Farming and Cooperatives


Part of Farming and Cooperatives

Farming and Cooperatives
Official organ of the Philippine Farmers' Association
Issue Date
Volume II (Issue No.1) January, 1947
Philippine Farmers Association, Inc.
Agriculture, Cooperative--Philippines--Periodicals.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
Place of publication
extracted text
Tak.rn Nov. 14. 1946 in frnnl of lhe Amee Plnw Factory al the NOC Comf>ounrl, al the time the President 11ave the "Go-Ahead" sign lo mao.ufa:lure agricultural implements (Please see Our Cnrer t>nee II) -------- . . iii I j§@@ bl I ii.ts& Gt iii@ iiiSSJ JANUARY-1947 VOL. II NO. I I PO 60 I m 11 ii au: . per copy "TO MAKE AGRICULTURE PAY, DO IT THE AMEC WAY" .-Henares FARMING AND COOPERATIVES Vol. II-No. U ARTICLES: 1. Soil Conoervation, Neceaaary For Nation'• SecurityBy: Dioniaio I. Aquino. (Continuation from Vol I-No. 10) 2 2. Papaya: Ito U- Food Value and PreparationBy: Jooe L Sulit.·----··· . ···--···-- 3 3. Fint Rice E_.unental Projects In Albay-By: Paquito Serrao•> of the Bureau of Plant Industry Stetion, Albay. . ............... ___ 6 DEPARTMENTS: 1. Qaeotiono and Anowen On Duck Raising-By: Carlos X. Bure'>• ( Continuatinn). ·---------· ·--2. Cooperative Mo-nt-By: Hilarion S. Silayan (Continuation). 7 9 S. Procreaive Farming-Recent Advance1 In Soil Science and Plant Nutrition in the U. S.-By: Ri: cardo T. Marfori........... -------· l l 4. Home And Women'• Corner. 5. March of Evento. 6. With Our ~-;;~.---~ 12 13 Cabbag-By: F. C. Baile1 14 7. With Our Tenan~ultural oi;: ectiono For Onions--By: Pedro Rodrigo. 15 I. With Our Government-AMEC School Program. 9. In Lighter Vain. --···-·-·····--·---· 19 10. Editorial Publi•her: PHILIPPINE FA RMER!I ASSOCIATION Staff: HlLARION S. SILAYAlll, Editor; R. R. DE ARANA, Manacinr Editor and Bu1inn1 Mana1er; Editorial anJ Bu1lne11 Office: 1066 Arleeui. Manila, P. I. Subacrlptlon Ratea: One year ••••••.••••.•••• P6.00 ff.air year ••••••••••.••... !'3.00 Entered a1 Pcond cla11 matter at the 0 Jllanlla Poat Office on Dec. 14, 1946. Weather Report . AVERAGE MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RAINY DAYS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN DIFFERENT TYPES First Type:-Two pronounced sea.ans; Dry in winter and prin£ Wet in autumn and summer. STATION lloilo City ................................... . Lapwi-Lapu•, Iloilo City ....................... . Cuvo, Palawan ............................... . Batengas, Batengaa ........................... . Caltagan, Batangaa .......................... .. Lian, Batangas .............................. .. Ambulong, Tanauan, Batangas .................. . Canlubang, Laguna ........................... . Santa Cruz, Laguna ........................... . Fort Mills, Corregidor ......................... . Cavite Naval Stetion, Cavite ................... . Lamao Horticultural Station, Batean ............. . Manila City .................................. . Antipolo, Rizal ............................... . Bosoboao, Rizal .............................. . La Mesa, Rizal .............................. . Montalban, Rizal ............................. . Olongapo, Zambalea ........................... . Iba, Zambales ................................ . Dagupan, Pangasinan ......................... . Jtogon Mining Company, Mountain Province ..... . Baguio City .................................. . San Fernando, La Union ....................... . Sagada, Mountain Province .................... . Bontoc, Mountain Province ..................... . Vigan, llocoa Sur ............................. . Laoag, Docoa Norte ............................ . Length of Record Year• 36 20 36 18 18 25 22 28 28 21 20 73 26 18 13 20 20 29 36 16 36 36 20 20 36 Average Monthly Rainfall mm. 64.7 65.8 16.8 25.0 16.0 16.2 25.2 42.0 48.6 11.8 13.9 9.8 24.4 26.5 24.0 19.6 26.2 5.6 7.4 11.0 7.7 22.5 8.6 32.6 13.2 4.0 4.8 AVERAGE MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RAINY DAYS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN DIFFERENT TYPES Second Type:-No dry season with a very pronounced maximum rainfall in winter. STATION Compostela, Davao ........................... . Hinatuan, Surigao ............................ . Butuan, Agusan .............................. . Surigao, Surigao ............................. . Guiu:an, Sarnar ............................... . Tacloban, Leyte .............................. . Borongan, Samar ............................. . Catbalongan, Samar ........................... . Legaspi. Albay Virac, Albay ................................ .. Atimonan, Quezon (Tayaba1) .................. . Pandan, Albay ...... _, ....................... . Lucban, Quezon (Ta ya bas) ..................... . Daet, Camarines Norte ........................ . lnf_a.!!_te, Quezon (Tayabaa) ..................... . Length of Record Years 18 II 35 36 26 35 36 23 36 30 36 7 11 18 12 Average Monthly Rainfall mm. 400.0 807.4 314.8 544.0 536.8 337.3 641.6 319.0 391.5 221.8 203.6 271.4 407.6 353.0 416.2 AVERAGE MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RAINY DAYS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN DIFFERENT TYPES I Average Monthly Rainy Day 10 9 2 6 4 2 6 9 12 3 4 2 s 6 4 5 s 1 2 1 4 I 7 3 1 1 I Average I Monthly I Rainy Day I I I I I I I I I I I I I i 16 26 22 24 25 22 26 20 22 20 20 13 26 24 26 Third Type:-No very pronounced ma:rimum rain period with a short dry aea1on Iastinl only lrom one to three months. STATION Length Average I Average of Monthly Monthly Record Rainfall Rainy Day ~:::i=~~ ;:!:1 6,j~,;~ 'cii~lghb); z~;,;b~~~i~ 'c;i), Y3;r• ~4 I 8 Central Camp, Davao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 70.5 4 Sibuko Farm School, Zamboanga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 84.1 I 6 ~annlan, Lanao ......... _. _ .. _._·..;.·..;.·_·.;..· .;..' _. ·-·-'·-·-·-· _. _. :-'.-'---'6 ___ ...::,2;:;19:..:·;:;3_...!.. __ :_19::__ Soil Conservation Neccesary ·for Nation's Security Strip croppinf. Strip cropping is one of the vegetative methods for the contrOl of · erosion. This concerns with the planting on the land in alternate strips o( closegrowing cultivated crops. Thick-growing fibrous rooted-crops, such as com, tobacco, cotton, etc, are planted around the slope. The planting should be done in such a manner as to follow the contour of the land as closely as possible, The contoured rows of soil-building crops, which are mainly for the protective cover of the soil, serve as miniature terraces. These crops may eitehr be plowed under at an appro?riate time or harvested for seed or feed. The practice of strip cropping is best suited to land areas o( rolling topography with more or less uniform slopes. One thing necessary in putting strip cropping into reality is courage to change the lay· out of the farm and to a certain extent.. the cropping system. Strip cropping is one of the simplest, but most effective. and inexpensive methods in controlling soil er~on. Farni terracirJl to reduce erosion. Steep as well as rolling lands that wash badly should be terTaced in order to prevent large amounts of surface water running straight c!own the hill at a high velocity, The reduction of runoff is a means of controlling erosion and it gives the soil an ample time to absorb more water for the growing crops. Terraces are important in protecting gullied areas by divening surface runoff ,from them. Tbey are not difficult to maintain and are more useful espe~ially on moderately sloping areas. Lands with a 12 to 15 per cent slope are, in most cases, considered as steepest and can be terraced and cultivated on practical basis. Areas of steeper slopes should be left alone in pasture. Contour plowina. The purpose of con· tour plowing is to break the ground at regular intervals along the lines around the slopes in orde to collect runoff and prevent soil washing. The water·holding gurrows should be from 15 to 20 meters apart or closer depending on the angle o( slope and c~ndition , of tlje land. When crops or the same level are planted, lines are to ba followed in order to Conn shallow trough above each row which not only controls erosion but holds surface ru'loff also. Thus, the danger of runoff is reduced, The fact that erosion can be controlled is impor· 2 By Dionisio 1. Aquino Ot the D~partment ot Soils, College of Airiculture, University of the Philippines Conlinualionfrom Vol, I - No, 10 tAnt and the correct solution to the problem of erorion is simple and practical However, a complete, coordinated program, and sustained efforts are necessary if a mexi. mum benefit is to be desired. Microbiololical .consen·G.tion of soil. One may inqueirtetaoishrdlushrdlshrdl cm shcc may inquire, hWhat pan do micro-organisms play in the conserving of soil fertility and of preventing the losses of the soil itself? It may be emp!lasized that these losses are brought about in the following ways, (a) the gaseous losses, especially the soil nitrogen, (b) losses in a liquid state through the constant dissolution of some nutrient materials by the movement of soil water, and (c) losses in a solid state, or true soil erosion. It. has been shown that the problems of water and wind erosion, as well as hat of soil deterioration owing to improper system of tillage operation, are closely associated with t..lie problem of soil organic matter. A decrease in the amount of organic matter in the soil accompanies soil deterioration and in itself a cause for further deterioration. An increase in organic matter and nitrogen is a symbol of soil improvement. The soil microbes are closely associated with the formation and destruction of organic matter, an_d with an increase or a decrease of the available nitrogen and mineral mutrients. In most cases an improvement in the microbiological condition of the soil, or proper aeration of poorly-drained soils, etc., results in improvement of the physcila and chemical soil conditions. In addition to preventing soil losses, micro-organisms can be made, with careful and scientific crop rcitation and soil management, to increase the fertility of the soil. They are believed to be capable of replacing, at least, some of the nutrient mateerials lost from the soit It has been generally recognized that micro-organisms serve several distinct functions in the soil; namely, (a) they prevent the plant nutrients from being leached out, ( b) they convert the essential plant nutritive elements in the soil into fonns in which they can a~ain be utilized by the following crops, ( c) they reduce the waste of plant and animal life and trans· form these residues into organic matter, which becomes an important constituent of the soil system and exerts highly favorable influenc:! upon the growth of creps, and (d) they increase the supply pf nitrogen in the soil through judicious utilizotion of leguminous plants. The soil microbes ore important ogents in the conservation of the tremendous wealth that nature has in store in the soil. It is, therefore, necessary to take into consideration the influence of soil treatment upon the activities of the autochthonous soil micro-flora, as well as the methods of utilizing their activities in order to make possible a permanent system of agriculture. Program of soil conservation. It may be stated that it has been only recently that the soil !las received the attention of scientists, which it should have had long ago. Philippine soils as are soils elsewhere are not inexhaustible. The results of studies conducted in the College of Agriculture on soil samples collected from typical areas of the Philipi:incs showed that unless our metrods of farming systems are modified or c!langed sooner or later the production of crops will be limited owing to exhaustion of plant-food materials due primarily to excessive erosion. We should not wait until our soils are exhausted before we adopt a system of farming operations which will insure their continuous fertility. The farmer, himself, needs to adopt newer and wiser farming methods and to cherish his soil as his only capital. The farmer who puts into operation t_'Je suggestions for conserving the soil and improving its fortility will not of!ly secure benefit but also maintain the fertility o fthe land for many years to come. Any program of permanent soil improvement or soil conservation should tgke into consideration the detailed treatment od every aspect of the subject of land lose, the results, and the necessary methods for the prevention and control of accelerated erosion. There is a need for a careful study of the problems of maintaining high soil ·productivity, the Production and propagation of farm and range plants for the control of erosion. The use of pastl!re grasses, small grain-crops and legumes ;BS protective covers of the soil, and shrub~ ~s . trees is of vital importance in the control of soil erosion both by wind and ?.y water. Seeding all crops on the contour ~nd prnc\icing contour strip cropping and tel-racing on sloping )and areas are among the methods· used for controlling eroS·f~ri. The microorganic populatibn ·or the ~oil niust. PAPAYA: Its Uses, Food V altte and Preparation Papaya, Carica papaya L. is a common tropical fruit naturalized in this country. In England, it i1 popularly known as "pawpaw" and "melon tree," in the United States. Papaya was introduced into the Philippines by tbe Spaniards from Mexico, and being a tropical fruit, its propagation wa1 so rapidly utended to nlany parts of the country that at present it could be found almost anywhere. The imponance of papaya in this country is as a table fruit when ripe and as a vegetable when young. The commercialization of papaya products is limited, if there is any at all in the Philippines, as compared to that in the United States and other Asiatic countries.. The food value as well as the medical uses of papaya are recognized in the United States. In 1941, before the outbreak of war, the United States imported Sl50,000 worth of papain from the West Indies and Ceylon. By JOSE I. SULIT ol the Plant Utilization Di .. ision prepared by collecting the milky exudates of papaya obtained by incising the skin of the mature fruit and dried at not more than 40% preferably under vacuum). The dry residue is known as "'papain" commercially termed as upapoid." This substance after treatm.ent with alcohol produces a precipitate containing caricin or papayotin. It is whitish hygroscopic powder odorless, tasteless and soluble in water or glycerine; and active in neutral and acids, but more so in alkaline media. It converts starch into maltose, albuminoids into peptones, and emulsifies fats very readily. Hence, this sub .. stance is used in cases of dyspepsia to help in digesting foods. Americans of advanced age take papain in forms of candy and chewing gum or mixed with other mediciNAME OF FRUIT A + -1-1- -1VITAMINS Bl c -1- + -1- + -1- -1- -1nal prepartions. The papaya milky exudates besides being used as a bleacher is also used for removing freckles. The dried seeds of papaya are commonly used as vermifuge (worm expeller). The water extract of papaya leaves removes certain cloth strains and when used in washing colored clothings prevents discoloration. The papaya fruit is highly recommended as an economical source of Vitamins A, B and C. It contains appreciable amounts of calcium, phosphorus and iron as shown in the following table: TABLE 1-Showing the vitamin and mineral contents of papaya as compared with some Philippine fruits. L MINERALS (PER CENT) B2 Ash Calcium Phosphorus Iron + -1- 0.79 0.008 0.034 0.00057 -1- 0.80 0.004 0.023 0.00007 The annual production of papaya in the Philippines (Census of the Philippines, 1939), is 54,613,524 fruits worth Pl.115,616. According to Culbreth (1927) and Karter and Schlientz (1934), papain i• Avocados Bananas Guavas -i- -1- I ' ·1- -1- -1- -1- -1- -~- 0.50 0 .101 0.022 0. 