Telegrams of the Pope to the Philippines


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Telegrams of the Pope to the Philippines
Papal visits
Papal documents
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
DOCUMENTATION TELEGRAMS OF THE POPE TO THE PHILIPPINES Before the Visit His Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos President of the Republic of the Philippines As the long-awaited moment of our arrival in your country approaches we send Your Excellency our warm salutation with the assurance of our prayers for your welfare and happiness and that of all the beloved people of the Philippines. PauluA pp. VI After the Visit His Excellency Ferdinand E. Marcos President of the Republic of the Philippines Deeply touched by the warmth of the welcome given us in your land, we assure you once again, as we leave the Philippines, of our heartfelt gratitude and implore the Lord to bestow abundant rewards upon all the Filipino people, as a pledge of which we impart anew our affectionate Apostolic Blessing. PaulaA. pp VI To the President of the Episcopal Symposium Cardinal Rufino Santos Manila To you, our venerable brother and through you to all the members of the episcopate in Asia whom we had the pleasure of meeting in your city, we send this assurance of our warm appreciation, and united with all in the close bonds of charity, we impart our cordial Apostolic Blessing as a pledge of the abiding favor of the Lord for themselves and the Churches they are called to serve. Paului pp. V! The Asian Bishops Conference opened with a pontifical concclebrated Mass at the VST chapel on November 23, 1970. Cardinal Santos of Manila was main celebrant assisted by the Presidents of the various Episcopal Con­ ferences of Asia. After the Mass the Papal Delegate to the Asian Bishops Conference opened the cultural and religious exhibits at the VST Main Library. Upper photo. Pope Paul VI arriving at the UST campus amidst cheers of some 50,000 students; Lower right: Pope Paul VI greeting the students who gathered at the UST campus to hear his message to them last Novem­ ber 28, 1970; Lower left: after his speech Paul VI blessed the throng gathered at the UST campus. His holiness, Pope Paul VI engages some students in intimate conversation. Flanked by the Presidents of the various Episcopal Conferences cf Asia, Paul VI presided during the closing session of the Asian Bishops Con­ ference on November 2S. 1970. Pope Paul VI delivered a special message to the different bishops of Asia gathered at the I’ST College .of Medicine auditorium. At the end of his address, Paul VI posed with the cardinals and bishops of Asia in this rare photo.