To the youth [poetry]


Part of The Carolinian

To the youth [poetry]
Briones, Felito
Philippine poetry.
In Copyright - Educational Use Permitted
the bridge when a child talks .... he talks of things unseen strange, imagined. when an old man speaks .... he speaks of deeds of life with wisdom with experience, then youth comes in .... alive and grasping he talks and speaks of things many things strange yet wise. the child adores him and listens to him the old man wonders and ponders where in the world did he learn these things ? - daylin echavez loneliness I have seen the face of loneli­ ness in the night dark at 3:00 a.m. Wednesday, cold sheets that wrap this body numbed by spacio-temporal pains. Beneath the grass crawl with red ants, mounting mounds smoldering in cold fires of dawnlight filtrate through my skin, — imprints of stories of a thousand and one dreams. mow, night shatters into pieces beyond form, at my feet. - Angela G. Kho to the youth when my eyes were once closed: i saw you mum, secretive and free ! i surveyed the world and lucky me, you I cherished, the vacuum's mossed ! now my eyes are open: i can no longer see the moss it has been cleansed by your eager hands, you spread the moss: it reproduces, it grows into big trees........... it has to be curtailed...........! — Felito Briones SEPTEMBER-OCTOBER 1970 Page 39