00146 Mangoes PAPAYAS Pineapple -1- -1-1- -1- -!-1-1-1-1-1- -1- -1- -1- 0.37 0.006 0.015 0. 00016 -1- -1- -1- -1- 0.51 0 019 0.013 0.00025 -1- -1- -1- 0.28 0 .018 0.012 0 .00025 (Continued on next page) THE FILIPINO CONSTRUCTION SUPPLY ~ 563 ECHAGUE, MANILA (MAIN STORE) NEW LOCATION 525 ECHAGUE, MANILA (BRANCH) I.) MANUFACTURERS OF CEMENTS PRODUCTS: x TILES OF DIFFERENT DESIGN AND SIZES x CEMENT BRICKS x CEMENT PIPES x GRANOLITIC STEPS x SYNTHE1 IC MARBLE x TERRAZO x WASHOUT x MEDIA LUNA x BALUSTRE AND PEDESTAL 2.) SUPPLIER OF: x GRAVEL AND SAND x ADOBE STONES ESCOMBRO x CEMENT x LIME x 3.) DEALER IN: x PAINTS AND OIL x HARDWARES x ELECTRICAL AND PLUMBING SUPPLIES x BUILDING MATERIALS CABLE ADDRESS- "F/LCONS" MANILA. -PHILIPPINES (A Filipino Enterprise with 100 o/• Filipino Capital) p. M CADSAWAN (Owner - Manager) Watermelon + + + · 0.37 0.006 0.017 .0.00017. l/-MiOer; ·c. D. and R. RobbinS. 'Some ·1ni~ts of Hawaii: their comPosition, nutritive value and uses. Hawaii Agn;;.,J~ral E:icperlment Station Bulletin No. 77, 1937. Nature ol Fruit Moisture Ash Protein Fat Crude Fiber Carbohydrates % % % % % % (by difference) Green Papaya 93.98 0.41 1.09 0.17 0.65 3.70 Ripe Pa- 88.27 0.88 0. 75 0.24 1.17 8.69 2/-Pratt, D. S. and J. L del Rosario. Philippine fruits: their composition and characteristics. · Philippine J oumal of Science. SA: 69 ( 1913). According to the foregoing tables the papaya fruit has a comparatively high food value, especially in vitamins and the necessary bone building materials as calcium and pl)osphorus. Besides, the ripe fruit contains caricaznthin which promotes crowth, the body effect of which is similar to carotene. As food, papaya fruit when young is used as vegetable and when ripe as a table fruit. The immature papaya is popularly used in the manufacture of native "atchara" and in the preparation of fermented mi:o:ed pickles. It may be baked or boiled and served as a vea:etable, or stewed and served as a sauce. In the ripe stage, it is most desirable to use as fresh, making an excellent breakfast or dessert fruit when served with lemon or lime. In cocktail or salads, it is usually combined with pineapple, mango, citrus, melon and other highly flavored fruits. The fra1h papaya pulp with milk or cream makes a delicious frozen dessert. "t'he food products derived lrom papaya many and their preparatio..;; had been tned and tested by the Plant Utilization Division. In the preparation of these papaya products, such as jelly, jam9, marmalaya products, such as jelly, jams, manna_ades, preserves, etc., the followinc are the .method• uoed: P•P"Y• Jelly.-The mat.ire but not ripe papaya contain1 a high percentage o>f pectin. an important ingredient in u.e manu!acture of fruit jellies. In view of the fact duit the water eztract ol p"paya for jelly making has no fruit flavor thi1 material is used advantageou1ly in the manufacture of artificially flavored fruit jellies, such as mint, 1trawberry, grape., pineapples, etc., which is done as follows: Wash the fruit, cut into haives, removed ~e 1eed1, and cut into smaJI and thin p.eceo ( okin not being removed). Add equ•I amount or water and boil for 20 min1.1tes or until the fruit is tender. Strain thrwgh a piece of cheesecloth (without pressiug) and measure. To every kilo or the wet~•· ntract, add 1/2 kilo of ougar, either tirSL or second clau sugar. To mixture, ead 4 tablespoom of calamansi juice. Heat to DOiJing afld ltrain to remove impuritae•: c.vntinue boiling until a temperamte or lOS"C (226.4"F.) i1 reached. Betore pouring into the jelly jars, add the fruit flarorinr, the type of eHence depending on what kind of jelly i1 to be made. Papaya ]uice.-A new product or ripe papaya i1 the juice, commercially kr1own as "papaya nip". An American firm in Hawaii is the manufacturer ot this prized . 4 product. Trans-oceanic vessels includes pa~ paya juice as the main source of Vitamins A. B, complex and C. It is prepared as lollows: Select a fully ripa papaya free from blemishe1 and spoiled portions. Wash carefully and cut into halves to remove the through a fine sieve. In a commercial manufacture, the ordinary tomato pulper does the job with optimum efficiency and speed. To the fine papaya pulp, add equal amount of 30 per cent syrup. To every liter of the resulting mixture, add two tablespoons of calamansi juice to impart enough acid and citrus flavor. Heat the mixture to boiling and pour while hot into No. 1 tall cans C 10-ounze capacity), &!~d then seal hermetically. Cool at once under running water; dry, label and store in cool, dry place. Papaya Sauerkraut. - Experiments undertaken on the preparation of papaya .. auerkraut produced a product similar to ordinary cabbage sauerkraut, another type of vecetable pickle. The preparation is as follows: Peel the hard mature papaya and shred into threads as if shredding cabbage. Pack the shredded material in a jar, incorporatine: at least 2o/o salt on each layer. Put on each layer. Put on heavv stones. not bricks or iron, heavy enou2h to let the water ooz rut of the material. Cover the container and 8.UoW to ferment at least One week. long enough to acauire shout 1 OJ,, lactic acid -content. Pack the veg~table in C&fl• heat its liquid to boilin2. pour while hnt into the vegetable and iceal the cans h,.r .. metically. Cool at once urlder running w•ter to prevent the vegetable from furtbfl.r cookiilg. Store in cool, dry pleriia Papaya Pickles (Native "AtchsrR"). - The common papaya pickle CNativfl. 11 At. chara") is made differently frnm th~ f,.rmented papaya mixed pickle. Thi~ i• made by the quick process which is •• f"llnws: Peel 5 regular sized a:reen Dlloava and shred it. Add to the shrerlded mat .. rial 2 "lo salt and work with the hands: oreM to re~ove com~letelY the juice and to it. adA the pickle svrur> which is oreoared a• ,,., may be added few crushed pieces of "dilaw"i then heat to boiling and pour while lows: To one quart of sour vinegar ( 4o/o acetic acid ) add one head of garlic, twen .. ty (20) heads of native onions sliced in .. to thin c:lisks; two red sweet peppers, sliced; a small amount of cut ginreri and . 2 cups of brown sugar. To the mixture, may be added few crushed pieces of "di· Jaw"; then heat to boillnii and pour while hot into the pre11ed papaya veaetable. The product is ready .. to serve, but. bes~ i.( allowed to stand overnight. Frozen Papaya.-The commercial· valuo of papaya will be increased as soon as the United States resumes the importation of frozen papaya. Before the outbreak of War 11, a private firm wa1 exporting frozen papaya to the United States. As soon as tin cans are made available at reasonable price the same private firm would again start the exportation of frozen papaya to the United States. The simple method used in prepar· ing the product is as follows: Select sound ripe papaya; peel; cut into halves to remove the seeds and then cut the pulp into rectangular pieces of about l" wide x 2" long. Pack in one-gallon can, previously coated with paraffin and to it pouf enough to cover a 30o/o syrup. Seal hermetically and store in a cold storage with 9 temperature ranging from l 7-26°F. This 9reparation is served as fresh papaya and may be used in the manufacture of "papa· ya nip". Pap:iya Jam.-The taste of pure papaya jam is improved by the addition, as flavor. ing, of small amounts of other highlv flavored fruits, such as 0 nengka'', mango "r Qineapple. The appearance of the finishec! vroduct is much improved because of the '9dded pectin inherent in the fruit flavor\.'1.g. The method is described as follows: Select fully ripe papaya, cut into halves to remove the seeds; then scrape the pulp, and the hard portions grated through a meat chopper. measure the total pulp and add 1/2 the amount of sugar and 1/4 the amount of any of the above-mentioned fruit flavoring. Cook to o jam consistency; pa~k while hot end seal hermetically at once. If packed while boiling hot which is the correct practice, sterilization is not necessary. Papaya Preserves (Maraschino-cherries iype) .-The product serves as a substitute for the imported . maraschino-cherries preserve, commonly used in fruit cocktail; salads, cakes and pastries. Only the mature but firm papaya is recommended to obtain s product very similar to maraschino-cher· ries preserve. Cut the papaya into halves to remove the seeds; then scoop the pulp with the aid of a potato pulper (the smaller size). Try as much as possible to produce round balls of about the size of cherries. Prick the balls and soak in lime water solution (made by disisolving 1 tablespoon of com~ mon lime in 12 cup_s of water) for at least 12 hours. Then wash thoroughly to remove the lime and boil 10 minutes. Drain and soak in a solutio11 of certified red food coloring (made by mixing 1/4 teaspoon of Ponceau red coloring in 1/3 cup of Cslamsi juice). Le_t it stand for 5 ho~rs stirring occasionally to effect an even distribution of the obsorption of color. Wash the balls to remove excess color and then boil for ] 5 minutes in 2 to . 1 syrup. Allow to stand overnight and boil again until the syrup (Contlnuttl on po11e 15) , - ~ r 1.~ N LAYO'.'T ,<0"'1 MA . 'f? .AWNR''~ft~ ~ 1\1 - CI-JIN ES ·HEAVY AOHIN~'S ' .0~' JJESTH 9 AIRPORTS CONSTRUC;:IO 01<' l~EOONS~~OTION BR N ' l h U C'l' IDGES e DEMOLITION I 0 N e ROAOS AND STR • BUILDING CA TRACTORS EET WORK TERPILLAR D 9 I NT£ . ' F 0 R H · RNATIONAL I R E C R ON EASY I TD. 9 H E A V y F 0 R R E N NST A LLM ENT p L --~J;;;f;[i)-;::'.';E=;Q~U~l~P'~ T AN MENT M atcr ial Distributors Yard and OJ (Philippine) 1;.~~---------ficc - I 79 I nc. nverne.s - - T el. 9 -75-67 8 - 75 - 68 First Rice Experimental Project in Albay Aimed to increase the yield and production of rice of Albay by means of scientific and modem method of rice farming, three cooperative ezperimental plots are being conducted in the three representative rice municipalities of Malinao, Camalig and Polangui under the office of the provincial agricultural supervisor with the technical assistance of . Mr. Franciseo P. Octubre, Assistant Agronomist of the Bureau of Plant Industry. Knowing full well that no ezperiment of the kind had ever been attempted in the province before, the Provincial Board of Albay passed Resolution No. 110 calling for the establishment of said projects in order to encourage the farmen to devote more time in the proper cultivation of their lowland rice fields so as to realize better production. Tbe amount of P630 has been set aside for labor, giving P210 for each hectare experimental plots. These variety tests of palagad rice will serve as initial and practical demonstration on how to select the best variety suitable to local conditions. The effect of commercial fertilizers in the improvement of rice J>f'oduction will also be shown in these WJdertakings. This was made possible thru the initiative of the Provincial Governor and the Provincial Agricultural Supervisor who are deeply concerned with the improvement of rice yield of the province. At present Albay planters realize only from 18 to 25 cavans .of palsy per hectare. After making field observations and laying the foundation of each project, Rice Research M~n Francisco P. Octubre recommended the application of complete fertilizers suitable for rice like corcna arroz,_ ~hicb contains 20% niti-o'ten. 10% phosphoric acid and 5% potash, and ammoniwn sulphate at reasonable quantity per hectare to obtain the best resulta. Malinao Cooperative Palagad Rice E:z.perimental Plots. Located in barrio Cabunturan, three kilometers from the poblacion along the provincial road to Tiwi, the plots are level and represent the lowland rice field condition of Tiwi, Malinao, Tabaco, Malilipot, Bacacay and Libog. Although the 1oil is of yellowish brown chy loam containing a lot of sulphur, rice planta grow normally. Due to the uniformity of the BOiJ condition, Mr. Octubre found out that repetition of the variety plots was unnecessary. Planting of inawayan (BPI and local), Sinadyaya and Kaawa had been done on November 25, 1946. 6 Camalig Cooperative Palegad Rice Erperimental Plots. Thio project represents the ordinary roll· By PAQUITO SERRANO ing lowland rice fields in the valleys between Mayon Volcano and the low hills of Legaspi, Daraga, Camalig, Jovellar and \Guinobatan. The fields are not level and the soil is a mixture of black fine sand and clay loam of volcanic origin, according to the Rice Expert. While the higher fields at the of the hills noticeably lack or!?Rnic matter. the lower ones are comparatively rich. Due to this condition, the four varieties planted were replicated three times. The plots are located in the barrio of Libod one arld one-half kilometers from the centro. Polangui Cooperative Palagad Rice Experimental Plots. Planting here is late because harvesting of rice in the mUnicipalities represented by this project, viz. Ligao, Oas, Polangui and Libon, is also late, similar to that of Camarines Sur. Proper outhilne, including cultural instructions, have already been made by Mr. Octubre. The soil here is ordinary dark brown, clay loam, level, low and rich in organic matter. As a corollary to these experiments it is worthwhile to discuss here the condition ob taining in the province regarding the production of rice. Albay, like the southern part of Quezon, Camarine9 Sur and other Apostol (Senador) .. .. 