Republic Acts


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Republic Acts
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REPUBLIC ACTS <REPUBLIC ACT NO. 8,l7) / AN ACT 1-'HANSl"ERHlN_G THE MEDICAL AND ~TAL SERVICE8 TO THE DEPAHTl\IENT OF EDUCATION. /Jl it cm1rtc<l by the Senn.I" 1mcl Hou1Jr of RepYesentatives of the Philippines in Congress a~sem/Ji<d: · - · SECTION L 'fhc Medical and Dental Services i11 the Public Schools which iS now fUnctioning as a division of the Bureau of Health, since January first, nineteen hundred aud fifty-one, is herebv transferred or i·eturned back to the Department of Education a~ a division of that Department where it originally belonged from uineteen hundred and forty-six to nineteen hundred and fifty: P-ro. 'l.·iclecl, That th>? supervision of hygiene and sanitation shall be exercised by t.he Department of Health. Sec. 2. All laws, acts, exccuti\'e orders, or p:nts thereof inconsiitent with JWO\'isiou of this uct are hereby repented. Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Enaett>rl on May 2~;, 1%3, withcut the Executive e.pproval. <REPUBLIC ACT NO. 837) AN ACT REORGANIZING THE GENERAL AUDITING OFFICE Be it. emwicd by the Se1w!e oml House of Rp1·c11e11tntive!I of the Pl1ilippiueR hi Co11grfss Mscnibfecl: Section 1. The Auditor General is hereby authorized to reorganize with the npproval of the President of the Phili1 >pines, the General Auditing Office within six nionths from the dnte of approval of this Act. Sec. 2. The reorganization he1·ein 3.uthorized shall be done within the limits of the· appropriation of the General Auditing Office as pt'O\'ided in the General Appropriation Act in force at the time of such reorganization. The Auditor General, is howeve1", a-utho1·ized b use sn\'ings from said appropriation to cafry oul the provisions this Act: Provided, Tha.t the Deputy Auditor General shall receive an annual salary not exceeding twelve thouFand pesos and each head of department and his assistant, not C!'Ceeding seven thousand two hundred 1>esos and six thousand pesos, l:iJ!:!pecth"ely. Sec. 3. Effectivf' u11on the ~ppl'Oval of this Act, lhe safades of provincial and city Auditors shall be paid in the same manner as they are paid now from provincia l and cily funds, as the case may be, at rates not less than those fixed by la.w for provinrial and city t reasur(>rs in the respective places where they a1·e appointed. Sec. 4. The reorg~nization to be made by the Auditor General pursuant to the provision3 of this Act shall be reported, thrt>ugh the Pr(;sident of the Philippines, ~o the Congress not later than thirty days from the de.te it becomes effective and shall be valid and subsi:;tin!r until Congress shall provide otherwise in its next J'(;gular session in connection with the annual appropriation law. Sec. 5. All law!- or perts of laws which are or may be in conflict with any <ii. the JH'ovisions of this Act are hereby repealed. · Sec. ·G. Tl1is Act shall take f'ffect upon its approval Approved, Marcl1 20, 1953. <REPUBLIC AC1' NO. 945> AN ACT TO AMEND SECTION ONE THOUSAND SIX HUNDRED AND FIFTY-NINE OF THE REVISED V ADMINISTRATIVE CODE, AS AMENDED. Be it er.rtctcd by the Senate and Howie of Rpre.9entatwe11 of the PhiliPpines in Congress assembled: Section l. Section one thousand six hundred and fifty-nine Of the Revised Administrntive Code, as amended, is hereby furth(>r amended to read as fellows: · "Sec. 1659. Chief Officials of Office of the Solicitor Gener'l/. .._The Office of the· iiolicitor General shall have one chief to be knowll as the Solicitor General whose salary shall be twelve thouSand pesos pe1· annum. and shall have the ra.nk of an Undersecretary of a Department. He shall Ix:: assisted by one First Assistant Solicitor General whose salary shall be ten thousand pesos pe1· annum. When the Solicitor