Poetry page


Part of The Carolinian

Poetry page
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/<? TWO SONNETS By Eugenio J. Alvarado, Jr. Graduate School i A Prodigal’s Prayer I've trodden on the pathways dark, Oh, Lord! Thy way is bright, but I was lost, lor 1, Against Thy law, have sinned, against the word You gave to Prophet Moses on Mount Sinai. Though I was lost and knew not where to go, I still proceeded on that darkest way; To grope my way back was a thing to do, So easy, yet 1 found mysell astray. Now I am at the end of life's dark road. Ah, what a dreadful spectre I foresee: The fires of hell in utter wildest mood, Out of their abyss leaping lar for me! So, Lord, reach out Thy Wounded Hands for one— A prodigal, a sinful, worthless son! Upon Learning about the Death of my Friend, C.L.R. She, dead? Who told me she is lying still Beneath the earth; beneath her cold, cold grave? Shall 1 not once more hear her voice, or will 1 never see the leatures I did crave To see in her each time we met: her eyes, Which sparkled like twin pools of beauty; her hair, | As numberless as the stars up in the skies; Her lovely visage, looking smooth and fair? Who told me she is dead? Come, tell not me That she is so; It would be mighty vain And futile an attempt on me to be I Convinced; for I would give the reason sane: Though she had but to Death one life to give, Forever in my memories she'll live! I by Nellie Patalinghug Dear Lord I love You! So were the nights long, sleepless, and drear; So was there no music for me in the air; So was everyday's glad not of cheer faded ... because I love You! No light save that which my heart was burning; No tears save those for You I've been shedding; No hopes for joy save that which in You I've been keeping confident. .. because I love You! Dear Lord, because 1 love You Your home — my home; its bells — my bells; Your cross—my cross; and its joys—my life's joys in this home because Dear Lord, I love You! Page 10 THE CAROLINIAN