4,565 Bacao .. .. .. ,, .. 320 Baranay .. .. 450 Bolibod . . .. .. 230 Bulao .. .. .. 880 Cruz .. .. .. .. 210 Elon-el on .. .. .. 705 Ca9ongsong .. .. .. 300 KinaWayan .. .. .. .. . . .. 1,900 Pangasinan .. .. .. .. 949 Maguinsalay .. .. .. .. 770 Pinursigue .. .. 1,650 Other varieties 506 province9 of the Bicol Region, belongs to type B - no pronounced dry 9eason and capable of planting twice a year. The first crop is usually planted during May and June and harvested about October and the second crop ( palagad) is planted in November and harve9ted in March and April. Heavy rains occur from November to January, the months considered by the planters as wet. Incidentally the three representative experimental projects are around the perfectconed, active Mayon Volcano, hence the soil is of volcanic origin which is mostly of dark sandy loam, either sufficient or deficient in organic matter. Even if it is claimed that there are more rains end irrigation water available during the second planting the average production of the first planting, as can be deduced from the above date. is still greater than that of the second cropping. Personnel of the local Bureau of Plant Industry are leaving no stone unturned to make these projects a big success in order to encourage the local farmers in increasing their rice yield. Albay's basic area of lowland rice fields is 14,076 hectares planted lo the following varieties: he., ave. 22 - 24 ca vans 21 25 22 26 25 28 20 28 24 28 22 26 20 22 20 22 25 28 22 25 24 26 20 25 The basic. area of palagad rice reaches the 14,500 h3. mark, planted to the followi!"'g varieties: Bini9aya '' 1,575 ha., ave., 16 - 20 cavan9 Bulao .. .. 930 18 20 Cruz .. -· 1,210 15 - 20 Dum81i .. 865 18 - 20 Gayangang 850 16- 20 Kagting .. 1,415 17- 22 Katona ' ' 635 15 18 Kinawayan .. ,, ,, .. .. .. 2,105 17 20 .Maguinsalay .. .. .. .. 1,335 16 20 Pangasinan .. .. 1,565 18 20 Siruma .. .. '' 945 IS 20 Other varieties .. 1,070 IS - 20 (Note: This article is based on the re port of Mr. Francisco P. Octubre, Assistant Agronomist) QUESCTIONS and ANSWERS on DUCK RAISING (Continued from Last Issue) 30. How is the required temperature lrept eve~-To"'insure an even temperature throughout the incubation period, the palay is heated ~very morning and afternoon in a kawa ( a native large hen vat or pan) . The experienced touch of the caretaker is the only index used to determine the heat, which is usually around 40"C. to 429C. Usually the procedure of testing is to applay one of the eggs against the cheek or back of the hand. From the tenth to the thirteenth day the eggs are candled; and the infertile ones, separated for sale. The eggs intended for hatching are separated on the twentieth day and placed on a table covered with paper, mats. and ... Joth placed over rice hulls of two or three centimeten deep. This table is called the "empolladora" or "cehohaJL" It is about one meter high, one and two--thirds meten wide, and several meters long. Such dimensions may change, depending on the capacity of the hatchery. The eggs are put side by side on the "empolladora" and are then covered with two or three coton sheets accordin~ to the weather. A black or colored sheet is preferred by the operators for retaining · the heat. The hatcheries are kept dark and the hatching tabe is completely covered with a thick cotton or flannel •beet to keep the temperature constant. The floor of the hatcheries is also covered with a layer of rice hulls two to four inches deep. 31. Are the eua turned every day?Every day the eggs are turned until they are ready to hatch. Some caretakers turn them every four hours, others only two to three times a day. A1 soon at any sign of putrefaction ia detected, the spoiled eggs should be immediately taken away. After 20. days of incubation no extra heat ia applied to the eggs, because it is believed that the embryos generate enough heat to keep thenselves alive, and if properly covered to prevent lose of heat, the eggs can be expected to hatch between the twentysixth and the twenty-<>ight day. 32. May Duck eiiis be hatched auccesa/a-Jly under he . .,. and modern incubalors?seuing hens and modern incubators may aloo be used for hatching duck egga. When setting hens are used, precautions 1hould be taken to free the bena and neirts from lice and mites. Many claim that ducks raised by this method are the best for breBy Carlos X. Burgos Chief, Livestock Extension Division Bureau of Animal Industry eding stock. In hatching in modern incubators the temperature should be kept at 1019F to 1039F (389C to 399C) and luke warm water should be sprinkled one a day during the first three weeks. 33. Describe the care o/ ·ducklings in Pateros?-In Pateros, the newly-hatched duckings are not fed 'for 24 to 36 hours after hatching. After such time they are placed under the house of the caretaker or in a convenient room where a spacio~s place is prepared for them. Sometimes, the hatch consists of 1,000 or more ducklings. At first, they are fed five times a day with soft-boiled rice placed on a shallow pan or on a plae with clean smooth surface (clean sawali is ordinarily used). They are given water in another flat pan or in the same pan. When about three days old, they are divided into two groups, th~ males. Most of the males are either sold to people who visit the duckery or sent directly to the market. The ducklings intended for breeding puri:oses are raised in groups of about five hu'ldred. 10 per cent of which are usually males. . They are fed with Gamogamo (flying termites) when-ever these are available, and, more often, they are also fed with small shrimps. Any of such feeds mixed with moist.ened boiled rice is given after the fifth day. The ducklings are placed in large shallow baskets containing 100 each and exposed in the sun for a short time every day. After about the fifteenth day they 0are allowed to swim for a short time. They should not be allowed to s•y in the water long for they usually overexercise and die. When about one month old, they are transferred to a larger enclosure, where they are fed with some boiled unhulled rice and sambuelo; and when these are not ·available other kinds of crushed snails are given. At the same age, they are also allowed to say in the water as logg as they like. 34. How should the brooder house be built?-A ·brooder house should be wellprotected from draft9 and should have partitions, as one about 3 x 3 m, which can accommodate from fifty to one hundred ducklings up to the age of three weeks. In such partition, especially if . it has accommodation space of fifty ducklings, ~ese fowls will not trample upon one another and all may get their share of the food. If possible, the morning sunshine should reach each each pen to lighten the taok of handling. This will also materially reduce the percentage of deaths. 35.. How are the ducklings kept at night?-The room is closed to prevent exposure to draft, and a light is provided not only to help keep the room warm, but also to help the caretaker see the birds as a means of protection against rats and ants, as the duckings are fed several times at night when still a few days old. Their feed is reduced as they grow older. 36. Can the feed of ducklings in Pateros be improved?-The feed given to the duckklings in Pateros can be greatly improved if some fish meal or finely-chopped chrimps are added to the soft-boiled rice fed at the start. The following baby chick feed may be given later in moist form with water or milk to raise ducklings to a safe age: Tikitiki, first-class, well-dried . . 3 parts Corn, yellow, finely-ground . . . . 2 parts Mongo, finely-ground . . . . . . . . . . 1 part Binlid . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . l part Fish, shrimps, or meat meal .... 2 parts Oyster shell powder . . . . . . . . 2 per cent of above mixture. Salt . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 per cent of the above mixture. Sand with some soil that had been formerly heated (to avoid infection) should be added to two per cent of the above mixture. Finely-chopped tender green feed should be fed after the tenth day. 37. At what age will native ducks begin to lay?-In Pateros, at the age of four to four and one-half months, they are confined in permanent breeding pens. A few will lay as early as five to five and one-half months under favorable conditions if pro· perly cared· for and fed. Most of them, however, cannot be expected to begin laying until they are about seven months of age. The percentage of deaths of ducks in Pateros up to the age of four months is esti· mated to be 40. With better practices the percentae;e of deaths could be greatly reduced. Conservatively and approximately estimated a laying duck subject to favorable conditions and good care can be raised to laying age from out of every four eggs incubated. 38. What is "balut"?-"Balut" is a duck egg that has under-gone incubation of 14 to 18 days and is then hard boiled. It is of tw~ kinds, depending upon the length of incubation of the egg. They are, as called in Pateros, namnmatong, those incubated up 7 to the 14th day, and balut sa pute, thO!I<' incubated up to the 18th day. 39. Whal eus are selected for "balut'' production?-Only fainU:ed, fresh, thick· shelled eggs (not older than five days) are selected for balut making. The thicknesa of the shell is tested either by snapping it hard with the fingers or by candling. If the former is employed, the eggs are snapped hard enought to break the ones with thin shells. The general appearance helps greatly in the selection. The thin-shelled eggs are disposed of to bakeries. 40. Whal eUs are called "penoy''?Eggs that ha>"e undergone incubation up to first test and have not developed a germ but are not spoiled, are hard boiled and sold as "penoy". . 41. How lonl are lhe ducks kept in Pateros for •U production?-Usually for about three years of production. The first year of production is the best. In many places in the United States they are kept for one or two years only. 42. Are ducJcs raised on a commercial scale in the United States?-Yes, but not for egg production. 43. What for, then?-For meat. For in purpose, "green ducks," ducks from 9 to 13 weeks old and l'ieighing four to six i:-ounds, are used. It may be explained here that ducklings grow much faster than chicks. 44. what breeds of ducks are rmsed in the United States /or purposes of meat?They raise a number of 'breeds but the white Pekin ducks are the most popular. These are found in extra-ordinarily great numben over a wide area in tho southern shore of Long Island, New York. 45. Dj these market ducks grow heavier siz pounds when they 'row older?After reaching six pounds they do not weigh very much more. 46. How lonl are ducks kept in the United States?-Usually one year only. Those that are kept longer are used to produce eggs for hatching. 47. What is led to these ducks?-A growing mash to make them develop in a short ~ for the market. In 9 to 13 weeks, ducklings increase their weight by SO times their weight at hatching time. · 48. How is the mash feed Jed?-A5 a wet mash in such amounts that it may clear in 15 to 20 minutes so that it will not be spoiled and do harm. It is fed every four houn, generally in the morning, noon, and evening. 49. How is the improvement of duck e_Us ef/ected?--Generally, there is no trapnesting, progeny testing, or individual pe· digree in the commercial duckeries. Selection is more or less the same as in Pateros but in some state stations some work ha~ been done for the improvement of duck egp. Recently, the kaki Campbell ducks were reported to produce as many as 365 eggs a year. 50. ·How ·could ell production be improved in a short time?-By using the ~ons of 8 the best producen, pro1ucing daughters that are good producerS, as sires as long· as they are strong and fertile. · 51. What is the ordinary way of selection?-The selection from among the best, that is, those that are healthy, active, and with good length, width, and depth of body. 52. Can the native ducks be mated with the MuS<"o\•ies?-Yes. When mated, they produce a hybrid that is bigger than the native and in conformation resembles more the native than the Muscovy. In the ex· periments made, the eggs laid by the few produced from this crossing did not hatch. 53. Do the native ducks look like the Pekin du-'ks?-They are very much like the Pekin ducks except that they are smaller and thai they ere colored while the Pekin ducks ere white. 54. To wh"t species are they related?They seem to be related to the wild Mallard duck. 55. Are du=ks subject to disease?-They, but they seem to be less subpject to it than othr fowls. 56. What is the reason why there are times when many ducks die?-Usually, they die of botulinus, poisoning from eating dead or decomposing organisms. This happens when there are many dead snails during the hot season. when the so-called "lya" (Laguna de Bay algae) abou.1d in Laguna lake. 57. What i• tlit' weight of duck. •111•~­ A native duck egg weigh• about 70 grams; an Indian Runner duck egg, from 75 lo ·so grams; and a Muscovy duck egg, from 65 to 70 grams. 58. Durinl what months do the ducks lay best?-ln the tests made at the Alobang Stock Farm, the months of June end July showed the highest production for both Indian Runner and native ducks. 59. During what months do they lay the least?-In the same test at the Alabang Stock Farm, J anuory showed the lowest production. 60. 1 s it possible to improve duck raising in Pateros and elsewhere in the Phi· lippines?-Yes, at least in four ways, name· ly, (1) by better sanitation, (2) by the use of a good thermometer in testing the temperature of the heated palsy and by the use of a double door at the entrance of the hntchery, (3) by the use of heat in brooding the newly-hatched ducklings and by giving better protection against predatory animals, and ( 4) by better feeding of the young growing stock from the start. 61. What sanitary measures should be observed?