Gcnersl is unablf! perform his duties 01· in cas~ of a vacancy in the office, the First Assistant Solicitor General shall temporarily perform the functions of said officer, or, in his absence, the next Assistant Solicitor General who is senior in the service. There shall also be four Assistant Solicitore General each of whom shall 1·eceive a salary of seven thousand eight hundred pesos pei- ammm, and twentf-four Solicitors whose salaries shall bo as follows: ··«,> Foul· Solicitors, six thonsand six lnrndred pesos per an. 1.11,n each; "(b) Four Solicitors, six thousand pesos per mni1rni ~ach; "(c) Five Solicitors: five thousaml four hundred pesos per a111111m each; ''(d) Five Solicitol's, five thot1sand one lnindred pesos per 1 in. num each; "(e) Six Solicitors, four thousand eight hundred pesos per aimmn each. "The qualifications for appointment to the posistion of Solicitor General, the First Assistant Solicitor Genera.I and the four Assis.. tant Solicitors General shall be the same as those prescribed for Judges of Courts of First Instance and those of Solicitors shall be t.he same as those prescribed for provincial fisca~' Sec. 2. To carry out the put•poses of this Act and in addition to such sum n.s may have been provided for under current appropriation there is hereby appropriated out of any funds in the National 'freasu!'y 119t otherwise appropriated the amount of twenty-two thousand nine hunch·ed pesos for the fiscal year nintecn hunclreit nnd fifty-four. Sec. 3. This Act shall take effect on July first, nineteen hundred and fifty-three. Approved, J une 20, 1953. / <REPUBLIC ACT NO. 912> AN ACT TO REQUIRE THE USE, UNDER CERTAIN CONDITIONS, OF PflILIPPINE MADE MATERIALS OR PRODUCTS IN GOVERNMENT PROJECTS OR PUBLIC WORKS CONSTRUCTION, WHETHER DONE DIRECTLY BY TH E GOVERNMENT OR AWARDED THRU CONTRACTS. B.· it e1wcted by the Se11ate and House of Rep1·esen~otive1t of 1/11' Philippine.<1 in Cot1gre1t8 m~sembled: SECTION 1. Jn construction or repair work undel·taken by the Government, whether done directly or thru contract awa1·ds, Philippine made materials and products, whenever available, pra::ticablc and usable, and will serve the purpose as equally well as foreign mad(> products 01· materials, shall be used in said construction or repair work, upon the proper certification of the availability, practicability, usability and dmability of said materials or products by the Director of the Bureau of Public Works and/ or his assistants. SEC. 2. For lhc purpose of carrying into effect the purposes of this Act, the Director of Public Works shall prepare <'r cause to be prepared, from time to time, a list of building and coustrnctfon materials and products made in ihc Philippines that are available, d1:1rab:e, usable a11d practicable for construction and building purposes. Sr.c. 3 . No contract may be awarded under the provisions of ll:is Act unless the contractor agrees to comply with the i·equirements of this Act, and a conll'act already nwa}'(le<l may be rescinded fo1· unjustified failure to so comply. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the Director of Public Works and/or hin assistants, including the district engineNs, to see to it that the requirements of this Act are faithfully complied with by the persons ccncerned, and failure on their part to do so shall subject them to rlif'-missal from the govemment ser\'ice or other clisci1..linary action. SEC. 5. The DirectOl· of Public Works, s~bject to the approval of the Secretary of Public Works and Communications, is hereby empowered to promulgate such rules and i·egu}ations as may be neC(>ssary to cany into effect the pur1>0scs of this Act. SEC. G. This Act shall take effect upon its approval. Approved, J une 20, 1953. JOO :l'.llF: LAWYF.RS Jour:.:-IAL Mnl'ch 31, 1954.
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