The Second rainbow [poem]


Part of The Carolinian

The Second rainbow [poem]
Dejoras, Violeta P.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
(Continued from page 25) STORY the most concrete portrayal ol ge­ nuine sacrifice by the Student Ac­ tionists was their hollow-blocking­ making activity. Sacrificing their classes, they buckled down and sweated hard in molding and shap­ ing thousands of the much-needed hollow blocks. Each of these blocks, carrying the imprints of bruised young hands, gives shape to the Patria that you see today. In this connection mention should be made of the Patria Committee, a special body composed of the top leaders of the Cebu SCA. Acting as the core of all student activities relating to the Patria, this commit­ tee served as the policy-making body of the organization and dir­ ected every deal which the body transacted in behalf of the project. It was the intelligence circle, the rudder, of the organization. Chairmanned by Mr. Bartolome de Cas­ tro, the Patria Committee had Fran­ cis Zosa, Johnny Mercado, Fe Men­ doza, Felix Matuguina, Anastacio Fabicma, Jr., Lindy Morrell, and Jesus Solon as members. Patria and the Community It is hard to recount the innu­ merable benefits which the Patria has in store for the individual and for the community as a whole. Far from being merely a recreation center, it aspires to attain some­ thing big, something valuable for the community. To be sure, the Patria is an institution which ra­ diates with ambitious plans for the man in the street. Although its ultimate aim is his spiritual up­ lift, it doesn't spare any effort to­ wards the attainment of his mate­ rial welfare, believing that "a cer­ tain modicum of1 material comfort is necessary for the practice of virtue." These words of Mons. Julio Ro­ sales strike the keynote to the real nature ol the Patria as an institu­ tion: "The Patria serves our people by providing recreational facilities, leadership training, intellectual and cultural development, social work and labor union services. Catholic publications, cooperatives for the poor, credit unions, and offices for Catholic organization." J The Second Rainbow Let me but explain in adjectives and tears . . . The feeling is a hurt thing that chokes and brings a sob among the ruins of dreams, and hopes and laughter. Let me but behold the color of red clouds Because when the clouds are red no more — I shall look in the sand for fragments of glass and build me another rainbow. VIOLETA P. DEJORAS SUMMER, 1956 Page 27