-ln the duck house, the litter should be deeply placed, and it should be sunned daily or as often as the weather permits. and changed as soon as a ra:--.k Ccntinucd on Page 121 COMMONWEALTH OF THE PHILIPPINES DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC WORKS AND COMMUNICATIONS IJUREAU OF POSTS Manila SWORN STATEMENT (Required by Act No. 2580) The undersigned, HILARJON S. SILAYAN, Editor of FARMING AND COOPERATIVES (title of publication), published Once a Month (frequency of issue), in Enalish (language in which printed) at 1055 Arlegui, Manila (office of publication) after having been duly sworn in accordance with law, hereby submits the followirig statement of ownership, management, cirCulation, etc., which is required by Act No. 2580, as amended by Commonwealth Act No. 201: Editor-Hilarion S. Silayan . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Managing Editor-Raul R. de Arana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Business Manager-Raul R. de Arana . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Owner-Philippine Farmers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Publisher-Philippine Farmers Association . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Printer-Manila City Press . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila Office of Publication-Philippine Farmers Association . . 1055 Arlegui, Manila If publication is owned by a corporation, stockholders owning one per cent or more of the total amount of stocks. Jose Cojuangco Manuel Gallego Luis de Leon Ricardo Gonzalez Sixto L. Sison Ar:.tonio Villarama Bondholders, mortgagees, or other security holders owning one per cent or more of total amount of security: NONE. In case of publication other than daily, total number of copies printed and circuleted of the last issue, dated April, 1946: I. Sent to paid subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5CO 2. Sent to ocher than paid subscribers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,500 Total . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2,000 HILARION S. SILAYAN (Signature) EDITOR (Title or designotion) Subscribed and sworn to before me this ht day of April, 1946, at Manila, the effiant exhibiting his Residence Certificate No. A-973419, issued at Manila, on February 8, 1946. (Sgd.) MONICA BUMANGLAG Post Office Inspector COOPERATIVE MOVEMENT FINANCING COOPERATIVES What is financing?-Financing involves the conduct of monetary affairs, the raising of capital It deals with the ways and mean• of accumulating funds to be placed at the disposal of an organization for the conduct of its activities. Imponance of financing.-For an organization to cany out its policies effectively, there is the ever-present need of having at its disposal adequate sumo of money to spend for or devote to the purposes outlined for it. This is necessary because without adequate finances nothing can be attempted with success. It is no wonder, then that the question of financing an enterprise constitutes one of the main problems of operation. Concept of capital-Capital has been termed the middleman of production, :;>Erhaps so, because it supplies the means of fulfilling wants. It is the amount of money owned by an individual or corporation at a specified time, as distinct from the income received during a given period. The two main classifications of capital are fixed capital and circulating capital, the latter oftentimes called working capital. 1. Fi"ed capital.-Fixed cspital is represented by the physical goods which make possible the handling of the product itself. It is the amoupnt invested for :recurrent use in a particular manner. To illustrate, let us take the case of a :rice growen• cooperative association which desires to build a -warehouse in which to store the riCe available for marketing by its members. The amount used in the construction of the warehouse is one item of the cooperative's fixed investment, the use of which will be recuttent for the particular purpooe of storing the rice. The physical property which in this case is the warehouse will make possible the handling and storing or rice over a long period. 2. Circulating capital.-Circulating capital is the amount of funds which make possible the financing of the business. It represents the amount consumed in production but is constantly recovered. Thus, when a riee growers' cooperative association buys the produce of its members it will need money to pay either fully or partialll( for such purchale9. The money so utilized is circulating capital, used to finance the business of buying, and recOvered · back when the association in turn sells the rice t2: others. Sources· of capital.-Capital may proceed from variou1 IOurces, such a1 the subs~iptions of members. ,to the capital stock By Hilarion S. Silayan (To teachen and people engaged In cooperatives the studies here given are· mended. May be used for classroom). of the association or corporation, membership fees or dues from the members, assessments based on agreed standards and apportion~ according to certain measures of allocation, withheld payments during spl!cified periods, reserves, and borrowed funds. Each of these will be expained in detail in the following topics. The term "stock".-The term stock in the sense in which it is us_!!d in connection with the term Capital denotes the capital of company or corporation represented by shares, each of a certain and fixed amount. Stock association.-A stock association is one which sets its capital stock at a certain amount and divides this amount into a fixed number of units or shares, each usually of uniform value. This value is denominated par value. A member may subscribe to any number of shares and whatever total sum he contributes is thus measured in terms of units or fractional shares of a whole. The stock is usually given a par value except where a no-par issue is decided, in which case a certain minimum only is fixed by law. Non-stock association.-A non-stock association, on the other hand, is one which does not have its canital divided into units with a fixed par value. Instead, the_ members contribute to its caoital by paying membership fees, assessments or other quotas, as may be determined in the articles of incorporation and in the by-laws. STOCK ASSOCIATION Division into shares; par value.-At the beginning of its foundation a stock association stipulates in its articles of incorporation the amount of its authorized capital. lt simultaneously fixed the number of units into which the authorized capital stock is to be divided, and the par value of each unit. Where stock is a no-par value stock, however, only the number of shares into which the capital authorized· is to be divided need· be specified. The law provides in no-par value stock that the minimum consideration shall be not less that P5.00 per share. In a stock corporation, the stock may be parvaJue stock or no-par value stock. or a combina\ion of both. Subscription to stock.-Subscriptions to the capital stock are made by number of shares and one may subscribe to any given number of said shares, binding himself to pay to the capital fund of the · as•ociation .the total par value of the shares. Payment is usually made at least 25% down and the balance ·in equal installments· at stated periods, when the call it made for same. Certificates of stock ownership.-Upon . full payment of one's quota, certificate1 of stock are issued to the shareholder to e'·i· dence his ownership of part of the capital stock of the association. Certificates indicate the name of the shareholder, the par value of the share, the numebr of shares owned, and the total par value thereof. Minimum requirements.-Our corporation law requires that before an association can incorporate, at least 20o/o of the autho· rized capital stock should be subscribed and at least 25% of the 20% should be fully paid. In other words, 5o/0 of the total capital stock authorized should be paid up at the start. Rights of stockholders.-Except as to voting rights, which in cooperatives bellimited to the democratic principle of one·member one-vote, irrespective of the amount of one's investment in the capital, the rights and liabilities of a stockholder are usually determined in proportion to his capital contribution. Kinds of stock.-Stock may be divided into common and preferred. Common stock is the one ordinarily found in most associations and corporations in this country. Preferred stock is one which enjoys preferences as to either interest or dividends. Because of complications which its issue entails, it is not to be commonly resorted to at least in pioneering in cooperatives, but may be adopted in financing big organiz_ations. Hence, it will not be discussed here at length. Illustration.-The XYZ Rice Growers' Cooperative Association is formed. It is decided to finance its operations by the stock association system. The articles of incorporation set its authorized capital stock at P2,000.00, divided into 1000 shares units of stock) with a par value of P2.00 per share. There are 25 original incorporators to begin with. In this case, the 25 incorporators or original mebers of the association must subscribe among themselves to shares of stock worth at least P400.00 ( 200 shares) and must pay among themselves at least Pl00.00 (25% of P400.00) before it could be incorporated. Thus, one may subscribe to one ( 1) share, another to ten ( 10) shares, and sti!l anop ther to four ( 4) shares, etc. The association could then start with a paidup capital of at least Pl00.00. This will incr.,ase as the call for payments on the subscriptions shall have grbwn with its authorized capital fully paid up and need for more capital presents itself, the articles may be amended to permit increase in the capital stock. the (Continued 11n next page) 9 increase to be 90ld a• i.n the original iAue. Policy on sale of stock.-A very important question in relation to financin~ by the stock-aAOciation system ari•eo as to whether or not selling of stock should be limited to members of the cooperative aAOCiation only or it ahould be eztended to non-members-what may properly be called outsiden. Each policy has its own advantages and disadvantages. Restriction of sale to non ... members.-It is desirable for • farm.en' cooperative that it ahould be not only composed of farmers but al90 controlled by farmen. With thi• end in view, the feasibility i• doubted of allowing unrestricted sale of stock to nonmembers, lor if it i9 desired that proper contra! of the asoociation is to be obtained, the financial control of U:e same should always be in the hands of the members, never in the hands of the persons not directly interested as producers. This financial control can be had through the contribution or control of capital. The distribution of •tock among members should be made in such a way that the danger of letting the capital stock fall into the hands of only a limited few could be avoided. Sale of capital stock to outsiders.-The •elling of stock to non-members hH the decided advantage that the 89"ociation could get financial •upport from the whole community at large. Furthermore, the financial risk, the presence of which in any undertaking is undeniable, could be 90 d•itributed as to relieve farmen of at least a portion of it. Advantages of capital~tock organization. -Thi• syotem of financing fixes the individual share of ownership. In the attempt of the farmen to limit outside share in the capital, they are obliged to use their own money for operating purpose•. On the other ha~d, if it is desired to atb'act outside investon, the capital-stock system is more attractive than other forms of financing. Method• of obtaining fund•.-Becau•e where the association is noo ... stock the capital is not raised by the .. 1e of par or nopar value ahares, the association has to levy membership fees or dues; it may make periodical assennenta on members; wherever practicable, it may withhold payments for product! it handles, or where the financial condition of the aasociation is such as t~ permit the creation of reservea, it may el!t&bliah a reserve fund from the profits of the association from time to time. 1. Membership fees or dues.-A fiired quota of 90 much per member may be im. posed a• an entrance fee at the out1et, This membership ree or due may be considered a prerequisite to full-pledged membership. Suppose· an aasoqation organiz:ea and a membership ree of Pl0.00 per member i1 agreed upon to be payable upon organization. Under thi1 Mt-up, the XYZ Rice Groweri' Cooperative A11ociation, . previous10 ly mentioned, with an original membership of 25, would be able to raise an initial operating fund of P250.00, with which to commence operations. It may be agreed that the membership quota ia payable 50% down and the balance in so many installments. In such case, the initial capital fund of the XYZ Rice. Growers' Cooperative Association would amount to P12S.OO at the start of operations. Additional capital may be obtained when new members are admitted. Or where the membership remains the same, the membership quota may be raised and additional levies made. An association may stipulate that each member pay a fixed monthly amount into its coffers, the levy to continue until a certain total is .reached. For instance, it may be agreed that each member shall pay Pl.00 a month for 12 months, followed by a collection of PO.SO a month for 16 months, at the end of which period, the association shall have collected P20.00 from each memduCe hondled by the association for each member; 3. Lump sum membership fee on entrance; 4. Monthly service fee, etc. 2. Assessments.-As a means of financing, the idea of an assessment presupposes a plan or scheme of apportioning or determining an amount to be paid by each individual in o group. Assessments may be made as the principal source of capital, or, as oftentimes happens, it may be resorted to in aid of, and as auxiliary to other forms of financing. It may happen, for instance, that in extremely trying times, an already going concern may suddenly find itself in very tight situations involving unavoidable financial embarrassment unless something is done to obtain relief. In this case, the association may decide to levy an assessment from the members based on an equitable and economical method, such as will make the burden of payment least felt by the members. The purpose of the assessment would then be prinber. By the end of the 28 months, the cipally to relieve the association of serious capital fund of the association shall have amounted to PS00.00 from membership fees or dues alone. There are many variations in the manner of levying membership dues and a pros· pectice association could work out the method 1;hat would most practically serve the peculiar cricumstances and needs of the members. Suggestions to this effect are the following: 1. Fees based on the area of a farmermember's land under cultivation; 2. Fees based on the amount of profinancial difficulties. Looking et the assessment from this an· gle, it would appear that this method of financing is aimed at meeting deficiencies rather than at raising capital; and it would furthermore seem that assessments is one way of financing, and if it may be adap· table to emergency purposes it would just as well fit in as a way of raising ordinary capital. Just on what should assessment be based, will depend on the circumstances of the 1Continued on page /3, c;l)!8811K)!88&!