 large guavas which are pretty nearly ripe; wash and pare them. Cut in halves and remove the seeds, being careful not to break the halves. To prevent discoloration, dip the fruits frequently in water while paring. Drop them in hot water for a minute or two. Make syrup of 3 cups sugar, 1| cups water, and juice of 2 limes. Boil ten minutes and remove scum. Drop the fruits and cook until transparent. Fill freshly sterilized jars to overflowing and seal at once. Select large lanzones. Remove the skin and separate fruit into sections, removing all membrane. Drop in cold water as fast as prepared, to prevent discoloration. Make syrup of 2.1 cups sugar and 1 cup water for 100 lanzones. Bojl five minutes, remove scum, and add the lanzones. Boil about three minutes. Fill sterilized quart jar and seal at once. Keep in a cool place.