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pictorial I'ront view of the St. Joseph’s chapel of the San Carlos Center for the poolblessed by Archbishop Rosales of Cebu on August l.">. Photo J\!e tv A o£ After the Holy Mass, His Excellency Archbishop Rosales addressed the people ^boingA After the religious rites, His Excellency, Archbishop Rosales and Verv Rev. Rudolf Rahmann, SVI), CSC President, mingle with the poor and discuss further plans of improving the Center. Current uses and interesting facts about the newly harnessed “laser” force were the subject of a lecture by Father Ruddick, an American Jesuit Physicist, at the University of San Carlos audio-visual center on August 7. On August 9, Father Ruddick spoke to science students on elementary particles, such as protons, electrons, neutrons and mesons, etc. Partial view of the audience that followed with keen interest Fr. Ruddick's lecture. In front row (I to r) Dr. Bruell, Fr. Philip van Engelen, Fr. Herman van Engelen, Fr. Arsenio Munoz, S.J. and Fr. Hubert Lorbach. Photo shows Rev. Joseph Watzlawik, SVD, attending the ceremonies in connection with the 600th anniversary of the founding of the University of Vienna. Father Watzlawik attended the ceremonies as a representative of the University of San Carlos. Photo shows Mr. & Mrs. Denis Nardin posing with the President, Dr. Rahmann, in the latter's office, Mr. Nardin is the Cultural Attache of the French Embassy in Manila who visited our University during the first part of August. Mr. & Mrs. Nardin tarried for quite a while in the Main Library, in the Biology department and at the CSC Technological Center at Talamban. Some Faculty members as they emerge from the annual faculty general meeting, held at the USC Technological Center. From I to r: Mrs. Mateo; Miss Padilla; Mr. Delfin; Miss Catan; Mr. Munro; Dra. Ang; Mrs. Munro; Miss Buenaventura. FACULTY CLUB OFFICERS The newly-elected officers of the Faculty Club for 1965-66, pose with Father President Rahmann. From left to right: Mrs. Aileen G. Munro, Treasurer; Engr. Francisco Pilapil, President; Father President Rahmann; Atty. Expedito Bugarin, Vice-Pres.; Miss Addie Sarthou, Social Sec.; Miss Perfecta Guangco, Recording Secretary. Not in the picture are Atty. Mario Ortiz, PRO; and Mr. Vicente Gorre, Auditor. Dean Catan (X) amidst some Courth-year students of the college of pharmacy during the barrio-fiesta-style despedida given her by the pharmacy students on the occasion of her trip to London. Dean Luz Catan takes a last swing with one of her pharmacy students, Mr. Viencen Guevara, during the despedida party, given in her honor. A delegation of six American university­ student leaders visited the University of San Carlos on August 17. After paying a visit to I'ather President Dr. Rahmann, SVD, they were entertained by Fr. J. Berry and USC student leaders. From 1 to r: David Jonathan Banks (fourth from left), Ann Forrest Boland, Martha Darling, President Dr. Rahmann, John W. Owinn, Richard Deering, Gary Charles Larsen.