< )lS8111<)!8811K)!8811K)!888K)l888K1CmlSK )!888K )!8381< )!888K)l888K>lllll8K >lllll8K>l888K )!8W< )l8ll8K )!88!iK ~ ~ ~ ~ FOR YOUR GARDENS·----·····-····-······-····-·-- ~ ~ SEEDS OF ALL KINDS ~ i I i FM~ I • i ! f[D~~a!rr ~.~! .~:c~!o~ ~ s ~ O. I I WHOLESALE AND RITAIL I i I : MARVEX COMMERCIAL COMPANY • • Rm .. • 20f:.LIMJOCO BLDG. 670 DASMARI~Af;l i • •• • c'l!888Kl!888K)!88111(l!888Kl18811Kl!888Kl18811Kli8881<l!8811K l!888Kl!888K~>!888Kll888Kli8881<)!888!(>1888K )!8881<l!888l<O Progressive Farming Notes By RICARDO T. MARFORI Formerly, Government Pensionado in the u. s. 1. Discovery of certain iootopes and their application in biochemistry or soil fertility studies: For ""8Jl1ple, the use of heavy nitrogen (At. wt. 15), heavy carbon (At. wt. 13), etc. in plant nutrition. These have been mad pouible because of the d~velopment and use of the mas• spectrocraPh in the routine analysis of these isotopes. 2. Production of radioactive element1 and their application in biochemistry: For ezample, the use of· radioactive phosphorus and radioactive potassium in the tracer technique in plant nutrition. The activation of elements has become a routine work by means of th cyclotron or the betatron. The tracer technique or that of following the course of radioactive element,. say phosphorus, absorbed by a living plant ha• been possible because of such dt:vices as the Geiger counter, for instance. 3. Mineralogical method• for the otudy of silts and clays: The most modem methods are those with the use of the X-ray diffraction apparatus, the electron microscope, and the apparatus for thermal analyds of clay minerals. Soil fertility studies demand a knowledge of the enct nature--molecular structure as well as chemicai composition-of silt and clay m.inerals---kaolinite, montmorillonite, beidellite, etc. Base exchange studies have confirmed tbe results of such mineralogical studies of silts and clays. 4. Studies on the nutritional requirementa of plants as well as of animals are now possible by the refinement• in chemical analytical methods, such as by che· mical spectroscopy-both by emission and absorption spectroscopy. oolarographic methods and colorimetric methods of microanalysis. S. Soil mircro-nutrient deficiency studies have been much advanced by spectrochemical methods and colorimetric methods. The zinc deficiency of pineapple; the boron deficiency of alfalfa, apple, citrus and other plants; the cobalt deficiency of pasture soils which results in the malnutrition of livestock; and the copper deficiency of soils which affects both plant and animal nutrition had been discovered and _remedied by ineana of refinementa in- chemiCal analytical methods. 6. The influence of manganese deficiency in soils on the synthesis of ascorbic acid (Vitamin C) in.the foliaa:e of plantl ia now RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLANT NUTRITION IN THE UNITED STATES* definitely estable in the United States. 7. The biological assays of some soil types gave comparative balanced fertility of the soil. These had been well tried in the Univenity of Missouri, using domestic rabbits in the bioassays. The rabbits in lots of 8 to 10 were fed for six weeks, after weaning, with hays (Korean ' lespedez) grown on different soil types. Animals fed with hay grown on fertile soils showed greater gains in weights, brighter eyes, more smooth or sleek coats or fur, heavier and bigger bonesdith greater breaking strength than animals fed with hay grown on the poorer soil types. \Vith cattle, preference had been shown for the hay grown on fertile soil to those grown on poorer soils, when the animals had free access to the stacks of the various hays. Fertilizer treatments gave similar results. Cattle preferred the hays from the fertilized plots to those from the control or unfertilized plots. 8. In fertilizer practice, great progess has been made in devising accurate and reliable soil and plant tests to minimize if not to do away with guess work. In this way, extensive long-range fertilizer experiments in the field or in green houses can also be minimized. In fertilizer placement, there has been much improvement in the method of application-that is, by fertilizer attachment to cultivators as . well as to planters or drills. In -general, there has been much progress in fertilizer placement in the soil. 9. Insoil classification, the use of aerial photographs has greatly facilitated detailed, more accurately delineated survey work. The network of good country roads as well as the findings of previous geological surveys are essential to soil classification work. In tensive studies on the· genesis and morphology of the more important soils of the various regions of the United States have been made. Notable are the studies on the loessial soils, the chernozem and prairie soils, the podsols or the forest soils, the desert soils of the arid south-western regions, and the sandy coastal soils of the humid southeastern regions. 10. In soil technology, there has been much development in the application of aoil stablizers, which 0 affords the means of improving end simplifying the whole technique of road making, and soils properly and effectively stabilized are able to support a relatively heavy load even though the water content is high." ( MCLeod, 1943) The most promising chemicals are combinetion of sodium silicete end sodium aluminate, raw tung oil, linseed oil, and a synthetic resin formed by a mixture of furfuryl alcohol and acid. 11. In soil conservation or more precisely, soil erosion control, intensive studies have been made on the effect of various types of vegetation or their combinations, or of various soil amendments on soil erosion losses on different important soil types with various slopes or grades. Soil erosion control such as terracing, contourplowing, strip-cropping, permanent soil cover-crop· ping, have actually saved millions of acres of agricultural lands from complete destruction and ruin. These had been observed especially in the extensive fertile loessial soils in central United States ( principally Iowa) and in the vast rolling lands of Texas. Qll888K)l888Kll888K:>l888K:>l888K:>l888K)l888f(:>l888K)l888!( Cl! :>l888Kll888Kll888K>l888Kll888K)!llS1lK)l888f()l888f(:>!S8i!<l'.j l OUR COVER I • President Roxas inspecting the Aa:ricultutal Machinery And Equipl illi ment Corporation (AMEC), factory for farm implements after which he illi !Ii! said "Go Aheud". At President Roxas' left, smiling with pride ind sa- !Ii! illi tislaction is energetic Engineer Hilarion Henares, Manager of the AMEC illi ' and movina: spirit of this government owned enterprise. l;:'l illi This tool• that will be mode will complement tracton for farm. Let illi !I!! them roll and keep them rolling for fruduction and not only for de- !I!! monetration. illi As Mr. Henrrea puts it, "to make arriculture pay, do it ·the illi ~ AMEC way." !Ii! I To the Cold of the "AMEC Family" Mr. Henare1 invites all farmers. • illi Join the AM EC 10/Jiera of the farm. illi ' On President Roxas' birthday, expressing satislsction over the !I!! illi p1ogre•s of AM EC he •aid: "The AM EC plow factory is icoing to be illi !I!! the arsenal of Agricultural Machinery In the Philippines." And turning !I!! illi to Mr. Henares, he sairl, "Henaroa, you are a:oing to be the custodian illi !I!! of that arsenal, the AMEC factory." ~ i >!881i!<ll888K>l888K)!888Kll888Kl!S88!0!1188!0!888K:>l888K ::ii :>!888K>l888K>l888K:>l888Kll888Kl!81l!s. >l888K:>l888Kll888K<'.il ll Home and Woman's Corner JES-BAR HOME AND WOMEN'S CORNER This comer is dedicated to home and affairs of women who make the home. Home is a refreshing word full of memories. for everyone. Its atmosphere therefore depends on the heart and spirit of the mothen who make it warm and happy, cozy and lovely, or cold and dreary. In the Philippines as perhaps anywhere in the world, no matter how humble home maybe, home is sweet home. This comer shall try to adapt itself to modem homes on the farm. Wherever women maybe, on the farm or the city, the homes they make often depend on their ages. To the young. perhaps dancing and Questions ... odor is detected. In the brooding compartment, there should be a more frequent change of litter. In the yard, disinfection should be made now and then and new sand spread over the floor. In the swimming pool, cleaning and clearing should be made at least once a month. 62. Why is the use of a thermometer necessary?-Because it is more accurate than the most- experienced operator, who is subject to -colds and other ailments that may affect his efficiency. 63. Why is a double door /or the hatchery suftested?-Because it makes it easier to keep a more even temperature. If there is only one door, every time a person enten the hatchery a draft cannot be avoided. 64. Why is heating /or newly-hatched duckling necessary?-Because their vitality is easily affected by cold temperature. 65. What is wrong with the feeding of dudclinfs in Pateros?-The first feedings given lack the necessary protein, Vitamins, and minerals, and such lack ii detrimental to the health of the ducklings. 66. What kind of eggs intended /or hatching should be selected?-Only the eggs laid by a flock of ducks of at least one and a hall yean old during the high egg. production period. Eggs laid by young birds during the low production season should not be incubated, because the percentage of hatch will be low and the ducklings cannot be exp~ on the average to de~elop into very vigorous birds. 67. Should duclc/ings of dillerent ages be kept in one pen?-Ducklings of different ages should be raised in separate pens. If thii is not done many young ones will die, as the older birds are usually stronger and have a tendency to push the weak aside. 68. Will duclcs return to their own roosts ii miied with other /loclcs?-As a rule, the native ducks have become so tame and domesticated that even if they happen 12 poetry and dresses would be important. So it's wann and happy. To the middle aged, pe1·haps cooking and furniture and linen. So it's cozy and lovely. To the old, perhaps music and serenity and security. So it's cold and dreary. We dedicate the poem below to the serious, sensitive soul of the young homemaker. Home is where one starts from. As we grow older The world becomes stranger, the pattern more complicated Of dead and living. Not the intense moment Isolated with no before and after, But a lifetime burning in every moto get mixed with nearby flocks in separatile pens, they always return to their respective places. This is especially so in cases where they have been kept in place for several months. Dr. D. M. CARPIO DENTIST X-Ray Laboratory Violet Ray Therapy Office Hours: 8:00-12:00 A.M. 2:00- 6:· O P.M. Saturdayo: 8:00 12:00 A.M By Appointment Room 217 ReRinn Bldg. Escoha, Manila ment ..... Love is most nearly itself When here and now cease to matter. Old men ought to be explorers Here and there does not matter We must be still and still moving Into another intensity For a further union, a deeper communion Through the dark cold and the empty desolation, The wave cry, the wind cry, the va!it waters Of the petrel and the porpoise. In my end is my beginning. POEM (Reprint from Reader's Dige:;t) Soil Conservation , •. be managed end their activities controlled in order to be able to control at will the the various soil processes which will influence the growth of crops and of animals. The soil must be conserved end its cropproducing power must be improved in order ,.to maintain good.crop returns to support the ver-incerasing population or the country. This is responsibility of the present generation towards the future Filipino people. l/'.))l8881<ll888K )l888K)l8881<)l8881<ll888K )l888K)l888K ll888K GJ )l888K ll888K )lll88i( ll888K ll888K )!888!<. ll888K ll888K~ i I F. B. SARABIA OPTICAL co. I ' . ~ I Fifty years In the optical field, !II! I offers Its distinguished clients ~iii and lo public in aeneral the !II! best, latest optical lenses and iii ~ frames from the U. S. A. i I 8 I ii Main Office: - 24 Escolta (Coner Nueva) I i Tel. - Dial 40 - Ask for 466 I • . Pro~lncial Branches: I I Iloilo City, Cebu City, Davao City I ~ Bacolod City ft !)!881K)l88810!88810l888101888K)i888!(')1888K)l888K)l888K 0 )1888Kll888Kl!llllK)l888K)l888Kl!888K)1881iK)l888K)l8881<' MARCH OF EVENTS WASHINGTON, Dec. 18 (UP).-The U. S. Deparmient of Agriculture made public today a summary of the 13 principal recommendations made by the recently returned Philippine-American Agricultural Mission. The mission~s conclusions are: 1. the appointment of a technical planning board which will be needed ·to advise the Philippine government on all phases of national planning; 2. the rehabilitation and improvement of facilities for the production, processing and marketing of agricultural products, both farm and factory, should have priority from both the national government and the \\"ar Commission; 3. four agricultural products - sugar, abaca, copra and tobacco - provided the major source of export revenue before the ·war and appear to be the most promising source of revenue for the immediate postwar period; 4. The Philippine government should place great emphasis on resettlement projects for economic and farm units, having in mind the mechanization and diversification of fanning in both areas; 5. The urgent need for improvement of Cooperative ... CConlinurd from pogr 10) moment, these to be detennined by the association concemerl. Suggested forms of assessment are that of levying equal '"'---~<m<)!al!a!(l!888K:J ~o!lllllKO I Insist on ~ I DAISY BEAUTY SALON lli' iii for a soft, long lasting i J permanent wave ' ~ - Main - - Annex - ~ lliS 1209 Veil(. Quiapo 2037 Az. Cor, ' ~ M a n i I a Quezon Blvd. i f'll!881!k>!81'llK<:'.