The Monkey wrench


Part of The Carolinian

The Monkey wrench
Compiled by Ross Escober
Wit and humor.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
GETTING AHEAD (Continued from, page 19). are spinning. An aimless and pointless motion is worse, so it seems, than inaction. It is a waste of energy. But once directed, our momentum will carry us past most of the initial drawbacks. Lack of formal training is no barrier to success and, therefore, it cannot be an excuse for bungling or for shirking responsibility. There are various difficulties, both real and imaginary, which stand in the way of success and performance. We could accomplish much more were we not so limited by set prejudices and ape-like indifference or held down by handicaps of one kind or another. The fact is that when we sincerely, actually, want to accom- j plish some end, we work willingly ; with whatever facilities are at our disposal. "Obstacles,” as someone has i aptly said, "are those awful things | we see when we take our eyes off the target." Alumnotes : (Continued from page 20) FABROZ, best man. After the wed­ ding ceremony, catch-as-catch-can dinner was served in the groom's residence where everyone partook of the victuals and had an idea of the matrimonial bliss that comes from a good meal. But topping everybody else are | PETRONILO CHAVEZ and JULIETA i CORNIESTA who promised "to love, ' cherish and honor" each other at their wedding last April 5th. With Bishop Lino Gonzaga officiating, the ritual took place at the Catholic Church of Jaro, Leyte. It was bruited about that the wedding was the I "grandest of the grand" weddings I ever held in said parish. Members of the wedding party were Dr. Ar- ! senio Britania and Mrs. Alicia Rag- I rag, sponsors; Gil Ortiz, best man; | Eustaquia Ras, bridesmaid. Fr. Epifanio Codilla, Jr. was personally | sent by Msgr. Rosales to attend and assist the ceremony. A sumptuous dinner followed the nuptial. The benedict is a BSE grad and an employee of. USC as Librarian­ clerk. The bride-elect was until re­ cently a school marm of Jaro, Leyte. A man entered a restaurant. Here's what went on. Diner — Have you any wild duck? Waiter — No, sir, but we can take a tame one and irritate it for you. A sad-looking man had been waiting for his order a long time. Waiter — Your fish will be coming in a minute or two, now. The sad-faced man looked interested and said. "Tell me, what bait are you using?" "Tell me, why did that man on table 7 leave so suddenly?" asked the manager. "Well, sir, he asked for sausage and I told him that we were out of sausage now but I could get some for him and when I tiptoed to the kitchen I stepped upon the dog’s tail and it yelped. Suddenly the man got up!" He claims to be related to you. The man's a fool! That, maybe, is a coincidence. This certainly is an incubator chicken. Why, sir? No chicken with a mother could be so tough! Did she inherit her beauty? Yep, her father left her a drugstore! That girl told me that there is a secret connected with her birth. That's true, it's the date of birth. I'll never ask any woman to marry me again! What? refused again? No, accepted. The reason why women pay more attention to beauty than brain is that no matter how stupid a man is, he is never blind. If a man steals, no matter what, he will live to regret it. What about those kisses you used to steal before we got married? You heard what I said! Seems Moses was just as likely to succumbed to our present day indigestion as the Bible says "God gave Moses two tablets." It was a sleepy sort of a day and the class was one fourth its usual size. The professor was calling the roll in a half interested manner and to all the names called there was an answer of "present!" until the name Smith came. There was silence and the prof said "My word, gentlemen, hasn't Smith any friend here?" Is he married? No, I don't think so. He never will because he is working for a bachelor s degree. • compiled by ROSS ESCOBER • SUMMER, 1956 Page 23