Alumni chimes


Part of The Carolinian

Alumni chimes
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POLITICALIMELIGHT ALUMNOTES FLORETO, KINTANAR AWARDED MERIT CERTIFICATES In recognition of distinguished service along educational lines, Mr. Dominador Floreto and Miss Kintanar were awarded Certificates ol Merit by a grateful alma mater last March 7 during the luncheon and program which highlighted the Cebu Normal School Homecom­ ing Week. The two recipients are on the USC faculty roster. Mr. Floreto runs the Night High School while Miss Kintanar teaches "Output = input” in the Girls' High School. Both mentors are holders of the Master of Arts degree from the San Carlos University. KNOT-TYING The knitting of Fiorentina Moralde, a San Carlos education coed, and Rustum Eduave, a movie actor, as Mr. and Mrs. took place last March 8 at the Cebu Pro-Cathedral church. Veil sponsor was Jess Roa, USC faculty member. After the ceremonies, breakfast and luncheon was served at the bride's residence. Of interest to Cebu and Leyte social articles was the AsuncionAberasturi knot-tying solemnized in Leyte last April. Engr. Pidoy Asun­ cion is a BPW man in Cebu City; the bride-elect is an alumna of the Colegio de la Inmaculada Con­ cepcion. Standing as best man was Dr. Graciano Du who, they say, will soon be one of the principals at his own wedding. Former USC coed, Nora Florendo, skipped to the altar with Isaias Lorenzana in Manila's Cen­ tral Church last April 26, followed by a reception at the Manila Hotel. During her stint in this university, she was singer, declaimer, dancer ... all wrapped in one cute bundle . . . aside from her versatility in the emoting game. 450 GRADS TAKE USCAA OATH In- the cap-and-gown exercises last March, some 450 graduates were inducted into the USC Alumni Association by Atty. Cornelio Faigao, alumni head, swelling once more the alumni rank and file. During the same occasion, Estrella Veloso was awarded a medal by Very Rev. Bunzel, SVD, Acting Rector, for placing second in the 1952 Pharmaceutical Board exams. On the top of the heap of second semester graduates were Edna Lim, suma cum laude; Jovita Dy, Julieta Bermudez, Editha Roxas, Carmelita Moran, magna cum laude; Aurora Usman, Cesar Villaflor, Erlinda Manalac, Socorro Aviles, Amparo Montecillo, Alicia Cadavos, Eustaquia Panes, Anto­ nina Mendoza, Ruperta Unabia, Araceli Lasola, Jesusa Pua, cum laude; Aniano Desierto, Angeles Manaog, Annie Ratcliffe, Cariota Sevilla, with highest honors. Mr. Floreto receiving his Certificate of Merit from the CNS. With elections in the offing, the political spotlight is once again focused on alumni aspiring for public office. Among the almost so hopefuls for Cebu's seven con­ gressional seats are Atty. Ramon L. Osmena, son of Cebu's Grand Old Man, second district; Atty. Ma­ rio Ortiz, San Carlos faculty mem­ ber, fourth district; Atty. Robustiano Dejaresco, pioneer-graduate of the USC College of Law, fifth district; Atty. Jesus Garcia, former USCAA prexy, and Col. Jesus Mercado, sixth district. With the exception of Atty. Garcia and Col. Mercado who, up to this writing, have not as yet shown their political color, all are running under the Nacionalista banner. It may be recalled that Atty. Osmena, one of the success­ ful examinees in the last bar exams, was the personal representative of his illustrious father at the tumul­ tuous NP convention held last April 12. (Continued on next page) SUMMER, 1953 Page 21 ALUMNEWSETTES Elected recently as officers of the Philippine Institute of Accounts, Cebu Chapter, were several USCAA members, namely: Jesus Martinez, vice-president; Amparo Rodil (USC alumni veep), secretary; and Teotimo Abellana and Benjamin Bo­ rromeo, members of the board of directors. Be-dimpled Inday Vivera, after a 4-year absence from her alma mater, has finally come home to roost. She is teaching prospective librarians in this university the intricacies of Library Science. Younger sis, Ramona, an ex-USC sponsor, is a senior in the UST College of Pharmacy. June Dejaresco is one alumnus who is keeping the Green Cross of gampuscrats (Continued from page 14) THE UNKNOWN CAROLINIAN Parents of USC alumni who died in the battle for freedom In World War II are earnestly requested to communicate the names of such sol­ dier alumni, and other data thereof, to Atty. C. Faigao, president. USC Alumni Association, University of San Carlos, Cebu City. USC burning bright in the Bohol horizon. Aside from his newspaper work, he is a law professor of the Holy Name College in Tagbilaran and secretary of the Jaycee chapter in that province. Intern-physician at the National Orthopedic Hospital is Monching Borromeo, one of the new doctors who passed the November board exams. He plans to take up post graduate work in the U.S. in the near future. After toe-breaking days of whipping into shape her Students' Ballet Recital, Luz Mancao