\'Jl888!<)!21!81(l!81!8!0!888K0:>!8881<._r:l By CHARLES McCABE United Press Stall Correspondent the production of rice, and corn, for which the following steps should be taken- (a) mechanized production, ( b) improvement of varieties through plant breeding, (c) introduction of leguminous crops into rotations with rice and corn, ( d) more extensive use of fertilizers; 6. Effort should be made to increase the number of agricultural products both for export and home consumption, such as 1·oselle, ·ramie, derris. cocoa, coffee, peanuts, citrus and 0 other fruits; i. \\Tater resources should be utilized more extensively both for power and irrigation~ with especial attention to drainage in new systemsj 8. The livestock industry should be supported by: (a) a livestock improvement program of the Bureau of Animal Industry and a breed development program of the College of Airiculture of the University of the Philippines, ( b) expansion of the livestock research program to include disease and parasite control, pasture development and range improvement, and (c) encouragement of private livestock breeders; 9. Greater mechanization of agriculture is desirable but it should be pursued cauamounts from the members; that of assesing on the basis of gross volume of busi· ness turned in by each member; that of basing assessment on duration of the membershipj etc. To illustrate, suppose the XYZ Rice· Growers' Cooperative Association has beP.:: operating for several years on a profitable basis. Because of present exceedingly haid times, however, it finds itself in a situation in which its assets are all tied up for the moment. Not that it is on the verge of barikruptcy, but that there is an immediate liability which it cannot meet without Jiquid&ting portion of its assets. It so hap~ tiously in a country in which lnbor is abundant, but fuel is scarce and farm units are small; 10. It appears advis.ible to consolidate the national commodity corporations and the national cooperative administration into a cohesive organization for the improvement in marketing of farm productsj l l. Every encouragement compatible with democracy should be given for the development of industry; 12. Measures should be taken to strengthen education and research and the extension of other essential government services; and 13. There should be a three-fold plan of col1aboration between the Philippines and the United States, thusly, (a) the loan of an experienced extension administrator to the Islands to aid in setting up and implementing an extension service. (b) the establishment of a service training program to enable the Filipinos, who are now employed in responsible agricultural agencies, to participate in the United States' agricultural programs in their respective fields, and (c) the establishment of a collaborative research program at the College of Agrkulture, U. P. pens that it could do this only at sacrifice prices. To avoid such course, the association decides to levy an assessment on the members to raise the needed su:n. This (Continued on page /7) l'l'>!888!0l888KCT>l888!<>l888!<= =<cr=>=<GJ ~ SIMEON 0. SUAN & SONS I ® Established Since 1906 ~ ~ Hardware Merchant & Importer ill!· ~ Denis in ~ Harrlware - Paints - Plumbing ~ and El•ctrical Supplios I 47:1-75 Quezon Blvrl. Quiapo, lli ~ Cor. P. Paterno, Quiapo Manila lJl! C",_->l888!<l'l'>l888!<>l888!<)!888!(>l888!<C=)!888!(LO The Best Christmas gilt you can give your daughter, for which she will never forget you all her life is to enroll her in tlJP DE LUXE FASHION SCHOOL AUTHORIZED BY THE GOVERNMENT Alter graduation she will be a manager of succe.sful Modiste Shop or Be9uty Parlor with big income. DRESSMAKING AND HAIR SCIENCE . MASTER MEN'S TAILORING - BEAUTY CULTURE Enrollment still going nn at Da•mariilas corner Davirl near People's Bank. Mail tbis coupon to De Luxe ~'ashion School and you will receive prospectus free of charge. Name Address. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - _ - 13 With Our Crops The health of the nation, and the success and prosperity of the Republic rest mainly on the scientific and far-sighted development of the country's natural resources. particularly agricultural resources ... The Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Corporatio~ a government agency, was conceived and established by President Manuel A. Roxas as a means of accelerating the systematic mechanization of Philippine agriculture in order thereby to wrest wealth, abundance, and happiness from the fertile soil of our land ... The AMEC, in a sense, is a staging base for our ipeople's attack against "our new adversaries,.-bunger, want, economic insecurity, and economic injustice." The AMEC does not only procure tracton and other agricultural machinery for the nation's farmers and agriculturists, nor manufacture the plows and harrows, and machine spare parts with which to mechanize the farms, and tum up the soil for greater abundance; the AMEC will build among our people the skill, and impart the technical know-how necessary to convert our fields into blooming farms of happiness and plenty, into cherished free-holds of cone tended, peaceful, forward-looking families of Filipinos, secure in their freedoms, vigorous citizens of our "one world". Knowledge of machines is the one requisite skill for progress in our time; that knowledge the School for Tractor Mechanics and Operators of Agricultural Machinery of AMEC will impart to our people in the field of Agricultural science and technics. Purpose To train tractor mechanics and drivers of agricultural machinery, in line with the Republic's policy of increasing .the technical skills of the people. Lenlth of Traininl A mininum of three months, with class· room instruction given two to three hours daily except Sundays, and shop and field Dr. MENA C. ESPINOSA Dr. VICTORIA HERNANDEZ DENTIST ROOM • 30! SAMANILLO BLDG. ESCOLTA 14 Agricultural Machinery and Equipment Corporation 220 Tanduay (Nacoco Building) Manila work for five to six hours daily except Sundays. Instruction shall be free, at no cost whatsoever to the trainees. Each trainee will be provided by the school with an allowance daily for cigarettes, matches, etc. For the time being and until the facilities and funds of the school. permit expansion, enrollment will be limited to 100 students selected for fitness and aptitude from among applicants. SCHOOL FOR TRACTOR MECHANICS AND DRIVERS OF AG RI CULTURAL MACHINERY First class to open first week of December, 1946. Tractors-number 1,500 of various horsepower varying from 10-35 b.h.p. to 91-140 b.h.p. Makes-International, Caterpillar, Allis Chalmers, Clark-airborne. Wheel and crawler type. Bull-dozers, angle-dozers, scrapers. Gasoline, kerosene,. diesel. Fann Mechanical EquipmentTractor-drawn plows, mold-board type, dis:: typei tractor-drawn harrows and cultiva· tors, discs, peg-tooth, spike tooth; seeders, furrowers, drills, broadcastersi Harvesters, pumping machinery. COURSE OF STUDY Instructiona. Gas engine principles. b. Liquid and gaseous fuels. c. Carburetion and fuel injections. d. Mixture distribution. e. Valves and valve mechanism. f. Ignition of the Charge. g. Engine Lubrication. h. Engine cooling. i. Engine performance. j. How to start, run, and stop an engine. k. How to drive in different conditions. I. Study of tillage implements. m. Study of seeding machinery. n. Study of Harvesting machinery. Shop and Field Worka. Engine Assembly. b. Carburetion and Fuel Injection "Assembly. c. Ignition Assembly. d. Lubrication and Cooling. e. Overhauling. f. Troubleshooting. g. Field operations with agricultural machinery. ADMISSION REQUIREMENTS 1. Only boys not less than 16 yea1s of age and men not more than SO, in good health end of good character, are eligible for training. 2. Those who have had some training in automobile, tractor, truck and stationary engine driving and operating will be preferred. 3. Applicants for admission must bring credentials and proper recommendations. 4. The applicant must be determined to undergo training until he finishes the course and is competent to become a tractor mechanic and driver of agricultural machi~ nary. FACULTY Dr. Anastacio Teodoro, B. Agr., M.S. Ph. D. (On leave of absence from the Univer sity of the Philippines. Professor end Head, Dept. of Agricultural Engineering, Physics and Mathematics.) Lecturers and Instructors Pedro Pagsolingan ..... B.S.M.E Bernabe 0. Dacanay B.S.M.E. Jose Romero .... Chief Mechanic Location of School Inside the Pureza (Santa Mesa) compound of the National Development Company, Manila. Director's Offices At the: AGRICULTURAL MACHINERY AND EQUIPMENT CORPORATION 220 Tanduay (Nacoco building) Manila RECENT ADVANCES IN SOIL SCIENCE AND PLAN NUTRITION IN THE U.S. By: Ricardo Merfori *-Mostly from actual observations made by the writer in his visits to different universities and institutions in the United States. Presented before the Bureau of Plant Industry Seminar (May, 1946). S. R. SAMSON, M.D. Planned Parenthood; Sex Vigor; Women's Diseases; Rapid Treatment 1n V. D. Surger.v. Complete Phy•iotherapy. EVELYN KOSTER APsisting R-220 Samanillo Bldg., Escolta, Manila 2:00 • 6:00 P.M. WITH OUR TENANTS Chief, Horticulture Research Section Bureau of Pland Industry The season for Bennuda onion culture begins in September in localities or regions enjoying the first type of climate, where there is a distinct wet and dry season. Under the other climatic types, planting should start at the end of the rainy season, so that the crop will come to maturity at the height of the dry season. In this connection, it should be understood that onion matures in five month~ starting from sowing th seed in the seedbed to harvesting the crop in the field. The best soil for onion culture is a rich sandy loan, although any soil of good fertility will be able to grow a good crop of onion. The essential requirements are: (a) a good amount of moisture in the soil (supplied either by rain or irrigation water) to support a good vegetative growth, Papaya Its <Continued from Page 41 thickens but not sugary. Pack in jars or cans and sterilize; 30 minutes for quart jars and No. 2 tall cans; 20 minutes for " pints and No. 1 tall cans. Besides the aforementioned methods for preparing commercial products of papaya, the following is a list of some recipes of papaya that may help or guide housewiv~, restaurants and refreshment parlors in varying their daily menu, prepared by Miss PATROCINIO SALES, former Home Economics Agent of the Plant Utilization Division, Bureau of Piant Industry: Baked Papaya Combination 1 cup green papaya, sliced 1 /2 cup tomatoes, sliced 2 · tablespoons onions, chopped 1 tablespoon green pepper, sliced 1-1/2 tablespoons butter. 1 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper, ground Mix all the ingredients and place in a greased baking dish. Bake in moderate oven 30 minutes. Creamed Papaya Soup 1 cup ripe papaya 2 cups water 2 pieces bay leaves 1 medium sized onion, sliced 2 tablespoons margarine 1/2 cup evaporated milk (add water to make 2/3 cup) 112 teaspoon salt a pinch of pepper Boil papaya with bay leaves, water and onion, 10 ~inutes. Pass through a sieve CULTURAL DIRECTIONS FOR ONIONS By PEDRO A. RODRIGO. and (b) a period of rainless days towards maturity in order to have a good quality crop. Ordinarily, seedlings are raised in a seedbed for a period of 4 to 6 weeks. If the seedbed is rich, the seedlings should be ready for transplanting in (our weeks. In the meantime that the seedlings are being raised, the field should be put in shape. It should be freed from weeds and put in fine tilth. Raised beds of about a meter in width and of any length has been found practicable for all purposes. In a meter-wide bed, three or four rows may be established and the seedlings set at 10 cm. apart in the rows. In transplanting, the bigger seedlings should be pulled up first-this is to be done after the seedbed has been thoroughtly watered. In pulling, the roots are given a natural pruning. Because of the nature of and set aside. Melt margarine; stir in the flour; add the milk and cook until thick. Mix the strained papaya and heat to boiling. Then season with salt and pepper. Serve hot. Papaya Escabeche 2 cups green papaya, cut in strips medium sized fish large onion, sliced head garlic, sliced thin tablespoon ginger, sliced into strips 1 sweet-red pepper, cut in strips 3 tablespoons vinegar hot pepper, cut in strips 1-1/2 cups water 3 tablespoons toyo 1-1/2 tablespoons flour 4 tablespoons sugar 2 tablespoons lard 2 tablespoons salt fat for frying fish Clean fish and sprinkle with salt. Let stand about 15 minutes, and drain well. Fry in hot fat until brown and set aside. Saute the papaya together with garlic, ginger and onions until half cooked; then add the salt and a mixture of hot pepper, vinegar, water, su~ar, toyo and flour. Continue cooking until the sauce thickens and the papaya is almost tender. Place fish on a platter and pour over it the gravy mixture. Garnish with sliced red-sweet pepper. Papaya Fritter 2 cups half ripe papaya, cut in small tubes 1-1/4 cups flour 2/3. cup milk, diluted with ·equal amount of water 2 teaspoons baking powder 1/4 teaspoon salt the leoves, they should not at all be clipped off, as is generally done with other seedli(lgs. The onion seedlings are hardy so they can be transplanted any time of the day except during noon time. Regular watering and weeding ore necessary during the first two months of growth. If available, give the young plant a side dressing of ammonium sulphate at the rate of about 200 kilograms per hectare during the first month. Towards maturity when the bulbs are about an inch or more in diameter, irrigation should gradually be withdrawn or sparingly applied. As soon es the tops of the plants topple down, the crop has reached maturity. The plants are then pulled up, wilted for about a day, and then put in the shade for further curing. 