Our greatest concern [editorial]


Part of The Carolinian

Our greatest concern [editorial]
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Published by the students of the University of San Carlos Cebu City, Philippines ScOHtHVl * 1953 EMILIO B. ALLER, editor; VICENTE N. LIM. associate; WILLIAM GEORGE BOWLER, literary; DELIA SAGUIN. society; BUDDY QUITORIO & ANNIE RATCLIFFE and IGNACIO SALGADO. Jr., news; ARISTON P. AWITAN. Jr.. feature; ALBERTO C. MORALES, alumni and exchange; TOMAS ECHIVARRE. sports; CELEDONIO BARRAMEDA. Jr.. military; ADOLFO CABAILO and DESIDERIO ANDO, art; RUPERTO CASAS. photographer; JOSE P. DE L’A RIARTE. reporter; NAPOLEON G. RAMA, con­ tributing. C. FAIGAO, Adviser FULVIO C. PELAEZ & REV. BERNARD WROCKLAGE, S.V.D. • Sdttonfat • ON A BAMBOO SLATE Editorial ............................................. I Carolinians.................. by Leo Bello 2 She Comes Back a Sovant.................. by Emilio Aller 3 Some-Mor! — Passing Through . . . . by V. N. Lim. 4 The Rescue ... by Marina F. Dino S On do Level . . with Buddy Quitorio 6 Let's Be Honest About It ... . by Dito Bugarin 7 The Roving Eye . . by Bert Morales 8 Everything I Hove is Worse! . by VNL 9 Poetry Page.......................................10 What is Russian Communism? .... by Rev. M. D. Forrest, M.S.C. 11 Manila Calling Cebu . . by Bert Moore 12 The Necessity of Teaching Religion in Public Schools.................. by Eugenio J. Alvarado, Jr. 13 Campuscrats .... by Vic Paras 14 ROTChottcr — by Celedonio Barrameda, Jr. 15 A Carolinian is Ordained Priest — by T. L. Echivorre 16 PICTORIAL SECTION . . 17, 18, 19, 20 Alumni Chimes........................... Edited by Bert Morales 21 From use to Stanford.................... 23 Sports Round-Up — Edited by Tommy Echivorre 25 What do you Think? — Conducted by B. K. Torio 27 USC in tho News......................... 29, 30 Scccion Casteliana..............................35 $*«>' Dr. Fortunato F. Rodil, granted tho degree of Doctor of Philoso­ phy in Education (benemeritus) by UST, returns to USC. (Story on page 3) Entered as second elate mail matter at tho Poet Office of Cebu City, March to, 1950. Our Greatest Concern When Judge Guillermo Guevara, counsel for the three top Phil­ ippine educational officials (namely, Putong, Pangilinan, and Trinidad who currently are under fire), ventured a haphazard opinion that the lack of religious instruction in the public schools is not among the causes of crime and immorality, he must not have known it but that he was talking through his hat. To what cause does he ascribe the rampant criminality and gross immorality of our youth and of even some people in our highest public places who are products of our godless educational system? Are not a person’s actuations judged from the kind of education made available to him during his formative and impressionable years ? Where do our country’s children and boys and girls of school age principally imbibe their education? Is it not from our schools that dish out the kind of heretic education which our current educational system fosters and promotes? These are questions we would like answered by those concerned. In answering these, ive surely hope that they do not pervert their sense of values. And whether the answers are satisfactory or not, we still have to reckon with a lamentable fact that stares us on the eye: millions of our young citizens are being made to cram into their mind and spirit a godless education not of their choosing, but forced unto them by irresponsible and seemingly unconcerned elders. And unless something is done to revamp the whole set-up, there ivill be hell to pay in the moral decadence and general criminal ten­ dencies of a misguided, miseducated people, now and in the future.