Sandiego put up a show last March 15 which packed the USC Quadrangle with ballet-lovers from Cebu's elite. Among the ballerinas featured were Campuscrat Delia Saguin and Sawatri Gurbuxani. Of 41 candidates who took the tough exams for cadetship to the PMA in Baguio, only two passed. One is a Carolinian, Gregorio Alenton, a Commerce I stude. Our condolence goes to Lily A. Escano and Betty A. Derecho for the death of their father, the late Jesus Alburo, last March. Also to Bingbing, Herminio, Jose, Demos­ thenes, Leonora, Nilo, Oliva, Ra­ mon, and Tita Valencia for the de­ mise of their father, Dr. Pio Valen­ cia, on the 8th of March. counting subjects. Debit that, credit this, and balance them. It's tough work and Miss LILIA CABATINGAN is ready on her grading sheet. One serious dis­ crepancy means bankruptcy and kerplunk! You enrol in the same subject. So, there it is in a nutshell. Heartaches, head-acher and backaches are ex­ pected. That must be why. . . ALMA ESCARIO, PURA CIMAFRANCA, CON­ SUELO GO, and FLORIT DELGADO are sweating it out with all seriousness. Love to taste samples of native delicacies? MILA SOL, CELING BULADO and CHINGEH JAKOSALEM from the H.E. department will make you perk up with their preparations of tasty native meals. Only proves the truism that "the best way to win a man's heart is through the stomach. ..." From the Villegas clan, we have Norma and Nena. By the by, Nena has already add prefix to her name. . . Mrs. Ramirez. Fast becoming a model among young men JOHNNY MERCADO, tall and deeply religious prefers to be in the chapel during free times rather than loiter around. Atta boy, Johnny! Show'em how to be hard-hitting and at the same time humble. Scion of a moneyed family of Dumanjug and acclaimed one of the best dressed and well-groomed gentlemen of USC, FLORO RICAMORA proudly pre­ sents his varieties of nylon shirts as his daily wear. He is not only fond of nylon shirts, but of classical music just as well. When asked to play Buencamino's "Luha" he refused saying that he wanted to prevent tears from being wasted. (Sigh and double sigh! ! ) CONCHING BAWASANTA keeps her body slim. How d’ya do it Suel? No matter how puzzling schoolwork becomes, Suel or Conching never winces a bit. Guess that pretty head is chock-full of gray matter! Mind giving us some Ching? Speaking of curves and figures. . . MERCING GANTUANGCO, TERESING MIRAFUENTES, CARDING TANGAN, AMPARING ROSOS, LILY MAHINAY, NENA CONCEPCION, and ROSE DAIG are taking slimnastics under Miss CARMENCITA VILLAMOR. Purpose: to obtain and or maintain the figure that ticks. Right? We incidentally bumped into a die hard “Magsaysay-for-President" gal. . . ELIZABETH BELCINA. Proudly wears the "Magsaysay is my guy" pin, and superbly dances the Magsaysay mambo. How about the Magsaysay poodle Liz? Lovely sisters Linda and Lilia CINCO always sport smiling eyes. Mind you, it's no optical illusion. It is down-to-heart honest-to-goodness reality. LINDA and LILIA are simply adorable in their friendliness and companionship. The college of Pharmacy has a trio of happy-go-lovelies. . . There's PERLA TORRES who is simply buzzing with everything that can be spoken about on the face of this globe. She's a bit childish too. Some guy is planning to tug at her apron strings. What sez you, PERLA? There's HELEN CUE who is the perfect antithesis of PERLA. Wonder how they get along fine and dandy? EVA ESTORCO, being dress-conscious makes people (mostly men of course) goggle-eyed at her. Regular Library-browser is CHARLES VANAUSDAL, tall, blue-eyed and serious. Enigmatic as a problem in math. Easy to befriend, though. He's merely reticent. We would like to know what's in his mind. Must be interesting. As I live and breath. . . cute and incandescent ALMIRA PEREZ with her come-and-get-in smiles whirled into USC classrooms after a riotous four-year rump session at CIC. So this time its USC, eh, AL? When CIONY "CHOY" MUNA flashes a Kuuselaic smile on some lucky stiff misters in da' campus start to let out quizzers that kindles midnight candles such as who could that be?" "Where's the Jaguar?"- Yeah, where is it CHOY? Juniors are presented to be spoiled brats. . . at home, in school, in public places, in billiard halls, or even in politics (know what I mean?). But here's a Junior whos tryin to prove the fallacy of the presumption. Anyway, he could be an exception to the rule. Joe Lucero, Junior, that debonair chunk of masculinity is the guy. He asserts that he doesn't take a second look at entic­ ing coeds just so that he won't be disturbed in his review. The guy means business with mind and heart all set to becoming a lawyer. But whew, it s too hot in the City of Cebu. Now we go to cooler spots by vicarious experience if we can. If our locale were a desert, we would like to dream of a Hammerfest or a Northpole. Anyway, the parades over and dnn#> with Rval Page 22 THE CAROLINIAN