U.S.C. news


Part of The Carolinian

U.S.C. news
Fabroz, Samuel B.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Padilla Advocates Elections for One Fixed Term Invited for the first time by the University of San Carlos to be the guest speaker at its Commencement Exercises, Solicitor General Ambrosio Padilla expressed his views on the tenure of office of government officials. He favors a single fixed term without reelection for national, provincial and municipal elective officials. "This is to minimize", he said, "the play of too much politics in the government and promote more public service." According to him, it would be wise to consider an adjustment in the frequency of Philippine elections. Instead of having elections every two years, we should hold only one election every four years, consolidating therein the elections for the national, provincial, and municipal governments. Padilla maintained that the aim of politicians should not be the grasp and acquisition of power but the maintenance of good government, not political patronage but public service. He stressed that one fixed term without reelection would be proper for the betterment of our government because then every elective official will undertake to discharge his public duties during his first term without the temptation of fortifying his political fortress for a second term. Padilla pointed out that our country needs public servants and not politicians, men who are less of politicians and more of statesmen. In the struggle for political supremacy, he said, elections are often marred by passions which sometimes flare up to violence. These are the dangers, he declared, that make elections a mockery of the freedom of choice by our sovereign people. He noted that the politician looks to the government not as the machinery for service but as the dispenser of jobs for em­ ployment. He said that there is a tendency to disregard civil service rules in the appointment and promotion of public officials in the government service. Deserving employees are even forced to resign or are threatened with suspension and removal, simply be­ cause they are among the loyal pillars of the political party that has suffered at the polls. He indignantly charged that even Congress today has been corrupted, making changes of names of offices in the government, inspired not by the urgent needs of public service but by the de­ mands of politics. M. ».(!I. USC HONORS EX-PRES. OSMENA Ex-President Sergio Osmena was honored at the commencement exer­ cises held at the USC quadrangle last March 23, 1956. He was con­ ferred the degree of Doctor of Laws, honoris causa. The honor that was given to Don Sergio by USC was the first of its kind in the entire history of the school. Ex-President Osmena spent the best years of his student life in the University of San Carlos, then Co­ legio Seminario de San Carlos. He was enrolled here at the age of eleven and finished his secondary course with excellent grades. In the old Colegio Seminario de San Carlos he showed good leadership, and distinguished himself as an energetic leader. He then took his Bachelor of Arts degree, after gra­ duation from high school, at the Co­ legio de San Juan de Letran, Manila, and later, took up Philoso­ phy and Letters at the University of Santo Tomas, graduating with excellent ratings. The conferring of degree was attended by prominent men, and among them was Solicitor-General Ambrosio Padilla, the Guest Speaker. USC GRADUATE SCHOOL OFFERS MORE COURSES Four more additional courses under the Graduate School of the University of San Carlos will be offered beginning with the next school year 1956-1957. The courses to be offered are the following: Master o/ Arts in Philosophy, Master oi Science in Pharmacy, Master of Science in Physics, and Bachelor of Science in Nursing. The Bachelor of Science in Nur­ sing course is for those who have Page 28 THE CAROLINIAN N g m g by S. B. FABROZ graduated from the three-year nur­ sing curriculum with the diploma of a graduate nurse. Applicant may not necessarily be a registered nurse. The University of San Carlos is the first university in Cebu to offer these new courses in the Graduate School. FR. E. HOERDEMANN RETURNING TO USC Rev. Fr. Ernest Hoerdemann, SVD, is scheduled to return to the University of San Carlos sometime this May. Well-loved by Carolinians and well-known throughout the Visayas, Fr. Hoerdemann's return will be news to Cebu where he devoted much of his exceptional talents and energy as former USC Secretary, Procurator, Dean, Administrator, and Instructor. San Carlos rehabilitated itself rapidly from the destruction of the war through the untiring efforts of Fr. Hoerdemann. He directly par­ ticipated in the planning and cons­ truction of the present building of USC. Under his personal direction, the Boys' High School, the Science Building and the Main Building of the University were erected in a short span of time. Fr. Hoerdemann assumed many posts at the same time in the University of San Carlos. He acted as the Secretary, Procura­ tor, Dean of the College of Liberal Arts, and Graduate School. In Japan, Fr. Hoerdemann taught in Nanzen University, Nagoya, which is also managed by SVD Fathers. He has been absent in San Carlos for six years since he left the school sometime last July, 1950. Fr. Hoerdemann is a