Fr. Jose Burgos, university student


Part of Boletin Eclesiastico de Filipinas

Fr. Jose Burgos, university student
Fr. Burgos y García, José Apolonio, 1837-1872
Catholic Priest
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
FR. JOSE BURGOS, UNIVERSITY STUDENT FR. JOSE BURGOS —THE UNIVERSITY STUDENT, 6 x 9, 266 pages, paper back, considered the most definitive study on the academic life and intellectual pursuit of the Filipino martyr-priest, is coming off the press early September as the newest volume on the Filipiniana series of the University of Sto. Tomas. Authored by Fr. Fidel Villarroel, O.P., the scholarly dissertation earned for the author a ineritissbims, the highest honor, when conferred his doctorate in the social sciences at the UST Graduate School. The outstanding treatise on “one of the best representatives of the Filipino intellectual class of the mid-nineteenth century”, is published as one of the highlights of the first centennial celebrations of the death of the three secular priests — Fathers Jose Burgos, Mariano Gomez, and Jacinto Zamora. The study is acknowledged to be a highly original product of research and investigation relying on historic documents of the academic records of Fr. Burgos in the Archives of the University. Guided by his far ranging experiences and competence as an archivist and historian, Fr. Villarroel also culled from these manuscripts, hitherto unknown episodes in the student life of Fr. Burgos who spent almost twenty five years as student in Dominican institutions. The narrative becomes highly interesting reading since the author successfully created the. intellectual atmosphere and cultural traditions that permeated the mid-nineteenth century. Drawing from the rich tra­ ditions of the period, Fr. Villarroel attempted to reconstruct the portrait of the subject in terms of the aspirations and conflict in the social and political settings of that particular period in Philippine history. The remarkable scholarship and dedication that went into the work are dramatized by the fact that almost all original documents including century-old minutes of the meetings of the University Claustro, proceed­ ings of examinations for graduations and other historical papers touching on the life of martyr, are meticulously pieced together and presented in a meaningful whole. As the author faithfully recorded dramatic events in Fr. Burgos’ life as a student, the readers become part of history as they relive the dreams, aspirations and commitment of the priest-martyr. Copies of Fr. Villarroel’s book will be available in the Office of Aca­ demic Affairs, University of Santo Tomas and at the U.S.T. Press, Manila at P12:00 per copy at the end of September, 1971.