What kind of a Theologian are you? [quiz]


Part of The Cross

What kind of a Theologian are you? [quiz]
Questions and answers.
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What Kind of a Theologian Are You? Give yourself 10 points for each of the questions which you ans­ wer correctly. If you score 95-100, give yourself an SCL (summa cum laude) ;90-95, an MCL (magna cum laude) ; 85-90, a CL (cum laude) ; 80-85, a BP (bene probatus) ; 70-80, a P (probatus) ; 0-70 NP (non probatus or flopperoo). Dogma Quiz on Creation . 1. Is it of divine and Catholic faith that the world and all things which are contained in it, both spiritual and material have been in their whole substance produced by God out of nothing. 2. The world was created (a) by the Father alone; (b) only by God the Father and God the Son; (c) by God the Father, God the Son, the Holy Ghost. 3. God created the world (a) to increase His happiness; (b) to ac­ quire perfection; (c) to manifest His perfections. 4. Is it heretical to maintain that the world was not created (a) freely; (b) out of goodness; (c) in time; (d) for the glory of God. 5. Catholics must hold that the first chapter of Genesis gives a com­ plete and scientific account of the exact order in which things were produced by God. 6. Is it certain that all existing men are descended from Adam and Eve? 7. The Bible 6ays that (a) the earth is not more than 50,000 yeairs old; (b) man is less than 5,000 years old; (c) man is not more than 25,000 years old. 8. Is it absolutely certain that (2) the souls of Adam and Eve were immediately created by God; (b) the body of Eve was formed by God from Adam; (c) the body of Adam did not arise by way of evolution from the animal kingdom? 9. Is it most probable, however, in the light of all present evidence, that the body of Adam did not originate by way of evolution? 10. May a Catholic maintain that if the proof were forthcoming to­ morrow that the body of the first man was evolved from the lower animals, it would not be found to contradict any solemn, ordinary, or official teaching of the Church? (Answers on page 36) 35 36 THE CROSS MORAL QUIZ ANSWERS 1. No. Books that are proximate occasions of sin are also forbidden by the natural law. 2. This refers to books not necessarily prohibited by an explicit law of the Church, but nonetheless forbidden because by their very nature they endanger one’s spiritual health. 3. Church law does not deal with such things as letter in treating for forbidden literature, but if the letter would be a proximate danger to Tomas* Faith he would be forbidden by the natural law from reading it. 4. It is forbidden only if it is a proximate occasion of sin for the older sister. 5. No. Books forbidden by positive Church law bind all Catholics'Cven though in an individual case the book would not be dangerous. 6. No. Books against morals are forbidden by positive Church law which is binding on all Catholics. 7. Not necessarily. Only if the movie itself is forbidden by the natural law or some other positive law of the diocese. 8. Not always a mortal sin, but always at least venial. Because ac­ cording to the nature of the books, one may read a greater or less portion without sinning seriously. 9. No, since the literature books usually contain selections from these authors which are not harmful. 10. It means that the book has the stamp of ecclesiastical approval. The word is latin for “it may be printed.” Adapted from The Queen’s Work DOGMA QUIZ ANSWERS 1. Yes. 2. a—No. b—No. c—Yes. 3. a—No. b—No. c—Yes. 4. a—Yes b—Yes. c—Yes. d—Yes. 5. No. 6. Yes. 7. a—No. b—No. c—No. 8. a—Yes. b—Yes. c—No. 9. Yes. 10. Yes. Adapted from The Queen’s Work