Pictorial story


Part of The Carolinian

Pictorial story
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Last March 23, 1956, the University of San Carlos conferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa, upon its Most Distinguished Son, Don Sergio Osmeria, Sr. The award was a tribute to the Grand Old Man and a recognition of his "many-splendored" achievements. THE BIG FOUR. Ex-President Sergio Osmeha, Sr., honoree; Father Herman Kondring, SVD, USC Rector; Monsignor Julio Rosales, Archbishop of Cebu and Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla, guest speaker. The Grand Old Man receives his diploma of merit from Father Rector while Hon. Padilla and others look on approvingly. THE SAME FRIENDLY CSC CAMPUS AIR. At honoree s right are his wife Doha Esperanza Limjap Osmeha and Major Anacleto Garcia, USC Commandant. Our own Father Rector beams with pleasure. THE INVINCIBLE LINEUP: From left to right, Prof. Antonio de Pio. Law Dean Fulvio C. Pelaez, Don Sergio, Prof. Jesus Garcia, Prof. Arsenio Villanueva, Prof, and CFI Judge Manuel Mejia. THE GUESTS. The solemnity of the occasion is reflected in the faces of the guests who strained to catch every word said, every act done. Divine guidance to buoy up the spirit when the world turns out to be too tough. To a happy heart, a night to remember... Graduation! The joys it brings are many and varied. . . . happy is the father or the mother who sees the fulfillment of a dream and a wish . . . happy is the school to find a son prepared for a truly Christian life . . . but happiest of all is the graduate whose tomorrows have become today. TlttMiento to 'T'leca SeAettM, t « f Homage to the National Anthem . . . Cdt. Col. MELECIO AJERO For serrices rendered . . . When the year ends, many things end. Or change. The dog-faced rookie faces a new master — perhaps meaner, perhaps kindlier, but it's a new master he faces who has been installed at the end of an old regime. There will be other masters. And who knows but'' that someday, the nervous neophyte might shout his own command? act OU