Us [poetry]


Part of The Carolinian

Us [poetry]
Boyles, Lucilo, Jr.
Philippine poetry.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
US Verse 1: We do not question man's difference nor do we try to ponder the metaphysics of things Their strangeness is enough. We care for nothing but the grease of youth that has spared us chance to know each other That youth seeds perfection in the fields of our brains; taking care of the rusts of the soiled years unmoved by the webs of our thoughts, creating a biosphere, meagering with innocence, crowded only by our shadows and the sighs of our longings. Verse 2: Yet, perfection departs when reality comes and with it, goes the segmented moments of a wish — of a youth's dream, that leaks .,. dry leaving only ashes to palpitate patterns of a wrinkled conception. Verse 3: We cannot have understood each other at all for it's only distance that links us and our hopes exist solely in the dimensions of time without knowing that time will fade like a song. Now and then, we can have asked ourselves: Are we points at random abridged by hypocrisy ? Or are we parallel lines enveloped by pride ? A Rebel's Prophesy Will come the hour when the bullets that shred the flesh of our nescient proletariat, will be ours too. But with voices in unison, with arms in vertical. We will drown the echoes of their guns with the pool of our blood ! and red will be the only uniform. There will be swapping of deaths .. . rewounding of scars ... redigging of graves wherein no names need be printed nor crosses staked. Youth will be called ... Heroes will be bought... as our clustered corpuscles will embed the banks of our archipelago, multiplying each cell... to yield grains for our coming kins for they shall be our powder to retrigger our cause "To seek what is freedom and to bury what is not" To carry our hopes in times when our fractured skulls are in depths below, quenched with these moistened thoughts. - Lucilo Boyles Jr. EE 4 SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1970 Page 17