Election guide to Servicemer


Part of Philippine Armed Forces Journal

Election guide to Servicemer
Philippine Armed Forces Journal Volume 6 (No. 6) November 1953
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
e~~ \~ \_, 5£RUIC£ID~ . The Armed Forces of the Philippines has once again been called upon by the Commission on Elections to help maintai11 a free, dean and peaceful election this year. AFP personnel should therefore be aware of their duties and fully acquainted with the manner in which they are expected to comport themselves during this month's national election. Following are some pointers to guide AFP personnel: DO's DON'Ts 1: Vote right and wisely, Shed away L Don't traffic with your right of suiall personal prejudices. Suffrage . frage. Think of our heroes who is a God-given right which should willing/if gave up their lives so fiOU be exercised in terms of the nation- can ezercise that right. a/ welfare. 2. ~~:·t c::it~f:tio~ !Z;ct~sa;o!o~~::~ 2. Respect the other citizen's right as you would others respect tfOUr right to vote and see to it that nobody tramples upon or defeats that inalienable right. 3. Stay away from political discussio:-~ ' or rallie8. However, furnish yourself with sufficient information to guide you in the e:tercise of suffrage. -4. Act be11ond suspicion. Perform 110ur duty as a seruicema.n with upright strictness, without fear or favor. The Armed Forces of tht Philippines can neithtr alford to lose its hardearned prestige nor fail to measure up with the. continued faith and confidence reposed on it by the Filipino people. 11. Do your level best to help V!{Ike the election orderly, peaceful, and a true expression of the popular will. The all-important issue for the AFP in the coming elections is whether it can continue to be a zealous guardian of our 110ung Republic. The eyes of the world are on us and democracy is at stake this coming electWn. Crooked elections favpr Communism. 18 to uphold J-rohibits lft'U from doing 3. Don't give to or aceept contributions for any political moument. Doing so is unsoldierl11 and may spell your dishonorable discharge /ron the Army. 4. Don't take, offer o-r furnish into:t:fcating liquor, or attend races, cockfights, or other similar shows from 8-10 November 1953. Keep away /rom the polli:;g places and within a radius of 100 meters thereof when carrying firearms and ot.her deadly weapons during tl.e election. You are allowed to enter the said radius of 100 meters of the polling places only: n) ln case.s of disorder, tumult or affray; ~ (2) When requested in writing by the Board of l1t8pectors to preserve order; and (3) When you have been appointed as deputy by the Commission on Elections, and specifically authorized to carry firearms within the area in the appointment papers. 5. Don't be carried away by revolutionary talks of agitators and defeated candidates after the election. High passions may result in trouble which favors Communism.