Licentiate in Sacred Theology from the Gre­ gorian University in Rome. He is also a Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy from the University of Santo Tomas. He speaks English, Spanish, Japanese, Latin, and CeThe spirited send-off (above) for Fr. Hoerdemann in 1950 will be duplicated by the uproarious welcome when he comes back "home" to USC. buano, aside from his native Ger­ man tongue. LAW LIBRARY TO BE TRANSFERRED The USC Law Library will be transferred somewhere to the 2nd floor of the USC main building be­ cause the space it now occupies will be made as Deans' Offices. This is to include the portion occupied at present by the Bookstore Depart­ ment which is to be transferred also to the first floor of the Science Build­ ing. NEW BHSD BUILDING ON THE AISLE The three-story building for the High School Department of the Univ­ ersity of San Carlos at Mango Avenue, Cebu City, is now com­ pletely finished and is ready for the opening of the school-year 1956-1957. The newly finished building is composed of eighteen classrooms, one chapel, one library, four offices, two laboratories, one teachers' room, and two visiting rooms (one for students and one for priests). A spacious school ground, pur­ posely intended for field games, occupies, with the building, a lot of 2.6 hectares. The estimated cost of the building is no less than P250,000.00. Its length is 80 meters and is 50 meters from the main street. NEW OFFICERS OF THE USC ROTC CORPS At the opening of the schoolyear 1956-1957, the University of San Carlos ROTC Corps will be handled by a new set of cadet officers. This was made known after a turn over of command last March 18 high­ lighted by a parade and review at the Abellana Technical High School ground. Citations and medal de­ corations to deserving outgoing cadet officers gave color to the oc­ casion. Those awarded gold medals were: Cdt. Col. Melecio Ajero for leadership; Cdt. Lt. Col. Antonio Aquino for efficiency; Cdt. Lt. Col. Arturo Ralota for efficiency; Cdt. Lt. Col. Gumersindo Ybafiez, for leader­ ship; Cdt. 2nd Lt. Rafael Lugay, Jr. for efficiency; and Cdt. 2nd Lt. Salustiano Pino for efficiency. To head the new USC ROTC (Tturn to next page) SUMMER, 1956 Page 29 Corps are the following officers: Corps Commander, Cdt. Col. Felipe Labucay, Corps Ex-O, Cdt. Lt. Col. Winifredo Geonzon; Corps Adj. and SI, Cdt. Lt. Col. Jacinto Gador, Jr.; Corps S2, Cdt. Lt. Col. Francisco Literatus; Corps S3, Cdt. Lt. Col. Jose Deen; Corps S4, Cdt. Maj. Vi­ cente Belarmino; Battalion Comman­ der — 1st Bn, Cdt. Maj. Louwie Batongmalaque; Battalion Commander — 2nd Bn, Cdt. Maj. Cesar Ursal; CO "A" Company, Cdt. Capt. Ra­ mon Roska; CO "B" Company, Cdt. Capt. Joel Trinidad; CO "C" Com­ pany, Cdt. Capt. Nilo Alazas; CO "E" Battery, Cdt. Capt. Antonio Bernardes; CO "F" Battery, Cdt. Capt. Teresito Escario; and Color Officer, Cdt. Lt. Antonio Sanchez. USC'S MISS GUANGCO COPS FIRST PLACE — INTERNATIONAL OGA CONTEST The First Place for the Teachers Division of the International OGA Contest went to USC's Miss Perfecta Guangco, Stenography Instructor of the University of San Carlos. In­ formation was made known through a radiogram personally sent to her from New York, U.S.A., by Today's Secretary magazine. The commu­ nication reads: CONGRATULA­ TIONS YOUR ENTRY WON FIRST PLACE TEACHERS DIVISION RUSH PHOTOGRAPH. The International OGA Contest was participated in by Gregg writersstudents, teachers, reporters, and secretaries who welcomed the chance to improve and compare their shorthand notes. Miss Guang­ co, representing U.S.C. for the Teachers Contest Division submitted her entry (a photo of blackboard notes) sometime last March 1956. Her entry was adjudged first place. Her prize is a beautiful Silver Lov­ ing Cup which she is expecting to arrive this month. In the Students Contest Division, the University of San Carlos stu­ dents of the Secretarial Course got away with the place of Honorable Mention. In last year's contest, USC students of the same course also placed Honorable Mention. These students were all under Miss Guangco in Stenography subject. MISS PERFECTA GUANGCO Hobby: Winning first prizes THIEF STRIKES AT USC An undetermined amount in cash was taken from the drawers of the USC Library office tables last April 19, 1956, by an unknown man. Police investigators went up a blank wall on how the thug gained entrance since there was no break­ age or opening. They found it hard to classify whether it was robbery or theft. Subsequent investigations indicated that the felony was an inside job. Up to this time of writing no man has been pinpointed for the theft. Fingerprint men went over parts of the rooms and tables which the thief could have possibly touched. They lifted no visible mark to iden­ tify the culprit. CAROLINIAN FIRE VICTIMS The savage fire that swept in all directions through seven thickly populated blocks of Junquera, R. R. Landon, Ramos, Jakosalem, and Imus streets razed the houses of many USC faculty members, em­ ployees and students. Among the fire victims of USC faculty members and employees are Atty. Arsenio Villanueva, Mr. Jose Tecson, Mr. Jose Arias, Mr. Juanito Abao, Atty. Pablo P. Gar­ cia, Mrs. Crispina Tan, Mrs. Rosalia Tolentino, Miss Evangeline Zosa, Mr. Samuel Fabroz and Mr. Rafael Mayol. 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