Readers' Comment


Part of Panorama

Readers' Comment
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Santo Tomas, Batanyas-Count me as one among your contented subscribers. I wish PAN ORAMA more successes. Aside from enjoying the reading of your selected articles, I find it a pleasure to "travel" and see beautiful scEneries via the Panorama of Philippine Life. Why does not PANORAMA also publish a page of selected poems? The good quality of the articles published in PAN ORAMA is an assurance that only poems of high quality will be published.Diego M. Holgado. * * * Bondo Elementary School, Taya,.. bas-Let me inform you that every copy of PAN ORAMA I received is a traveling gazette in our district. My friends and I cannot over-estimate the appreciation from reading, from cover to cover, every issue of the enjoyable and valuable p ANORAMA.-Zoilo Garcia. * * * Lopez, Tayabas-Your magazine is indeed very valuable for our Civil SErvice Review. The contents are interesting and are helpful to us in our own professional growth, -Jose F. Angeles. * * * Laoag, !locos Norte-I wish to express my sincere appreciation for the good literature I enjoy in p ANORAMA. I hope for the continued success of your publication. -Tomas B. Trinidad. * * * Manila-I considEr PANORAMA a waga.zine for thinkers. Articles on Rizal and on current problems are interesting and though inspiring. I think your new pictorial section is good but I don't consider putting advertisements with it good 68 taste. It cheapens the section.Loreto P. Lagniton. • * ,. Baler, Tayabas-Kindly forward me your coming two issues (only) of PANORAMA (May & June) to the address given below. I wish, if possible, not to miss even a single copy of it because of its high educational value and the pleasure it gives me.-Andres B. Querijero. * * * - Tuguegarao, Cagayan-Enclosed herewith please find a post office money order of two pesos for the payment of my one-year subscription to PANORAMA, which is so interesting that everybody here at home enjoy reading every copy of it.-Mrs. Margarita B. Baq1.iiran. * * * Manila-I bought a copy of your magazine and read it from start to finish. I found PANORAMA an educational magazine. It is so interesting and entertaining that I am proud to recommend it to my friends who are now ardent readers.-Mrs. Placida Zulueta Pablo. * * * San Fernando, La Union-Enclosed ·Money Order for P2.00 in payment of my subscription to your PANORAMA, a publication which I consider one of my best papers in my file.-Juan Borja. * • * Calarian, Zamboanga--1 wish to thank you for continuing my sub-scription despite my delay in sending you this remittance for renewal. I have been so much pressed with work that I forgot to send this on time. In closing, let me congratulate you for keeping the magazine better and more interesting than ever.-lsagani V. Campo. PANORAMA