

Part of The Cross

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editorials Letter from the Publisher With the authority of Rev. George J. Willmann, S.J., KC Territorial De­ puty, I wish to announce that beginning with this issue of July, 1958, THE CROSS Magazine becomes the official mouthpiece or organ of the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines. I myself have been a Knight of Columbus for about 40 years and was highly honored and happy to agree when the Knights of Columbus suggested the use of THE CROSS as their official organ. It is my hope and prayer that our little magazine will thus be able to increase its field of use­ fulness for God and Country. Assisting me in formulating editorial policies in general and on particular issues will be an editorial advisory board headed by Dr. Ramon F. Campos, Mas­ ter of the Fourth Degree. Knights of Columbus. Its members will be Mr. Ale­ jandro Tanabe. District Deputy of the Manila KC District No. 14 and Grand Knight of Malabon Council No. 3951, Mr. Justo N. Lopez, District Deputy of District No. 15, and Mr. Melquiades Virata. Jr., a veteran member of the Fourth Degree exemplification team. For many years, these members have been my cherished colleagues in va­ rious endeavors, and I am confident that they will be of great service in helping THE CROSS to achieve its objectives. JOSE GALAN y BLANCO Editor-Publisher-Owner Wholeheartedly we welcome President Garcia back to the Philippines, after his important mission te the United States, and congratulate him upon the felicitous results of his visit. It seems certain that he was, as he should have been, a«worthy representa­ tive of our people. He did much to cement our good relations with the United States. In these days of acute international friction, it is extremely important that our young republic maintain its friendship with all the countries professing democratic ideals. In the occidental world, no nations are bound to us by closer ties than our former rpothe£ <&iffitries, Spain and the United States. From the latter President Garcia has just received the warmest of welcome and, iiVtum, has worthily exhibited the affection and esteem of our. national soul. Especially for the readers of THE CROSS, who know little or nothing about the Knights of Columbus, it seems well to pen a few paragaphs about -this organization, news of which until further notice, will fill many pages of our magazine. The Knights of Columbus are a fraternal organization of Catholic men dedicated to participation in religious, patriotic, charitable ar.d fraternal activities. Founded in 1882, this organi­ zation is a good example of how good men have made a noble drcam come true. At the time of founding 76 years ago, the Catholic men »f the United States were beset by many difficulties. Catholics were still only a small minority of the American population and MABUHAY, PRESIDENT GARCIA! WHO ARE THE KNIGHTS X)F COLUMBUS? July, 1958 Editorials: THE KNIGHTS OF COLUMBUS IN THE PHILIPPINES often found it hard to provide a living for themselves and their families. In addition, there were some bitterly bigoted anti­ Catholic organizations. Resembling in virulence the more recent Klu Iilux Klan, they scoffed at and persecuted the Catholic minor­ ity, even accused them of being inferior Americans. And so a young priest, Father Michael J. Mcgivney, and a handful of Catholic laymen dreamed their dream. They envi­ sioned a group of Catholic men, who, united together, would pro­ tect Catholic interests, prove their impugned patriotism to a doubting^ public and group their strength to help their families in any needs that might arise. Their dream, their vision has come true. The organization founded by this single priest and handful of laymen built its foundations carefully and well. The organization now numbers over a million members in all the countries of North America, in Bahama, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines. It has been invited also to extend branches into other continents and other countries. But it has refused this expansion for fear of becom­ ing so widely extended that good administration would be im­ possible. (It it is asked why outside of North America, the Knights of Columbus has extended into Panama, Puerto Rico, Cuba and the Philippines, the answer is that these countries have all been so closely associated with the United states of America that con­ tinued good relationship with an American organization could be hopefully expected.) First established in Manila in 1905, the Knights of Columbus in the Philippines remained a comparatively small organization until 1948. In that year additional councils began to form. Since then, the growth has been fairly rapid, so much so that the organization now numbers about 11,000 members scattered in almost every province of our beloved archipelago. There are about 140 basic units called councils, numbering from 20 to 200 members each. These, in turn, are supervised by 34 District Deputies with the overall administration headed by the Territorial Deputy and the Master of the Fourth Degree. Many further details about this organization obviously will appear in the present and future pages of THE CROSS, which is now becoming the national organ and mouthpiece of the Knights of Columbus. For those interested, please turn to the articles, “What Makes a KC Council Tick?” on page 1'3 of this issue and “The Rural Arm of the Knights of Columbus” on page 11. JUVENILE DELINQUENCY To all our readers and specially to Knights of Columbus who in so many places have been outstanding in youth work, we re­ commend careful perusal of the article, “Juvenile Delinquency and You” on page 6 by Atty. Feliciano Jover Ledesma, the dis­ tinguished dean of the San Beda College of Law. This article is a copy of Dean Ledesma’s recent speech to the Rotary Club of Manila. Although we may disagree with, one or two very minor points in his presentation, nevertheless we heartily recommend it in general to all who are interested in the problems, which are beseting our youth —the fair hope of the THE CROSS