Footnote to a “trophy”


Part of The Carolinian

Footnote to a “trophy”
Escober, Rossean
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
PROFIT. Rogado sweeps past A Rosello (13) and bers (12) to perforate the with a twin-marker. A/cordo°f,tS- CCAA p tr°phy #o c?*ret'ne righfTV Amt>ncio while - th* -----------* “ PtotontoiC. Stony... FOOTNOTE /<■ THE WINNERS. Photo taken after the championship game (captain), Epimaco Borromeo, Reynaldo de la Cruz, ( are: Angelo Delute, (scorer), Gerardo del Rosario, Max Pizarrash Wrocklage, Roberto Reynes, Isidoro Caiiizares, Manolet Susorn "PProving/j, The gloom which enveloped the school when •he Cup slipped from its grips last year mareally vanished when the Warriors once more inducted the crown it lost to a more daring •cam. Fanning a four-man-defense rally, the Warriors went on a free-scoring hayride that am ever their opponents. This year, as a rejuvenated Green and Gold team takes cn the high bumps in Manila's championship rounds. Carolinian hopes are centered on the .'hooting abilities of Rogado, Camzares. Bo­ rromeo, tricky Deen, fleet-footed Galdo, feint master Reynes and the arms of Pizarras. Reynes, the darling del! of the team, is ex­ pected to duplicate his performance last year when he earned his "Rookie of the Year" title. Canizares is one guy to lean on fcr ooints when the game gets tight as witnessed he USC-CIT skirmish which handed the defendbv ROSSEAl > a "TROPHY" THAR SHE BLOWS. All arms are outstrcched to receive the spheroid. left to right, sitting: Edgardo Galdo, Danilo Deen, Rogado, Manuel Bas and Esmeraldo Abejo. Standing salem, Jr., Father Rector, (coach) Juan Aquino, Fr. Jumawan. ing Wildcats their first taste of defeat. With the court generalship of Boy de la Cruz, some fireworks can be expected. And, to a very large measure, the team's mechanism will de­ pend upon the tactical skill of its brain trust, Dodong Aquino. Without question, the Warriors have deadly scoring sock. The team is a smart combina­ tion of men with plenty of grit and staying power. . . men who can take it and dish it out, toe. These are the hardy men who have come home triumphant from the wars. They have met the toughest teams that local cagedoni could pit against them on the hardcourt. In the c-nd, no cne stcod up to hurl defiance at them. They and they alone rose from the ruins of ihe CCAA tournament. And, having survived, Dame Luck gave them the Crown! ..... uP there THERE- "victorious belongsH ESCOBER