1 egg Mix the well beaten egg with milk: add lo sifted dey ingredients; add papaya and mix well. Drop the mixture by tea!tpoonf uls in deep hot fat and fry until golden brown. Roll in sugar. Papaya Salad cup ripe papaya, cut in cubes l tablespoon cut boiled shrimps l /2 tablespoon onion, chopped French dressing parsley fresh lettuce leaves Mix papaya, shrimps and onions. Add the French dressing. Arrange on a bed of lettuce leaves on a salad plate, and garnish with parsley. Chill and serve cold if necessary. Papaya Tidbits 1 cup candied papaya 1/2 cup papaya maraschino, well drained 1/2 cup roasted peanuts (other nuts may 1 /2 cup confectioner's sugar 1I4 teaspoon salt Mix papaya, peanuts and maraschino and pass through a food chopi;:er. Add salt and sugar and mix well. If somewhat dry, add a smell amount of calamansi juice. Roll to a long, cylindrical form and dust with sugar. Let stand about 2 hours. Slice before serving. Papaya-Pili Nut Roll 4 cups ripe papaya pulp, mashed 2 cups sugar cup· pili nuts, roasted and chopped 4 tablespoons glucose 4 tablespoons calamansi juice l~ teaspoon vanilla or any other f111vorin~ Mix papaya pulp, sugar, glucose aiid ca15 lamami juice and cook with continuous stirring until a paste consistency ii reached (223°F). Remove from fire, add flavoring and nuts, and stir well. Pour on a greased pan and roll to about ~~ inch thick. Upon cooling, sprinkle the sugar. Roll as an ordinary roll, using a piece of clean cloth or oiled paper to effect a tight rolling. Cut crosswise to desired thickness. Papaya Pudding 2 cups mature papaya pulp, maslied (boiled to softness) l /2 cup bread crumbs cup flour 1 /4 cup butter 314 cup sugar 1/6 teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon flavoring (use vanilla, grated lime or orange rind) Cream butter and sugar. Add well beaten egg, then flour. Add papaya, salt and bread crum~s, then flavoring. Steam in a buttered pan for 2-112 hours, or until done. Serve with sauce made as follows: SAUCE: 1 cup milk 112 cup ripe papaya pulp, mashed 1/ 3 cup sugar 2 tablespoons flour 1I4 teaspoon vanilla MU: all ingredients except flavoring and boil with continuous stirring, until thick. Add flavoring immediately after removing from fire. Papaya Gulaman 2-112 cups crushed ripe papaya 1/2 cup gulaman (agar) 2!3 cup sugar 112 cup milk cup water I tablespoon cslamansi juice Boil 'ulaman in water; add sugar and I /2 Cooperative (Continued J:on Page 131 would remedy the immediate need and at the same time keep the association from financial embarrassment. It would be a good policy if the amounts assessed for special purposes be refunded to the members as soon as the crisis shaJl have been lived through and the association's finances are once again back to nonnal. These refunds may be credited with interest. 3. Withholding payments.-The idea it involves is this: Instead of playing the fanner·memben when they deliver their products to the association, settlement is paid only after the products are sold and the necessary expenses paid. Therefo·re, no immediate outlay of capital i1 required, but the association virtually operates on a fi. nancial policy similar to that of commission house1. This system of financing may be unpopular because ordinarily the farmer wants to- get or to secure payments immedia.1:ely. But, wh~re the spirit of cooperation is borne in mind, there is no doubt but th"t f'anner· 16 tablespoon calamansi juice. When gulaman is all dissolved, remove from fire and strain well. Add the rest of the ca/amansi juice to the papaya and mix well and drain. Add gulaman and coconut milk. Pour in a mould. Serve when cold. Papaya Okoy 2 cups green papaya, shredded 2 tablespoons onions, sliced cup shrimp extract (made by pounding the heads and tails of shrimps, mixed with water and strained) 3/4 cup corn or cassava starch 1 teaspoon salt tablespoon green onions, cut to small pieces a few small shrimps 1 egg 3 tablespoons coarse salt lard for frying Work the shredded papaya with the coarse salt, wash and press out the water. Mix the onions and set aside. Make a thin batter by mixing the shrimp extract, cornstarch, slightly beaten egg, and salt add the green onions. Place a ta· blespoon of papaya in a saucer and pour over it 1·1/2 tablespoons of batter. Place on top two or more shrimps, and fry in deep hot fat until brown. Serve with a mixture of vinegar, pounded garlic and salt to taste. Papaya Chopsuey 2 cups green papaya, sliced thin and long 1/4 cup pork, cut into small pieces 1/4 cup shrimps, whole 1/4 cup liver, cut in pieces 1I4 cup cabbage, cut in pieces 314 cup broth tablespoon flour tablespoons lard 2-1/2 tablespoons loyo 1/ 4 teaspoon sugar 1 teaspoon kinchay, cut in pieces 2 small onions Chinese sausage, cut crosswise to thin slices Saute the pork, then shrimps, liver and sausage. Season with toyo. Add kinchay and papaya, then the broth. Boil until pa· paya is tender. Add onions, cabbage and sugar. Add a thin paste made with flour and about 4 tablespoons water. Boil until gravy thickens. Remove from fire and serve hot. Papaya Lumpia 3 cups green papaya, shredded in long narrow pieces 1 /2 cup pork, sliced in small pieces 1/4 cup shrimp, sliced 2 segments garlic, shopped fine 12 lumpia wrappers 1/4 cup broth or shrimp extract 1/2 cup sauce 2 tablespoons onion, sliced Saute garlic in 2 tablespoons lard; add onions, pork, and shrimps and continue sauteing until done. Stir in the shrimp extract. Add papaya and cook until papaya is tender. Add sauce and mix well. Wrap in lumpia wrapper, just before serving and serve with sauce, which is prepared as follows: Sauce 1-1/2 cups water 112 cup toyo 12 tablespoons cornstarch 12 tablespoons brown sugar Mix all the ingredients and boil until thick, stirring constantly to prevent scorching. ---oOo--members would see in this system a practi- The question may arise as to whether or cal method of. operating with the least out- not the payment of certain amount in adlay of capital. It cannot be doubted that vance should be guaranteed to the farmerthis system is economical and at the same members. This is a question of poliq• time equitable because the expense thus which may be solved by the farmers them· borne by each grower is apportioned ac· selves. They are best in position to agrel! cording to his direct use of the services of on terms which should be most adaptable the associatiOn. to the conditions of their locality. IC )!888K )l828!<)!ll38!(J!888f<J!888f<)!a8BK l!888K~l!888Kcr l!888K l!888Kl!888K)l881l!< l!888Kl!888K>!lllll< ~l!888K &> i ~ I TRACTORS I ' ; ~ FOR RENT OR FOR SALE ~ ~ PLEASE CALL ON US ~ ' ~ I • ~ ~ ~ ; 127 Dakota, Malate J ~ . ~ Q)!88810!1lW<l!88810!888~0!888!0!888!<:>!888!<l!888K)!888K 5':>!888!<~:>!888!<>l8881<':>!888!<l!888K:>!888!<)!888K0' Cooperative ••• Where an association deals in crops t>f perishable nature, the selling would be quick and, therefore, no questions would arise as to the withholding of payments over long periods. But where the product:< handled could be stored and marketed over comparatively longer periods, the question of &dVllllCe payments may be met with. These, and like situations, are problem for the farmer-members themselves to decide. 4. Reserve funcl.-This fund is an accumulation of sums set aside periodically from profits. The policy of retaining a certain percentage of the earnings is both wise and conservative. Instead of distributing the profits at the end of a period, a portion of same is withheld and kept at the disposal of the association for its use in meeting future contingencies. It is a form of savings account which the association assumulates and places at its disposal to be drawn upon when the need for it comes. As the fund accumulates in time, the capital of the association is thereby enhanced. The reasons for the establishment of a reserve fund are obvious. The name itself indicates the fund to be one not for immediate use. Hence it may not necesaearily be in cash but may be in the f!'"" of assets wbich could be easily made liquid. Its creation is desirable in order that unforeseen losses may be cared for without impairing the capital of the association. Among the advantages of maintaining reserves are that an association ia enabled to confidently meet contingencies, and that it is placed in a solid financial position which makes it better able to secure credit. Its entrenchment is made more secure; its stability is made more pronounced. The policy of creating and maintaining reserves may be found unpopular among . memben because it diminishes the profit available for distributiolL But it must be remembered that cooperative organizations are essentially non-profit and the motive their operation is mutual help among the members. The fint object of a soci•ty should be to make itself financially strong enough to deal with a panic, or an accident, or emergency which may arise at any moment. And for this precise purpose, it has been said that ~ good reserve fund is a pillar of strength. An adequate reserve fund is almost a financial necessity in present-day financing. If a certain per cent of the ea~ing is set aside regularly in a reserve fund, the association could, in time, finance itself with money which otherwise would go to.fa~er­ members in the form of dividends. The producers themselves thus do the financing. It would be a wise policy for cooperative organizations to insert in their by-laws a provision for the creation and maintenance of adequate reserve funds. BORROWED CAPITAL Borrowed money begets interest. Because of this, borTowing outside capital should be resorted to only in cases when other methods of financing would result costlier. Borrowing money ranges from the simple commercial loan type to the more complicated system of floating bonds. The latter is adaptable only to big organizations. Ordinary crop loans.-May be secured from banking institutoins, eit9er private or government owned or controlled, or from other outside organizations engaged in giving loans to farmers. In its efforts to extend effective aid to farmers, the Commonwealth Government created the Farmers Loan Division, an aRenc:y to carry out the important task of rehabilitating the farmers through the grant of loans. The functions of the Farmers Loan Division, which used to be under the Bureau of Labor, hav; been absorbed by the Bureau of· Plant Industry. Loani-. are contemplated to be extended through the agency of cooperative associations. The Agricultural And Industrial Bank and the Philippine National Bank are government controlled banking institutions which extend crop loans. There are also private financing agencies from which borrowing may be done. In some instances an org:anized association may borrow on its own account on the security of its assets or on that of its directors. Danger of overborrowing.-The 1anger to be guarded agaMlst in the system is that of overborrowing. The capacity to pay must be the guiding element and no orgazation should borrow beyond its ability to pay back in the normal course of business. Then, again, no association should hororw more funds than it can reasonably hove any use or need for. To this effect the making or proper estimates is essential. An association may have a borrowing capacity of twice or thrie what it needs for its purpose. The wise policy would be to borrow only what it can use and no more. Reasonable rates constitue on important lnctor in the system ol borrow .. ing. Now that limitations are imposed by by law on usury, it is muc heasier as it is used to be to botian loan• at reasonabl.e charges. An association must so prepare its budget estimates as to ennble to secure always the best re!!1Ults. The extent to which an association 11houtd depend on borrowed capital will have to be determined as a matter of policy by itsell. Unwise borrowing may result in loss of con .. trol by the association over its affairs. The relationship between the association and its creditors may come to a point where the latter are in a position to dictate policies. In such cases the association becomes helpless and ineffective, as long as it remains so indebted. It is to be desired that borrowing should be on such a scale as to preclude the possibility of having the control of the associations interests alienated into the hands of creditors. SUMMARY Financing involves the question of raising money. By whatever method an association secures its funds either for fixing investments or for current expenditures, as the case may be, the fact remains that it must use an adaptable method. The foregoing discussion has shown in brief the different methods resorted to in financing an enterprise. The methods described and suggested are by no means exclusive. They are the common forms utilized by established organizations. It must be known that the use of one method does not preclude the use of the others, and, as conditions may warrant, an association may employ one or more of them. So it may actually happen that, in due time, an association organized as a stock association, with capital raised thru the sale of stock, and all shares thereof fully subscribed and paid for, may meet with the need of additional funds which it may decide to raise by levying assessment on membrs. Or, an association, the original capital of which proceeded from the levy of fixed entrance fees from members may decide to finance projected expansion pro· grams by adopting a syste:m of withholding payments. In short, adoption andlf/or modification of any of the suggested methods to follow would be a question of operation of cooperative associations. READ ---nn,,_ Farming AND Cooperative 17 Weather .. cContinuttl from pafe f) STATION LenRth ~ of RP cord Year• I 4 29 27 19 24 10 16 18 16 10 36 19 16 20 10 36 34 13 35 14 13 AVPrage Monthly Rainfu I m·n 108.3 94.4 114.4 128.5 60.4 55.6 76.1 58.8 59.2 96.8 107.5 118.1 65.0 70.7 124.6 144.1 182.7 68.1 118.0 85.0 46.6 I Average Monthly Rniny Day P750,000 Allotted For Livestock In line with the policy of President Roxas to speed up the rehabilitation of the livestock population of the country which was seriously depleted as a result of the war operations, the Department of Agriculture and Commerce has already placed order worth approximately P750,000 for the importation of breeding animals, according to Undersecreta:ry Jose S. Camus. Due to lack of transportation facilities, however, he says, only 27 pure-bred pigs, 315 chickens and 2 Arab stallions have so far been received. These will be used for the restocking of government breeding staSouth Africa and other countries. These orders are in addition to 100,000 Leghorn and New Hampshire chicks ordered by the President from the United -----------------------------------! _A_v_e_r-eg_e_ States, which have already been delivered AVERAGE MONTHLY RAINFALL AND RAINY DAYS FOR THE MONTH OF JANUARY IN DIFFERENT TYPES Fourth Type:-No very pronounced maximum rain period and no dry season. STATION 1 Monthly and are now being sold to the public. I Rainy Days Lapac Agricultural School, Sulu ................ · . . 6 Gian, Cotabato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Q Jolo, Sulu . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ' 10 Paranglalap, Zamboanga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Latuan, Zamboanga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Upi, Cotabato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Davao City, Mindanao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . o Kidapauan, Cotabato . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Maridagao Rubber Experimental Station, Cotabato . 10 Camp. Mactan, Devao . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19 Impalutau, Bukidnon . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 Siari Valley Estates, Zamboanga . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Pamplona Plantation Company, Oriental Negros . . . . 13 Hacienda Palanas, Oriental Negros . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Tagbilaran. Bohol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 Maasin, Leyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Hawaiian Philiopine Company. Occid~nlal Negros . . 12 North Negros Sugar Company, Occidental Negros . . . 21 Janiuay, Iloilo .................. _. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 Ormoc, Leyte . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 Duenas. Iloilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21 Bitaogan, Jloilo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Durnarao, Capi.z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Dao, Capi.z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 Calbayoe. Samar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20 According to Secretary Camus, utmost efforts have been exerted to secure shipping facilities needed for bringing in the imported livestock within the shortest period of time i:-ossible. President Roxas, it was learned, is particularly desirous to bring in es many work animals as possible from lndo-China at the earliest practicable date to help solve the present food problem which is the primary objective of the current national food production campaign. ---oOo--tenants of Central Luzon have been caused by the delay, if not the failure, of the government to enforce the new tenancy law. HAJcon Rubber Exuerimental Station, Mindoro . . . . JR "Fortunately, we have at the helm of ~~ga, Camarines Sur ........... ·..:.·..:.· ;..· :..:· ·:..:·..:.·..:.· ;..· :..:· ·:..:·..:.·..:.· ....!...-...=.::..--.!..--=-=:..._-'----12 __ Urges Enforcement of 70-30 Share Law Pointing out that no law is easier to enforce than the 70-30 crop-sharing provisions oC Republic Act ·No. 34, Rep. Jose J, Roy (T~.rlac, L) appealed to all government officials to enforce the law in order not to give cause to the tenant population oC the country for doubting the sincere motive of the administration in its desire to ameUOrate or· improve the lot of the tenants. 18 The Tarlac congre11man issued the appeal last night in a speech over station KZPI in conection with the daily peace and order program of the department of the interior. "It now becomes the serious task of the government," Congressman Roy said, "to enforce the new tenancy law eCCectively. Discontents bordering on unrest among the our government able and patriotic men. The recent act of Secretary Ozaeta in. revoking an order of the department of justice in the enforcement of the tenancy law with- o view to meeting the requirement of swift enforcement of the law clearly attests to the high caliber and integrity of Secretary Ozaeta whose responsiveness to the demands of the effective enforcement of the new tenancy law is a· sure guarantee for its swift and expeditious enforcement." ---oOo1N LIGHTER VEIN (Reprints fri>m Reader's Dige-st) Whistle Stops A YOUNG .matron was enjoying the attentions of her dinner partner, a hand .. some Westerner. ''But how old do you think I am?" she asked. .. Shucks/' he replied, 0 1 don't know,, but if I saw you on the street, I'd whistle fint and estimate afterward..•• A VIVACIOUS brunette of about 40 was standing on the boardwalk at Virginia Beach when she heard an admiring whistle from a very young sailor. He ambled up purposefully ,..;th his cap pushed jauntily over one eye. "Son," she reproved him gently, amused and flattered, "don't you flirt with me! rm a grandmother." ueut, grandmother' n replied the undismayed sailor, "what big eyes you have!" .I AV TOKYO, Jon. 6 (INS)-Filipinos who blame food lack upon antiquated forming methods and whose government is sponsoring the mechanization of fa1ms as a way out of agricultural difficulties, will be interested to know that almost six million people have an old fashioned woy or doing things that is more productive thar. anything the machine age can boast about. But that is a fact in Japan. Japanese farmers cannot use tractors or other machinery on their farms and get as good a crop yield as they do now, with methods that look antiquated to an American. Wolf I. Ladejinsky, department of agriculture economist loaned to Gen. Douglas MacArthur to work on Japan's agricultural problems, said without reservation: "It would be a step backwards rather than forwards •if Japanese agricultul'c was mechanized. "The Japanese farmer literally has learned to grow two blades of grass where one grew before." He quoted figures. " has the highest crop yields of. rice and wheat of any major rice or wheat growing nation in the world," he said. ''The Japanese raises almost twice as much rice from an acre of paddy land as · the farmer in any of the other rice growing nations of Asia. "Furthermore, the Japanese rice farmer grows 65 bushels of rice on the same acreage from which an American gets 40 bushels. "In the wheat fieidS, the Japanese gets 28 to 30 bushels per acre while the Ame~ If WE treat people too long with that -------------·Continued nn Page 20 J'retended liking called pol_iteness, we shall OUR PLEDGE find it hard not to like them in the end. With the beginning of the New Year 1947, we want to reiterate once The Milkman Cometh more our pledge to the cause of better farming in our country. The PhiA Mil.MAN'S life is never dull, and lippine Farmers Association Incorporated has for its purposes the followVancouver milkmen have learned not to be ing: surprised at any sort of request. Here are copies of notes actually left by customers: Dear Milkman: When you leave my milk, knock on my bedroom window and wake me. I want you to give me a hand to tum the mattress. P. S. Hope you don't mind. Dear Milkman: My back door is open. Please put milk in refrigerator, get money out· of cup in drawer and leave change on kitchen table in pennies because we want to play bingo tonight. Dear Milkman: When you leave the milk please put coal on the furnace, let the dog ou~ and put the newspapers inside the screen dOOr. P. S. Don't leave any milk. DON'T marry for money; you can bor~ row it cheaper-. THE SECRET of life is not to do what you l<ke, but to like what you do. lF SOMEONE betrays you once, it's his fault. If he betrays you twice, it's your fault. THERE IS a Hindu proverb which says, wYou will only grow when you are alone." HE WHO marries might be sorry. He who does not will be sorry. As long as .a woman can look ten years younger than -her daughter she is per! ectly satisfied. WITH OUR GOVERNMENT We take pleasure in annt;>uncing to our farmers, farm hands and farm employees, o_I an vital opportunity to be useful in the mechanization of farming. The AMEC has opened up 11 school for tractor operators. We· wish our friends in the fields will take .note of this important step of the government. (Editors). l. To foster a close relationship among farmers; 2. To organize efforts for the stabilization of agricultural production; 3. To promote improvements of rural life; 4. To encourage improvements in the effeciency of farm management, and 5. To cooperate with the government for the speedy rehabilitation of the Philippine economy. To carry out the above objectives, the Corporation shall undertake the following principal activies: l. Maintain an information service among members on matters relating to farm management, marketing of farm products, agricultural credit, rural improvements, farmers cooperatives, and soil conservation; 2. To ooerate, an agency for members, for procurement of commodities, sales of farm products, and placement of services; 3. Finance ag6cultural operation and farmers cooperatives; 4. Operate and administer farms; 5. Establish processing plants for farm products: 6. Publish a monthly agricultural journal; (Farming and Cooperatives) 7. To do all such other things as are incidental and conducive to the attainment of the above objects or any of them, or which may be conviniently carried on and done in conPPction therewithr, or which maybe calculated directly or ihdirectly to enhanre the value of or render profitable any business or property of the corporation, always provided, that nothing shall be done in concorporation, always provided, that nothing shall be done in connection with the above objects which is prohibited by any laws of the Philippine Islands, now or hereafter existing. We have kept faith with our pledge in the past althought in a small way, but nevertheless in harmony with past circumstances. We are looking to the future with .high hopes, to a more active, more vigorous achievement in this year 1947. Happy and Successful New Year to All. 19 Gavt. Starch 5-Year Machine Farm Plan Company. ADS. For JANUARY Vol. II - No. l -oOoPaee The production of rice by large-oc:ale mechanization farming, the fint project of ita lrind ever to be undertaken in the Philippines, will begin this week when tracton will begin to plow about 2,000 hectares of virgin land on the Sabani Estate in Nueva Ecija. This first project of the government's ambitious five-year rice production program, which has been outlined by a commission headed by Felipe Buencamino, Jr., will be undertaken by the Rice and Corn Administration, a new aubsidiary of the National Development Company, which was created only a few days ago. Buenaventura G. Lopez, member or the Rice and Com Production Commission, has been named head of the RCA. 1. Daisy Beauty Salon _ -- 13 Orilens to c:any out the initial project of the government's farming by machinery, which is expected to blaze the trail for mechanized farming in this country, have been issued by Miguel Cuademo, secretary of finance, in his capacity as chairman of the board of the National Development ---oOo--Jap Farms .... Ladejinsky said the Japanese farmer, forever fighting a scarcity of land. had to learn to get more intensive yields. 2. Simeon 0. Suan & Sons _ 13 3. Sarabia Optical _. _ - - - 11 4. De Lux Fashion _. _ - _. 13 5. P. M. Cadsawan ------ 13 15. Material Distributor ••• _ 6 7. Dr. Snmson --------- 14 8. Dr. Carpio __________ 12 9. Dr. Espinosa ________ 14 I 0 ... ranetu lnterprises. __ B.C. 11. Tractor Sale _ _ _ • _ _ _ 16 12. Ferry Mor.e Seed Co. __ 10 Ql!881l!01188KQ)l888!01888!()!88810!888!0!88810!888!0!8881<)1888f<)18881<)!88810!888!0!88810!8881<ll88810l888!<)1888f<)l888f<)l888f<)l881lf( I0>!888!<)lll88!<i0 . ~ I ~tteniton I I BOOK ~ I I I Bound copies of Farming and Coope- ~ i ! 1 rative Vol. I · No. 1-12 Now available J I for sale. I I Pl0.00 Book bound per set. I i For Libraries, for references, etc·. ~ ! Order your copy now. ~ i ~ I ! Philippine Farmers Association I ~ 1055 Ali>gui, Manila, • !>l888K)l881lf(~ )1888f<)l881lf()18881<)!8881<)1888f<)j8Dl()18881()18881<)18881<:>!888I0!888Kll)ll88K:>!888Kll888!<l18881<l!888K:>!888!0!888!©:>!888!0!888!© Essay Contest Among Rural AND Agricultural High School Students TOPIC: GIVE: ESSAY: I. "How 'Fanning and Coop~ratives' Can Best Serve my Community." 2. "How Can Better Fanning Methods and 'Farming and Cooperatives'· Journal Improve My Community" 3. MWhat Better Fanning Methods and Cooperative Associations May Improve My Community." 4. "Why Do We Need Better Farming Methods and .Cooperative Associations in My Community. I. Address of High School. 2. Name and Address of Students. 3. Name and Address of Principal. 1. The write-up should not exceed 300 words. 2. The write-up should give constructive suggestions limited to your community only. 3. Criticism on your Community Welfare and suggestions to improve it, should not include the political aspect. 4. Criticism on the journal and suggestions on how it may be improved to best serve the welfare needs of your community must take into account cost of making the journal. CONTESTANTS: I. Only third and fourth year high school students may compete in this contest. DECISION PRIZES: will be: 1. The final judge for every High School of selected essays will be the principal of said High School. 2. Every month the . Principal will choose from essays submitted by his students, the five best essays of his High School for that month. 3. The decision of the Principal shall be final and irrevocable. 4. The Principal may submit these five essays (not more) each month from his school. 5. These essays are then sent to the Managing Editor of "Farming and Cooperatives" at 1055 Arleglli, Manila, to be published in tht. succeeding issues of the journal. Every month, there will be several winners from different High Schools which will be published. A published essay is a winner and will receive one year free subs:ription to the journal. 6. Among these published essays will be selected, by 2 judges and the Editors of "Farming and Cooperative," the best, second best, and third best essays for the year, which will be entitled to prizes stated below. 1. To the three winners among all High Schools at the end of the year prizes First Prize .......................... Pl00.00 Second Prize . . . • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50.00 Third Prize . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25.00 2. Plus one, year free subscription to the magazine. 3. These three winners, if any is graduating from the High School, will be offered free scholarships to the Araneta Institute of Agriculture, if he chooses to continue studies there. BEGIN NOW!!! Ir 8 itac\ots 0 i\\tllS\\lltS tot\\ s\\11\11ts • • tom\\\\\es met '6\\\s e \\a\\\ • S~teadets'f..ots • tot\\ _ \\n\\S 0 \'O'flllt tu\\\'4a\ots • e \\attO'flS • \'\O'flS 0 \'\an\ets EXCLUSIVE REP RES E N"T AT IVE I JV THE PH IL IP PINES - GREGORIO ARANET R INTERPRISES INC. CALLE CHICA FACJl\G ":CHAGUE STnEET