The Triot


Part of The Carolinian

The Triot
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
ctyelynn't PRE-VALENTINE SHOPPING <7?arcido <=E> acur't NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION With dabs of powder on her nose She put her feet into her shoes With flicks of lipstick on her lips She coiled a red belt 'round her hips After she had perfumed her hair She sprayed santan into the air Complete with her paraphernalia She was set for her saturnalia She snatched her bag with one clean lift And slammed the dormitory door She'd buy a nice Valentine gift For Narciso Bacur, the boor Before long she was on the street Smiling at all folks she met Pure thoughts of love entered her mind Of Narciso her thoughts were kind She went into a big bazaar Filled with toys, bracelets, candy bar But she looked elsewhere for her need Since Narciso was not a kid She entered a department store Where she saw things and things galore But due to her wandering gaze She did not know which to purchase As her cheeks now began to puff She left in a provincial huff And like all confused women shoppers She bought nothing from the shopkeepers She refused to buy a tie clip As a present she thought it cheap She didn't buy a jacket, either As a present she thought it dear In her muddled shopping spree She couldn't get the right perspective She wouldn't ask for something free She wouldn't buy something expensive She was quite tired of bargain barkers Who tried to pass off bogus "Parkers" She hated meeting sidewalk vendors Exuding indefinable strange odors Yet by all means she had to buy Something to remember her by Even if it cost only one centavo A present had to be given Narciso It came to pass that in one shop She ground her heels to a stop To her it was just the saloon For five minutes to be alone (Continued on puye 4?) T ■ R ■ I o T ★ * I cannot understand just why Whether I'm bold or I am shy Or why whatever be the case I never get to reach first base Is it because I am not handsome, Or that I am not'very rich? Are my features really so gruesome, That she should stay far from my reach? What has Tibur I haven't double What does he own I haven't more What must I go to all this trouble And still get beaten by Tibur? I have tried being diplomatic Being chivalrous and romantic But Helynn brands my every antic As the mad cap of a lunatic! I have also tried to be serious To be grave and to be delirious When I tried to be sentimental She laughed and said my case was mental I asked her once to be my date To be my pretty dancing mate Before I had opened her gate She told me I had asked too late I brought her to a restaurant To order something we both want When I asked for tutti-frutti She ordered__ brrr___spaghetti When I asked her to a concerto She dropped me like a hot potato And when I followed her to school She told me I was like a fool One time I attended a party In time to witness her arrival I was so pleased my laugh was hearty Only to find her with my rival I don't know why it is my lot To love Helynn who loves me not I don't know why I cannot win Helynn, the belle of Malingin Is my fault one of character Or because I don't look like Gable Does she detest a barrister And worships someone who can dribble? Does Tibur mean much to her life That she should want to be his wife What is the use of basketball It can't plead a case after all (Continued on pane 41) JANUARY, 1957 Page 15 * * THE ‘■'TZarcido \Bacur’d NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTION (Continued I'roin /»(»/<• /•>) Oh, well, I guess I must revise My tricks and have to play them wise I'll start with my new resolutions To boost my romantic petitions From now on I'll not go to dances At co-eds I will not take chances No matter how I think it's right I'll never go out late at night To Helynn, I'll be most respectful And to Tibur I'll be a sport If by chance I'll be Helynn's escort Compared to me Rainier'd be awful I'll steep myself in taste and culture To tell a turkey from a vulture I will now bone up on my Law So my diction will have no flaw What's more, I will never touch wine Even if my friends say it's fine I will not. . . no! I'll never, never Gee, thanks! I've got my Alka Seltzer!!! TRIOT * * PRE-VALENTINE SHOPPING (Coil tin lied from jmi/e lo) While thus rapt in her meditation An impish thought caught her attention A naughty glint lit up her eyes A glint that carried some surprise She shook the man who owned the store And pointed to a whitish thing She badgered him till he was sore Till he gave her the wanted thing To make a long story short I'll give you now the full report Believe you me because I say so The gift was given to Narciso With joy Narciso was intoxicated Upon finding Helynn so dedicated The gift was a complete surprise It was a piece of Paradise But when Bacur opened the package His heart became a mournful wreckage For he found that his Helynn sweet Gave him an old set of FALSE TEETH!!! THE JPIA AND USC’s COMMERCE DEPARTMENT Elections headed by Mr. Ben. Borromeo. Accounting professor whc saw to it that there was no fraud and that all ballots were meticu­ lously accounted for. The nominees were given 25 minutes for nomina­ tion speeches. Unfortunately, the less famous were not able to speak because of the time limit. Only the presidential candidates were able to speak their hearts out, the others having only what we call "personal appearances". When the pre-election campaigns were getting to be hotter and hotter, the head of the Accounting depart­ ment, Miss A. Rodil, invited all the nominees to a luncheon at the Ave­ nue Restaurant and to get into an agreement that no matter what the issues, no personalities must be involved. All the nominees were introduced to each other. Between Wednesday, October 24, to Friday at 8:30 p.m. of Oct. 26, all ballets were cast by all students having passed or were still taking Accounting 5. By Saturday, at exactly 2:30 p.m., the ballots were canvassed. Each party had two representatives with the member ci the Committee on Election reading the return. A close fight was shown by the three presidential candidates, one of whom was a woman. Be­ cause of the plurality of the Juniors and because they were supporting a single party, they won an over­ whelming victory over the Seniors. The officers elected are: President................. Joaquin Ledesma Vice-President, Internal Affairs ................... Rosa Quijano Vice-President, External Affairs ........... Bartolome Pozon Secretary ............................... Lux Yee Treasurer ................... Natividad llao Auditor ........... Daniel Dalocanog, Jr. PRO ................... Benedlcto Alcantara The committees formed were: 1. Committee on Education and Research Chairman — Mr. Eliezer Gorre 2. Committee on Membership Chairman—Miss Clomen M. Verallo 3. Committee on Public Relations Chairman—Miss Angelina Labucay 4. Committee on Awards Chairman — Miss Cecilia Paz 5. Committee on Scholarship Chairman — Miss Annie Ratcliffe 6. Placement, Employment and Apprenticeship Bureau Chairman—Miss Amparo F. Rodil, CPA, Head, Accounting De­ partment, Adviser, Jr. PIA The members of the Junior PIA may have conflicting opinions re­ garding certain matters but, "likened unto the fingers of different heights, we still belong to the same hand." The Junior PIA is your organization. It needs you. JANUARY, 1957 Page -17